[28] Right

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"...you are a weak man..."



Now school was awkward. We all stuck together like nothing was wrong, but something was wrong. It's normal until it's not, kind of like that I guess.

When Riki and Sunoo got to class, of course Sunoo waddled at me full speed to trap me in a hug. He smiled so brightly as soon as he saw me, and it seemed like his entire body lit up. How special am I? "Hi~" he sang out into my ear as he pulled me close to him.

I smiled and held onto his waist. God I missed him. I know it was only a day, but we did get interrupted. "Hey baby," I replied and kissed his forehead.

He grabbed my face and left a peck on my lips, looking at me seriously. "We are going to finish," he whispered. His own words made him blush, and I also started to. "We have to let them make up first."

Riki groaned. "Hyung come on," he whined. "You can kiss your boyfriend later~"

Sunoo flashed me a shy smile and kissed me one more time before getting dragged away by Riki. Only then did Heesung walk over. He nudged my arm and gave me a smug grin. "You never told me exactly what we walked in on yesterday."

I felt heat wash over my entire body thinking about it, about what we were doing. I don't really know where it was going, but shit. "Uh..." I rubbed the back of my neck and flashed an unsure smile. This is awkward. "You guys didn't walk in on anything!"

He rolled his eyes and folded his arms. Wasn't convincing. "That's bullshit,"he bluntly stated. "You were shirtless with Sunoo all over you—" he gasped. "Were you about to go at it on the couch?!"

I panicked and put my hand over his mouth. "Will you shut up???" I whispered out harshly, getting embarrassed. "And no, you weirdo. Just... shut up." I let go of him and huffed, still thinking about how Sunoo touched me. I miss his touch.

Heesung chuckled. "Ah ah ah, I was joking," he defended. "I mean, you guys just started dating anyway. Sunoo doesn't seem like the type to throw himself away so fast." He shrugged. "You though?" He eyed me up and down like he had to think about it. "Probably. For Sunoo at least." He nodded, like he agreed with himself. Like he's so right (he is). "Mhm, you are a weak man."

I scoffed at the last statement. Do I really seem so easy? I've waited for Sunoo all this time. Is it so bad? "Of course I am, he's my boyfriend. Who wouldn't be weak for him?" I rolled my eyes. "He's the cutest thing to ever exist."

He just smiled, but not a teasing one. It honestly took me back a little. "That's good, and how it should be. I'm glad you guys are happy..." that last part kind of changed his mood. He looked off to the side and sighed, thinking about something. Riki maybe?

I looked over to where Riki and Sunoo had gone, and found him staring at Heesung. When he noticed that I caught him, he looked down and his face flushed. I get it now. They're probably both too scared to do anything because they don't wanna lose each other. It's obvious now. "Hyung," I called out to him softly. "Please make up with Riki. Trust me."

He frowned. "I don't know," he mumbled out softly. He looks so fragile, so soft. It's not a common look for Heesung, but there's nothing wrong with it either. He's kind of cute like this. "I don't wanna make him uncomfortable, or make him hate me. He said to leave him alone, so..." he huffed, getting even cuter. "Whatever, I just can't."

I peeked back over at Riki, but he didn't catch it. I grabbed Heesung and pulled him into a hug, making him face Riki and Sunoo. He held onto me tight, but as soon as he noticed, he scoffed. "You sly bitch," he whispered into my ear. "I could kiss you right now."

I chuckled and let go of him. I gave him a serious look and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just go for it, Hyung. I mean it."

He smiled all excitedly and nodded. I watched him scurry over to Riki, and Jake stood next to me. "Ay mate," he wrapped an arm around me and chuckled at Heesung. "What going on?"

I sighed. "Our beloved Hyung is about to go devote his love or something—"

"Riki Nishimura!" He yelled and pointed at him. His ears were burning up, and I knew he was embarrassed. He literally caught the attention of everyone in the room, even Ms. Shin who just walked in. "Y-you can't just ignore me!" And he broke, there's the stutter. It's all going downhill from here. He's a dork. "I love you Riki, I love you so much. I don't wanna lose you, a-and I wanna be with you!" He's forcing it all out, and even though the delivery sucks, I'm so proud. "I'm sorry, but you need to know that I never lied about my feelings for you. Not once... s-so can we try again? Please?"

Riki could hardly even stay upset. I mean who could when Heesung turns completely soft? His stuttering and unsure posture, it's too cute. "Ugh," he groaned and grabbed his hand. He was blushing, eyeing the room that had its attention on them. Guess he didn't like the attention which is surprising. I'm not sure what he said, but he had his eyes shut tight the whole time, face getting more and more red. Sunoo waved us over with a cheeky smile, so I assumed it was good.

Jake and I went over, and Heesung was snuggled up with Riki, both of them red as hell. They're so fucking corny. "Hey baby," I greeted Sunoo with a kiss as I sat down, which he smiled at. "I'm assuming these idiots finally made up?"

Sunoo nodded. "Yup, they're boyfriends now!" He announced.

"Well, now that Heesung is finished confessing his love like a middle schooler, we can start class!" Ms. Shin announced, and everyone snickered. She shot them a sly grin as they somehow blushed even harder—Heesung literally hid himself in Riki's arm. "But I'm curious, what did you say?"

Everyone was getting up to get ready for class, and he glanced at Heesung as he left to go to his spot. Ms. Shin stood by Riki, waiting curiously. "I said yes..." he mumbled.

I sighed, feeling completely relieved. I'm so glad that's over, because now everything is right. There's no beef with anyone, no issues, no tension. Everything is good. Everyone is happy.

This is great.



i'm getting so sad. there is only one more chapter now.

FUCK IM GONNA MISS THIS STORY—but there's a sequel so we'll be gucci money.

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