[19] Morning

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"...Nishimura Riki if you don't get your twink ass up I swear to God I'm gonna smack the hair off your head!!!..."



When I woke up, everything came back to me from last night and I felt myself blushing. I didn't even want to turn my head to look at him, how can I? So much happened yesterday; I found out Riki and Heesung are having whatever they're having, Sunghoon confessed he's loved me just as long as I've loved him and we started dating, Jungwon is back, and I made out with Sunghoon. I just hope that everything will be okay.

"Mmh, good morning my love," he mumbled out, his voice raspy and dry. I looked at him and he wrapped his arm around me. "Did you sleep okay?"

I felt my face flush. "I slept great... did you?" I asked in return. I started wondering if my heart will always beat this fast with him, even if he's my boyfriend now, even if he's here forever. Will it always be like this?

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I slept amazing." He sat up a little and stretched as much as he could. "What do you want for breakfast? I'll run out."

I got out of bed to get out of his way, and he also got up. I stretched. "Uh, maybe we could all go out somewhere instead," I suggested. "What do you think?"

He smiled. "I think it sounds great! But I have to pee really bad..." he rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. "I'll be right back."

I hummed and followed him out the room. "I'm gonna get the other two up," I told him. He smiled and ruffled my hair as we parted ways. He's such a cute person, even if he's that handsome he's adorable as ever. I went to the living room and saw Riki and Heesung boo'd up on the couch. I rolled my eyes and tapped Riki. "Hey, get up. Sunghoon Hyung and I wanna go somewhere to eat."

Riki groaned and swatted at my arm. "Then go," he grumbled out harshly.

"I meant all of us, you brat. Get up," I demanded. He didn't budge. "Nishimura Riki if you don't get your twink ass up I swear to God I'm gonna smack the hair off your head!!!" I yelled at him, but Heesung woke up instead. "Not you, Hyung."

He chuckled and ruffled Riki's hair. "C'mon kiddo, you should listen to your Hyung. He's being sweet..ish." He spoke so gently to Riki and touched him so slightly. He treats Riki like the most fragile thing to exist.

"No," he poked his head up to look at Heesung. "You're the only Hyung I listen to," he spoke out, pouting. I facepalmed. "Plus, he barely counts as a Hyung anyway."

Heesung sighed and I scoffed. "Listen bub, Sunoo is your Hyung regardless and he's taken such good care of you. I'm telling you to listen." He spoke sternly, but his voice was still soft. It's like a dad lecturing his child, and it kind of made me feel awkward. I feel out of place. "Got it?"

Riki sighed and nodded. "I got it, Hyung." He got up and looked me straight in the eyes for a moment. I thought we were about to cat fight in the living room, but he hugged me. "I love you~" he sang out and kissed my head before strolling off to the kitchen. "Did you have any Sunghoon—I mean water yet?" He asked in a teasing manner as he went through the fridge.

I felt my whole body heat up, and memories came back once again. I felt embarrassed even if neither of them knows. "Shut it you fucking perv, what type of question is that?!" I yelled at him, but he was so amused. "The answer is no! Stop it!"

He giggled. "So heated, if I didn't know better I'd think it was a yes—"

"What the fuck is up! And no I did not give it to Sunoo yet, so stop thinking about it you fucking weirdos!" Sunghoon exclaimed happily as he strolled into the living room. He had a wide smile on his face, and he said everything so sarcastically it was actually funny. Hearing me giggle must've boosted his ego, until Heesung crushed it.

"Yet?" He asked. Is that all he got?! "So you plan on it, which would in fact make you the fucking weirdo," he retorted. "But good morning to you too, you horny bitch."

Sunghoon's jaw dropped, and Riki laughed at him. "Here ya go," he sang out and shoved a water bottle in his chest. "That was a good one Hyung, so smart." He gave his half drank bottle to Heesung to finish, and sat in his lap.

I frowned. "Did you seriously not get me one just because I called you a twink ass fucking perv? And threatened to smack the hair off your head?" I asked in a pout. I can easily get my own but I live for drama.

He rolled his eyes. "Uh, no? What do I look like? A child?" He paused. "Don't answer that. Anyway, why can't you just share with your boyfriend? It's just water and you kissed—"

"How do you know?!" I asked him in a panic. This is so embarrassing I'm gonna die, I'm so embarrassed because how could I ever even think to say shit like that to Sunghoon?! You wanna do it again? ARE YOU FUCKING—

"We were there... did you forget that we all went to the rink yesterday?" Heesung gave me a weird look, and even Sunghoon did. But then he realized and started blushing too. "Are we missing something?"

"Nope!" Sunghoon blurted out and opened the water. "Nothing at all!" He quickly started drinking the water and the attention fell on me.

"You're such a fucking idiot..." I mumbled and rubbed my forehead. "It's nothing you guys need to know about. And before you ask, no, it wasn't like that." I looked at him again and started hitting his arm. "Damn bitch, share!" I yelled at him.

He quickly gave me the water bottle and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Sunny..." he rubbed the back of his neck and I sighed. I can never be mad at him.

"Yeah whatever," I mumbled and smiled at him. He smiled back and I felt my heart melt. He's just the cutest and sweetest thing. I can't. I don't think I'll survive. I quickly started drinking the water so I could hide my blush, because what the fuck? All he did was smile!

This guy is gonna be the end of me. I swear!



things are gonna be interesting next chapter. this was more of a filler chap, which i usually don't like doing that much but

it was necessary </3

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