Chapter 22: Camping Gone Wrong Pt 2. Blame and Grief

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Sean's parents' names are Anthony and Sarah. Luke's parents' names are Shane and Laura.

When you're stuck in the middle of nowhere, and you're told that your friends fell over the waterfall was not how Milly or Elliot wanted to wake up that morning.

Elliot looked very distressed.

When his parents informed him of the tragedy, he ran back to his tent before Zoey could comfort him. Milly knew it was her turn to return the favor.

So, that's how Milly ended up cuddling with Elliot, her best friend.

Milly hated that term, but now was not the right time to worry about their friendship.

Elliot was sobbing, and it hurt to see him like this. Rarely anything ever got under the boy's skin.

Milly spoke hush words to him as he did for her the night before.

She knew not much could help him, but being there did.

Elliot sobbed and sobbed. Milly laid there with him, giving little kisses on his forehead, and the two didn't even question it. It felt right.


All the parents were gathered in the cabin while the teens and children kept themselves busy or were grieving.

Sean's father, Anthony, spoke up.

"I think it's best we keep minor information away from the kids," He said, and Ron looked up.

"These are their friends, Michael's daughter, Jacob, and Ellie's son. Those kids deserve to know!" Ron exclaimed. Samantha put her hand on his shoulder.

"Dear, I'm going to have to agree with Anthony on this one," Samantha said, "He makes a valid point. Small bits of information aren't too relevant to the kids. What we can tell them is if they are alive or not. Not about an article of clothing being found somewhere."

"Sorry," Ron said, "I overreacted. I see your point; keeping small information like clothing and items would be best to keep from the kids."

Shannon looked down, "It feels wrong to keep things away from Zander," She said. Everyone here knew that Zander probably had the most trust issues out of all the kids. (Wrong! You forgot someone~)

The parents sat in silence for a bit until one spoke.

"Zander had Luke. The two are together. They're two peas in a pod," Shane said, continuing, "I'm sure Luke can help with Zander grieving and how the search would go,"

"Are you sure, Shane?" Laura asked, "Luke needs to grieve too."

"They're all grieving," Sarah said, "Just in their own way."

No one noticed how quiet Michael, Jacob, and Ellie were. They didn't need to notice to know that they were grieving at the possible, and most likely, loss of their eldest child.

It would be hard to believe that a trip for friends to get together turned into a terrible accident.


All the kids, minus Milo and Bethany, got into one tent. A few had tears streaming down their faces. No one would blame them. Jake and Hailey are most likely dead, and they meant a lot to them all.

They all entered Milly and Elliot's tent.

Milly sat in Elliot's lap as he hid his face in her neck, sort of to her collarbone. Everyone knew he was upset, just a bit surprised Milly wasn't, or she was just that good at hiding it.

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