[23] Weird

362 29 40

A/N: quickest update i've had in a while >:]


"...Manhandle me whenever you want..."



Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.



God I love him so bad I want him to scream at me. But doesn't that sound weird...?

I can't even look at him. The entire way home, I just—can't. I couldn't even hold his cute little hand, it sat there Sunooless. It was so sad...

"Sunny?" He called my name softly, bringing me out of my thoughts. It was just us in the living room since Heesung and Riki slept on the couch last night. But holy moly, that perfect fucking specimen of a man I have walked out post-shower without a damn shirt on and damp hair. I think I drooled a little. "Remember earlier when I verbally abused Jake into taking his medicine? And you said you'd tell me something later?" He grinned shyly and rubbed the back of his neck with his towel. "I was wondering if you could tell me now... if you want to of course."

I gulped as he sat down next to me, and my heart started pounding so hard I got scared I'll vomit. But I can't hide things from him anymore like we talked about earlier. "Oh, right," I started. That was me acting like I haven't been thinking about it since it happened, I'd say I did a pretty damn good job too but FUCK THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. "I was gonna tell you that um... if you ever like wanted to, y-you could talk to me like that too..." I tried to sound casual but it was so forced and my face started burning up. I can't believe I said that out loud.

"Talk to you like... how I talked to Jake? When I was calling him a little bitch, and a gay ass whore? And—"

"Yes!" I interrupted him, getting more embarrassed. Waiting for his answer was gonna kill me, and I don't even know how he feels about it. I can't look at him to know if he's disgusted or not. "I mean, I dunno. I just really liked it which sounds really weird but I literally felt like I was gonna malfunction watching you earlier it was so... hot..." I trailed off a little and finally looked at him. I needed to know.

He was blushing, and there was an unsure look on his face. He hesitated. "I don't know if I can say something like that to you, Sunny. You're so cute and you're my baby..."

I frowned. He's probably being nice trying not to call me a weirdo, and I can't even blame him. God I feel bad and stupid. Please kill me. "Sorry, that was kind of out of pocket for me to even ask. I feel a little confused."

He grabbed my face and stared at me without saying anything. It kind of freaked me out at first, but he seemed like he was thinking. "Don't apologize. Give me a little time and I think I can do it. If it'll make you happy then of course I will, so don't feel bad," he spoke softly to comfort me. He smiled cutely too, and squished my cheeks. "It just caught me off guard is all, nothing I ever expected from you."

I felt so relieved that I gave him a small kiss on the lips. It made him happy. "I was scared for a second," I confessed. "I didn't want you to think I was a weirdo or anything, which I might be but as long as you're fine with it I don't care."

He let go of my face and shrugged. "Honestly, I really like when you baby talk me. Like when you called me your Sunghoonie earlier, and when you praise me over basic things." Now he's all embarrassed over it, and it did make me feel a lot better. It's the same but the opposite, because I think if I were to ever talk to him rudely he'd cry. "So if you're weird, so am I."

I smiled fondly at him. I really did get lucky with him, and I'm so happy everything worked out how I always wanted it to. If not better. "You're literally the cutest human being to ever exist, what the fuck?" I grabbed his face this time and smothered him in kisses. "I love you."

He giggled and grabbed my hands. But his expression quickly dropped and it scared me a little. "Keep your dirty hands to yourself, you fucking whore," he mumbled seriously.

I blinked a few times, then once it registered, I couldn't stop smiling. I started giggling like a literal idiot. "You scared me for a second."

He let go of my hands and looked so innocent all over again. The duality of this man is terrifying, honestly. "Was it too much? I didn't do it right, did I?" He asked frantically, and it just made him cuter.

I shook my head and ruffled his hair. "You did it just fine, Hyungie. It caught me off guard, but it's what I wanted," I ensured him. He calmed down instantly and it made me feel calm as well. "Manhandle me whenever you want."

"Okay then.." He tackled me and laid on top of me like a child, nuzzling into my neck. "Whatever makes my Sunny happy," he mumbled, and it tickled. He gave me a small kiss on the neck, then hummed. "But I'm getting sleepy, so how about we call it a night? Sound cool babe?"

"Of course, you've had a long day," I told him gently and rubbed his hair. He really seems to like when I touch it. "We can talk more another time." I reached back and turned off the lamp, happy as ever.

Who would've known that this fool would be lying on my chest? I thought it was gonna be the other way around, but I can't complain. He's so adorable, and he just wants some love. He's more of a baby than I could ever have imagined, and I love him for it.

He's just a big lanky infant.


they are so fucking cute. even Sunoo's degrading kink. <3

but unfortunately the end is near! there's just a few chapters until the end, and... :,] i'm devastated.

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