Chapter 32 Rumors Pt. 2

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I know, posting a chapter on the day tmf finale. I'm sorry.

The day had dragged on.

The whispers got worse and worse no matter where she went, but finally, she reached the Music Room and could ask the club what was going on.

Before she entered the room, she heard a girl gossiping behind her.

"Yeah, apparently her mother was abusive. I'd steer clear of her. Who knows how she might act once you get to know her."


"Who are they talking about?"

Now that Hailey thought about it, she could look at her socials, but...

She'll look later.

What harm could the context of a rumor really do? I wouldn't affect her.

Oh, how wrong she was as soon as she opened the door.


Milly was upset. Appalled even.

That someone dared to post something like that about Hailey. That they could spread something so personal about her.

Zander was angry, Luke looked pissed, Sean was somber, and Lia's face was indescribable. Who wouldn't be upset that their best friend had a rumor like that put out?

Probably not Drew.

That's when the door opened. (Why am I being reminded of ep 9)

"Hiya, guys!" Hailey said with a smile, slightly closing the door behind her, "So, who's ready for bad practice?"

It was silent. You could hear everyone's breathing.

"What?" Hailey asked, "Is there something wrong?" 

"Yeah,"  Milly thought, "Something majorly wrong."

No one uttered a word until Sean spoke.

"Hailey..." Sean started, "What was your childhood like,"

And the look on Hailey's face explained it all...

"Why do you ask?" Hailey said, but her voice sounded broken as if she were about to start crying.

So Hailey really was...

Milly couldn't hear what Sean said next, but one is for sure...

She was about to kill a bitch


"How did they know?"

"What do they know?"

Thoughts raced through Hailey's head.

"Well, ya see..."

"Who told them?"

"There was a rumor that went around that you were..."

"Abused by my mom?"

"Abused by your biological mom."


They couldn't have known this. There's no way they could possibly even know it happened. The only people to know are Dad, Mum, and...


But he wouldn't do that to her. So who did?

"Hailey?" Hailey felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She looked Sean in the eyes, "Is it true?" Sean asked, awaiting my answer.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe.

"Hailey, wait!" Someone shouted.

Was I shaking? Did Sean shake me?

"Hailey!" Someone shouted, running after me.

Am I running?

All she knew was that the next minute, she was running down the street. Towards someone's house. Tears poured down my face.


Jake awoke with a groan, a stuffy nose, and a headache.

Deciding he had nothing better to do, he looked at his socials.

What were these posts?

"Videos of cats"

"Blood or Tomato Juice"


"Steer Clear of Hailey Austin at RMH" What? What kind of thread was this?

What was this about?

"Hailey Austin, the Bully?" "Hailey is An Abuser, Don't Trust!!! (plz share!!!)" and so much more. But Hailey isn't that.

Jake knew the truth of Hailey's true personality, but one thing he knew was that whoever posted such a thing about his princess was gonna pay.


Jake sat up, "Man, I'm starving,"  He thought, "Can't investigate who had spread this rumor about Hailey on an empty stomach,"


Hailey was sprinting as fast as she could. No breaks. Nothing.

Her mind was racing.

"Who could have known? How could they have known? Why?"

She didn't know why or even how this happened, but one thing she knew was that she needed Jake, and before she even realized it, she crashed into his door. She leaned on it for support.

Through the door. She could hear the sprinting footsteps, and the door opened to reveal...Jake.

Because she was leaning on the door, she fell into Jake's arms and instantly started to cry. She felt the warm arms of Jake's wrap around her body as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Hailey..." Jake whispered, rubbing her back, "It's all gonna be okay. Come on, let's get you inside."

Hailey couldn't see as Jake lifted her and brought her to the couch, letting her lay in his lap as she continued to breathe heavily and fast while tears poured from her eyes.

She felt his hands gently bring her face to look at his.

"Hailey," Jake said softly, "I need you to breath with me, okay?" Hailey couldn't move. He gently guided her head to lay against his chest.

"Listen to my heart," Jake said, "And try to match my breathing."

Comfortable silence was brought with that, but Hailey didn't stop crying. It only turned into tiny little mumbles.

She'd have to talk soon.

Hoped y'all enjoyed that, and BRO


See ya next time Pals

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