[04] Promise?

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"He has it! He has the jersey, he has it Hyung!" I was excited like a child, but I couldn't help it. Sunoo kept the jersey, the one I gave him... fuck! I'm so relieved.

"Did you find that out before or after you seduced him?" He joked. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled as he put his phone down, patting the spot next to him.

I sat down, sulking. He's always teasing me. "I didn't seduce him!" I defended as I folded my arms. "If anything you seduced his little freshman."

He scoffed and made a sour face. "As if bitch, he was gone. It would be like seducing a sack of potatoes," he argued. Was he disappointed? "The little shit couldn't even walk straight!" While he was complaining, there was a small smirk playing at his lips. Can't hide shit from me, bitch.

"Is that right?" I questioned with my teasing intentions. It made me giggle to myself honestly; the way he dramatically got offended and made the most bewildered face had me ready to burst out laughing. "Ay~ don't look at me like that, I'm just twisting your nips. I need you to tell me what to do next..."

He nodded, obviously ready to change subjects. "Make a move. You have to make him squirm and get his heart racing. His mind has to get to a state of pure and utter chaos until his body takes over in a battle of fear and love. Make him feel like—"

"Okay Heesung," I interrupted. The way he was going on so passionately kind of freaked me out a little. "I get it, weirdo."

He rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out again, relaxing on the couch. "What plans you got for today?"

I followed his actions and also became relaxed as we flowed into a more casual conversation. "Just practice later today... I'm a little nervous though because I bailed last night to go with Sunoo."

He shook his head. "You're down so bad, bro. Missing practice?" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Aren't they like super strict?"

I nodded, getting more nervous. "Yeah, coach is really strict... but how could I tell him no?" I frowned. This topic ruined the whole mood, it was a one time thing and I didn't fully think.

"All I'm saying is don't prioritize him too much, or you could end up more hurt than you already would be," he warned.

I know he's right and that he's looking out for me, but why is this so difficult? Why can't I just walk up to him and tell him that I remember everything? Its frustrating. "I know Hyung, thank you for looking out for me," I spoke in a soft voice and flashed him a smile. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.


As I expected walking into practice, I got nailed by Mr. Park and the other students. The one weird thing about all of it was the fact that Yeji stayed off to the side, her arms crossed and her face sour as she glared at me. It made me nervous. My throat went dry and beads of sweat started to form.

I was able to dodge everyone's questions, but I slowly got more and more anxious. Maybe because of Yeji, maybe because I was avoiding the truth. Maybe both. Luckily everything cleared up fast and we continued with class like normal. I felt a little tired still and my head started hurting, but I need to practice.

I was able to get through fine. I'm beat, but I did it. I left the rink to get some water, but I wasn't taking my skates off to leave. I just need a rest. I sat down on the bench and caught my breath.

Yeji sat next to me. "Do you think this shit is some fucking joke Sunghoon?" She asked harshly.

It made me look at her puzzled, but a little anxious. "What are you talking about...?" I was timid now—did I do bad? I started feeling insecure as she continued to pierce me with her eyes. I couldn't look anymore.

"Don't act all innocent. I saw you with those freshmen yesterday, there were posts about it." She sighed heavily and tan her finger over the bridge of her nose. She does that when she's upset. "I had them take down the photos, but I expected you to be any bit of honest with Mr. Park and our crew. Tell me what's up with you."

I stared at her in shock, her eyes were softened but still stern. Is she worried? I felt guilt swell up in my body and I almost felt like crying. She did that for me, when she could've told on me and let everyone see those pictures. "Yeji I'm sorry." I felt a huge wave of relief being able to say it to someone for the real reason. "I'll tell you everything—I promise I will, but it's a long story."

She hummed. "Well you have my number whenever you're ready, but are you okay? You're good right?"

I nodded quickly. "I'm okay Yeji, you don't need to worry about me." I flashed her my signature eye smile to convince her.

I think it worked because she trapped me in a tight hug. She smelled like sweaty vanilla. "I'm always here for you Sunghoon, I've known you since we were barely teenagers. I know how hard this is, I'm in it," she whispered, and I hugged her back.

"You're the best," I whispered back. "I'm here for you too."




i'm sorry for the crazy late update, i had a bunch of school concerts (i play the bass and the music teachers all ask me to go to their concerts to play) and my seniors left ;( but now i'll be the senior and die. next year is the last year of concerts with my best friend who's played the bass with me since we were in 4th grade.

anyways, i can't wait to bring the rest of enhypen in!!! their stories. mwah

see you soon!

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