[24] Surprise!

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A/N: i'm really cooking up these chapters 🤥


"...Are you fucking stupid?..."



I was really happy for dance class again, but thinking about the fact that I had been practicing talking to Sunoo like shit, it's kind of scary. I hope he doesn't expect me to do this in public. I haven't done it in front of Riki or Heesung, and they don't even know about it. It's fine if they don't, it's probably better, but this is all so new to me.

"Hyungie~" I heard Sunoo call my name as soon as he entered the room, and he skipped over to me, leaving Riki behind. "I missed you!" He exclaimed sweetly and kissed my cheek.

I chuckled as he sat down and also kissed his cheek in return. "We texted all night until you fell asleep, love," I reminded him. "I talked to you not even 5 hours ago."

He started pouting. "5 hours too long..."

"Ugh what is your corny ass whining about this time?" Riki groaned, obviously sick of the lovey dovey shit. "He's not your damn dad, nobody wants to hear it."

Sunoo scoffed and kept clinging to my arm. "Okay bitch, who pissed in your fucking ass? Huh? Why are you being such a jerk?" He asked defensively. "If you have something going on then talk about it, don't just act bitchy."

Riki glanced at Heesung and I, then sighed. "Yeah yeah, later. Once you stop leeching on your boyfriend we'll be able to talk." He folded his arms and shot me some sort of look. It made me feel really awkward.

But it did seem like they were able to talk during class, which I think is good. I hope so at least. They kept looking over here, so it made me wonder if he had an issue with me or Heesung. I do care about him too, he grew on me through the time I've spent with Sunoo, and I guess I'm a little worried. He seemed genuinely stressed and even after they talked it didn't seem to get better.

"Hey pretty boy," Sunoo greeted me with a smile and grabbed his water. "What are you doing now?"

I noticed that he came over by himself, so I gave him a weird look. "I don't have anymore classes for today... where's Riki? Is he okay?"

Sunoo sighed and grabbed my arm. "Heesung Hyung," he called. "Is it okay if I take him from you? I'm sure if you move fast enough you can still catch Riki, he's going to sit outside for a while."

He shrugged. "That's fine, but I dunno if I should go to him. He won't talk to me much." He seemed genuinely upset over it, and I started to get worried. "I don't wanna make him more upset."

Sunoo frowned a little. "No Hyung, it's okay. You should go see him, trust me!" He tried to flash an encouraging smile, but it couldn't stop the worry in his eyes. He's almost desperate.

But Heesung couldn't say no. He packed up his stuff faster than I've ever seen him before and rushed out the room. "I'll catch you guys later!" He shouted as he scurried away.

Sunoo smiled softly and started dragging me away. "That's either gonna go amazing or terribly wrong," he sang out. "Anyways though, Riki is getting insecure. He's never actually had a boyfriend before and he wants to be with Heesung Hyung, but he's scared. He's definitely overthinking."

"Ohhh~" I nodded, understanding. "I have practice later tonight, but do you wanna go check on Jake? He's probably still sick if he only took that one dose of medicine."

He shrugged, "yeah sure. We should get him some stuff!" He suggested cutely. "Some drinks and a little bit of food, like snacks."

I nodded with a smile. "How thoughtful," I mumbled sweetly. "I'm assuming he's grown on you?"

"Yup! And Yeji Noona!" He smiled, looking so happy. "I think we should all hang out," he suggested, "it would be fun."

I couldn't help but admire the shit out of him. He's just so cute, and he's sweet too. He's such an amazing person. I grabbed his hand as we left the building, and we decided we'd go to one of the convenience stores across the street, then go surprise him. When we got inside, there wasn't really anyone there, so it didn't bother me that Sunno dragged me around.

"Here!" He stopped in front of the snacks. "Do you think he'll like if we got him sweets?"

I blinked a few times. "Are you fucking stupid? Why would you give sweets to someone who can barely keep his stomach down?" I asked him harshly, and that goofy grin appeared on his face. I sighed. "Use your brain, you ignorant bitch."

He giggled and literally threw himself at me, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Then what should we get him, Hyungie?"

I shoved him off, blushing. I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the isle a little. "Things that are light on the stomach, like seaweed snacks," I explained and grabbed a pack off the shelf. "Do you get it now?"

He nodded, "get him easy snacks." He started looking around a little and grabbed some crackers, which ended up in my arms while he continued to look. He grabbed a small bunch of bananas, some apple slices, and yogurt. "Okay now we have to get him drinks!" He exclaimed excitedly.

It was a little hard to keep up with him when he shoved my arms full of shit, but he was too cute. He looked through the refrigerators a bit and grabbed a big water with electrolytes, then a sports drink. He smiled and hugged them tightly. "I think this is good. Do you?"

I nodded, "yeah, let's go so you don't drop your shit." I started walking to the front to pay, and set everything down. I turned around and took the drinks from Sunoo to put them down too. He started rummaging through his bag, so I took my wallet out my pocket. "I'll pay for it."

He frowned. "I can—"

"I said I'm gonna pay, so listen," I interrupted sternly. I raised an eyebrow at him and that was enough to get him to give up.

Once the woman rang everything up, she pressed a few buttons and smiled at us. "It's gonna be ₩21,555," she told me. "Are you guys walking from here?" She asked.

I started counting out my money, so Sunoo answered for me, "yes ma'am, we are."

I handed her the bills, and she nodded. "I'll give you a better bag after I give you change—"

"You can keep the change in that case," I interrupted. "Thank you."

She stared at me with wide eyes for a moment, but quickly snapped out of it. "No, thank you!" She exclaimed as she pulled out a reusable bag. It had a big rainbow in the middle with a dog under it. "Here you are, I hope you guys have a nice day. And be safe!" She waved us off with a big smile.

"You too! Thank you again!" Riki waved back as we left the store, smiling as widely as that woman did. How polite.

I carried the bag on the way back, and he held my hand again. Like the last time we went to Jake's place, we got some odd looks and a few stares, but Sunoo doesn't seem to care about any of it. So why does it make me feel so uncomfortable? It doesn't feel fair, especially when we walk past plenty of other couples that are holding hands. One was even kissing!

I guess he noticed at some point, because he flashed me a smile and let go of my hand. That made me feel so much worse, but when we got into the building and up to Jake's room, he clung to my arm as he knocked on the door. I hope he isn't upset by me... I kissed his forehead right before the door opened, and froze when I saw who it was.


Fucking amazing!


since you guys love this one so much and it's slowly wrapping up, i wanted to ask if you wanted a sequel or a completely different sunsun story (you can say both)

btw i literally love you all, my babeez. you are all obligated to passenger princess treatment from me ^3^

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