Chapter 26: Camping Gone Wrong Pt 6. Safe and Sound

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Officer Nick was in the makeshift tent that his colleagues made. They officially had found where Jake Sterling and Hailey Austin were.

The families were ecstatic. Happy to finally bring them home.

It was a warm sunny day. The ground glistened from the previous night's rain. EMTs and Firefighters were awaited on the scene. (I'm On ThE ScEnE AnD I'm InSiDe YoUr BeD-)

The helicopter had a stretcher flying down.


Hailey was resting in Jake's lap, wearing his jacket as well when they heard the sounds of a helicopter and a man. Jake picked Hailey up, and they both walked out.

The man was telling them to come to the stretcher, asking which one would like to go up first; It would be Hailey.

Hailey was nervous, to say the least. Hailey was alright with heights, just not a big fan of them. If she had to do something that made her go high up. She'll do it, but if she doesn't need to, she won't.

Hailey soon felt the cold flooring of a helicopter and the noise.

The people got her off the stretcher and sent it down to get Jake.

When he arrived on the helicopter, he sat and hugged Hailey. Hailey rested her head on Jake's shoulder. Moving too much caused her arm and leg to start burning in pain.

"You two are going to be okay!" A rescuer said, "We've got ambulances down there to take you to the hospital!" Jake nodded for the both of them.

Hailey rested against Jake, and Jake intertwined their hands, giving her a warm smile. Hailey smiled weakly back, tired and hurting.


Zoey was pacing, and Elliot sat with Milly, who was still angry with Zander.

Zoey witnessed Zander trying to apologize surprisingly, but Milly turned him down, clearly still angry.

Elliot had his hand intertwined with Milly's when the helicopter came down. Jake stepped out, carrying Hailey, despite the look of disapproval from the rescuers.

"Jake!" Zoey shouted, and she wanted to run to him but couldn't as he sped walk to her.

"Hey, Zo," Jake said, tears seeping from his eyes. Everyone around could tell he wanted to hug everyone but had other plans, "Zo, I promise we'll all talk soon, but we need to get Hailey to a hospital. Where's the nearest ambulance?" 

Zoey internally frowned. She understood that Hailey was injured and needed help. Fast. She knew she needed help, but something felt off about the tone Jake used. A caring one?

Things were changing so quickly Zoey didn't know what to expect at this point.

Jake walked away without a second thought, and it hurt Zoey more than he realized.


Jake got into the ambulance without a second thought, laying Hailey down. Hailey looked at him.

"How's everyone?" Hailey asked, "Are they okay?"

"Not sure, didn't get the chance to ask since I needed to get you over here," Jake explained, "But they'll be meeting us at the hospital, but they said they were going to make sure they had everything before leaving."

Hailey nodded and closed her eyes, and EMT came in, "Ma'am, I'm going to need you to stay awake for me." They said, and Hailey opened her eyes. Her beautiful charcoal eyes.

Hailey started at Jake while the EMT assessed her arm and leg, moving them a little while Hailey winced. Jake held her hand.

Jake didn't notice the EMT looking at him, "So, care to tell me your names?"

"Oh, I'm Jake, and this is Hailey," Jake said nervously.

"Now, Jake, do you hurt at all?" the EMT said, and Jake shook his head, "Well then, you'll still be assessed to make sure nothing is too serious, even if there isn't any pain. Your girlfriend, however, has a broken leg and arm." Jake blushed at the word 'girlfriend.'

"Is it that obvious?!"  Jake asked himself, and the EMT gave him a serious expression.

"What?" Jake asked, and the EMT sighed.

"You said that aloud," The EMT said, "And say, it's quite obvious you two are dating," Jake could notice the large blush on Hailey's face. But another thought crossed his mind; the reoccurring moment of him and Hailey falling over the waterfall.

"Are we safe?..."

Jake decided to ask, "Are we-" "You're going to be safe."


That's what Jake needed.

He needed Hailey to be safe.

That's going to be it for this chapter. Man, we're about to get into some juicer stuff, can't spoil it though.

Hoped you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals

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