[17] That's Enough

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A/N: look at that, another update ;]


"...He would probably turn into a crazed stalker!..."



I knew Riki and Sunghoon would clash with Jungwon, but I was shocked when it got to the point that Heesung was holding back Sunghoon and I was holding back Jungwon. Sunghoon punched him, and they went at it like there's no tomorrow. My poor boy got hit pretty hard, his nose is bleeding. To be fair he did get Jungwon right in the eye, but he kind of deserved it. Sunghoon gave him what he was asking for.

"No! Let me at him, Hyung!" He yelled at Heesung, who held onto him tighter.

Jungwon laughed. "Oh this is so pathetic. Just tell them to leave, I'm sure this relationship won't go anywhere now because I'm here to stay."

I let go of him and he turned towards me, smiling. I took a breath and looked at him seriously. "You can't stay here. I live with Riki, and he doesn't know you. Find somewhere else to stay."

He frowned. "You're really gonna throw your dear Hyung out? After everything?"

I looked down, away from his piercing eyes. I hate that look so much. My hands started shaking and I couldn't even think straight. Jungwon is my biggest secret, one that not even Riki has even heard of. I can't let them know. I'd be so... embarrassed. "I'm not throwing you out, so don't say it like that. You didn't even tell me you were coming, and you made one hell of an impression on all of my friends..." I sighed with hesitation. "...and you just fought my boyfriend. S-so I think you're the one who should leave." I looked into his eyes to show that he can't mess with me anymore. I'm serious about this. "We can talk later."

He was shocked, but that doesn't mean anything. Hopefully I didn't make him too mad. "Oh, okay," he shrugged. "I see how it is then, you just don't want them to find out." He laughed, and my heart dropped. "I would be embarrassed if I were you too, I mean wow. It would be even worse if your parents found out."

I balled my hands into fists and stared daggers at him. I haven't felt this much pure anger since I last saw him, and I don't like it at the slightest. "Shut up and get out. I told you we can talk later, so stop saying stupid shit."

He grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. "I'm holding you to that, and make sure your little boy toy keeps his hands to himself next time." He turned around and looked Sunghoon directly in the eyes. "I should've been the one to punch him for touching what's mine." Then he left.

Of course Sunghoon threw a hissy fit and fought against Heesung's grip. It got so bad that Riki had to help, and I started to feel so ashamed. "That bitch needs to be taught a good lesson with my fists! I can't believe he had the audacity to touch Sunoo like that right in front of my face, I swear on everything that I will pummel his sorry ass into the ground as soon as—"

"Sunghoon that's enough!!!" I yelled over him. I had started crying as soon as Jungwon closed the door, and once he realized, he relaxed and pushed himself away from the other two.

He came to my side immediately and caught me as my knees became weak from the fear I tried so hard to conceal. "Sunny, hey... it's okay," he spoke softly and held me into his chest. I couldn't stop sobbing. "I'm sorry, I really am. I just couldn't stand it, and I couldn't just let him treat you like that."

"Just shut up!" I blurted our through my tears and clung to him like my life depended on it. I'm not mad at him, I just need time to think. I could barely focus on what he was even saying, and I didn't like that feeling.

He understood. He held me close and ran his fingers through my hair. "I promise I'll do everything I can to make you happy. I won't ever let you cry like this again."

Hearing those words calmed me down some, but I couldn't even look him in the face. It's like my past just came back to remind me who I really am, and that this is all just some fantasy. It's barely real. "I can c-count on you, right? To stay by my side?" I asked desperately.

"Of course you can, my love," he replied instantly. "I'll always be by your side no matter what."

His words should've made me feel more sure, and less anxious. But they didn't. I know that everyone has their secrets, a certain darkness inside of them... but how bad is too bad? Will this change how he sees me? What if he leaves once he finds out? What if he stops looking at me like he does now? I don't think I could live with it or forgive myself if it happens that way.

I don't want to hurt him.

"Sunny?" He called my name so sweetly, and I looked it him. He held my face in his hands and made me look at him. "You know I'm here for you, right? Not only am I your boyfriend, but your friend too. That goes for Riki and Heesung Hyung too—well minus the boyfriend part." He flashed a goofy smile, and I started to feel a little more at ease. Riki and Heesung gave me a gentle look, smiled on their faces. "We're all here for you, so whatever you're going through, you can share with us. Sometimes things are too hard on our own, and it's okay to ask for help."

It's okay... to ask for help... but why does it make me feel so guilty? He's saying that without even knowing what this is about, so how can he be so sure? How can any of them be so sure? But despite my hesitation, I nodded with a smile. "I love you guys, and I hope we'll stay friends for a long time." I looked at Sunghoon. "Forever even."

He grinned and gave me a fat kiss on the cheek. "Such a cheese ball," he mumbled against my skin and gave me another kiss. "Of course we'll stay with you. We love you."

"Yeah!" Riki chimed in and scurried over, including himself in our hug. "We love you so much Hyungie! You're our ball of sunshine!"

Heesung also joined the hug and ruffled my hair. He had a slight smirk on his face. "You're stuck with us. Even if you decide you're tired of it all, you won't ever be able to escape. Not with how insane Riki is."

Riki giggled. "And Sunghoon Hyung. He would probably turn into a crazed stalker!" He joked, then laughed obnoxiously at his own fantasies. I'm sure he imagined Sunghoon as some scrawny weirdo that's frantically deranged, watching me through bushes.

Heesung sighed. "You always kill the moment, we were having a family type bond realization and you started being delusional again!" He whined. "This was peak relationship development!"

Riki cupped his face and pulled their faces crazy close. "Oho, Riki is so sorry~" he baby talked him without a single ounce of shame or embarrassment.

Heesung on the other hand... was redder than a tomato. I never would've guessed he liked stuff like that, but it seems like he's full of surprises. "Okay okay," he said sternly and moved Riki's hands. "You don't have to talk to me like that."

Riki frowned. "I thought you like it! Earlier you—"

Heesung covered his mouth and glared at him. "Riki. Enough."

Sunghoon grinned deviously, and I giggled. "Is Hyung mad~?" He baby talked Heesung to tease him, and boy that set him off. I'm scared he'll explode with how red he's gotten. "Oh, look at that face! Do you need Riki to kiss it better?"

Heesung snapped and tackled him, taking us all down with them. And of course he used me, his beloved, adorable, lovely boyfriend as a human shield. Regardless, I was happy again. When I'm with them, I have no care in the world, and I feel so happy inside. My heart feels full whenever I'm with them, and laughter is always in the air.

I love them. They're nothing less to me than family.


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