Chapter 27: Cuddle Session In A Hospital Bed

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It's kinda a reference to Party Turned Sleepover when Jake climbed the gazebo.

Hailey awoke in a sterile white room, in a bed with white sheets.

She felt a lot better. She didn't feel sick anymore. That was when she noticed the case on her arm and felt one on her leg too.

Hailey soon realized she was in a hospital. She wasn't fond of it in the slightest. She slowly sat up, taking in her new surroundings, when she heard someone jostle up.

"Hailey!" Jake said, running to her side, "How are you feeling?" Jake asked. Hailey smiled at him.

"Good," Hailey said, "Where are the others?" Jake looked at her with a smile as well.

"They're asleep in the cars," Jake said, "Much to Zander's dismay," He joked, and Hailey giggled.

"What time is it?" Hailey asked, and Jake rubbed his neck sheepishly, "What?"

"About three in the morning-" "Jake!" Hailey exclaimed, cutting him off, "You should be resting. Not worrying about me,"

"But..." Jake looked away with a blush, "Aren't you my girlfriend now? I'm supposed to care for you in your time of need."

"But not at your own expense," Hailey said, gently taking his hand, "I...don't want you to worry," Hailey said.

"I can't help it," Jake said, "I..." Jake stopped. He looked frightened about something.

"Jake," Hailey said softly, "What's wrong?"

"I..." Jake started tearing up, "I-i don't want to lose you." Tears seeped from his eyes, and Hailey looked at him softly, saddened.

"Jake..." Hailey said, "You're not going to lose me anytime soon."

"P-promise?" "Promise."

Hailey scooted over in the bed with a bit of trouble, asking Jake to join her without words. Much to Jake's worry, he joined her. Hailey knew he worried he would hurt her, but as she hugged him with her good arm, she could feel the worry leave.

They fell asleep in each other's arms.


Jake awoke to a warm feeling nuzzled in his chest. He looked down at the little ball of blue. Hailey.

He smiled. "She looks so cute," He thought as she nuzzled more into his chest.

He gawked even more at the sight.

Jake knew, at some point, the cuddle session would have to end, much to his dismay. It was best to keep their relationship a secret. How Zander would react was worrisome.

His thoughts were disrupted when Hailey yawned, cutely in Jake's opinion. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing her beautiful charcoal eyes.

"Hey, Princess," Jake said with a smile, "How was your beauty sleep," He asked, but she just cuddled more into his chest, still sleepy.

Jake gawked. He felt like he would explode from how cute Hailey was being.

He gently started to play with her hair, making sure not to hurt her in the process. He heard Hailey hum in contentment with the feeling.

This went on for what felt like hours, but it was only a few short minutes.


Zander was anxiously awake, and Luke knew that He worried too much. Luke cuddled him from behind, trying to give any ounce of comfort to make the grapelord sleep.

But to no avail.

All their parents decided to sleep in their cars while the kids got the camper. It felt unfair, but there was no convincing them otherwise.

Luke felt like everyone else was awake but knew they weren't. He had gotten up a while ago to get a glass of water and saw no eyes staring back at him. He knew everyone was asleep beside him and Zander, so he didn't know why he felt that way.

He hugged his boyfriend tighter, trying to show that everything was okay. That Hailey would be alright.

But Luke knew he could only hope Hailey would make a quick recovery, for everyone's sake.

He soon felt Zander soften in his touch and realized Zander had finally fallen asleep.

Luke then closed his eyes and let sleep take him over.


Zoey was wide awake.

Everything was changing so fast that it worried her. Elliot seemed so connected to Milly. Zoey barely knew anyone in this little group of theirs.

Milo was making friends. Her parents were busy, and Jake! Her best bud and older brother seemed to hang out with Hailey more often than even he realized.

Despite the accident, he always was around her. It left Zoey feeling alone.

A feeling she didn't like.

But there was nothing she could do. She would have to accept the fact that she was being forgotten.

The room felt like it was closing in on her by the second.

A tear slid down her face but left as fast as it arrived.

Maybe things would be better if she stayed out of people's way.

It seemed easier said than done, but Zoey's done it before. Heck. Even Jake's done it. Same with Elliot. They all have had their fair share of pushing themselves from others.

Zoey knew.

They wouldn't expect their social butterfly of a sister too.

Originally posted 3/14/2023 Edited 3/14/2023 Title change. Edited again 4/16/2023

That's it for this chapter. As I've stated, we're getting into juicer stuff, and that's not just including Jake and Hailey's stuffed-down trauma of plunging over a waterfall.

Hoped you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals.

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