[14] Another Chance?

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"...I picked it because you like skating..."



The time flew, and before I knew it, Heesung was dragging me into the skating rink. I was so nervous to see him, because I knew that this time I would have to be honest and make him look at me differently. It didn't help that as soon as we got inside, we were met with Sunoo and Riki waiting on us. Riki was happy to see Heesung of course, but Sunoo didn't react at all.

"Hi Hyungie!" Riki said happily as he clung to Heesung. His skates made him even taller, but he was still adorable as ever. "We got our skates. I don't know what shoe size you wear, but if I did I would've gotten yours too!"

Heesung smiled and patted Riki's head. They're so sweet it hurts. "That's alright. Thank you though, for thinking about me."

He grabbed Heesung's hand and started dragging him away. "Nuh-uh, I'll get them now!" He shouted cutely and completely left us alone. He shot me a look, and I gave him a single nod.

"So..." I spoke out, and he looked at me immediately. His eyes were wide and he gave me so much of his attention, it made my heart falter a little. I smiled softly and he looked away. "You didn't wait too long, did you?"

"No," he mumbled and started waddling away in the cutest way possible. "Let's just go so I can get your stuff."

I scurried after him and grabbed his arm gently. He stopped and blinked a few times, avoiding my eyes. His cheeks are already flushed, how cute. "Here," I offered him my hands, but he just stared, so I rolled my eyes and grabbed his anyway. I pulled him, and I looked back to make sure he was fine. His butt was poked out and he was trying to stand up straight. When I got to the line, he bumped into me a little and smiled all embarrassed.

"Hey, there's Riki," he pointed out. I followed his line of sight and they were a few people ahead of us. Those two can't be anymore obvious. I mean, they're all over each other! And Heesung has some questionable hand placement... "Did you know that they got this close? Riki I understand, but Heesung Hyung didn't seem like the touchy type to me." He looked at me and waited for my response.

I only shrugged. He told me not to tell.

He frowned and shook my arm a little. "Come on! It's supposed to be honesty day," he whined. He started pouting and I sighed.

"This is a secret, 'kay?" I warned him quietly and he nodded, eyes lit up. I leaned close to his ear and closed my eyes. Please forgive me... "He likes Riki," I whispered. "And Riki likes him too."

When I pulled away, his face showed his state of shock. He looked at them again, and his expression softened into a small smile. "Well it looks like I am stuck with you then huh?" He looked at me with this look in his eyes. It threw me off.

We got to the counter, and I told the woman my shoe size. Sunoo paid for me while I went to put them on, and as soon as I got over to where Riki and Heesung were waiting, I felt the guilt pile on. "I'm so sorry..." I mumbled and bowed my head. "I'm sorry, I told him."

Heesung's face dropped. "Told him what...?" Him and Riki stood like statues and I felt worse.

"About you guys—and before you get mad! Wait!" I hesitated as their expressions shifted coldly, Heesung's more than Riki's. I'm so dead later. "He's happy about it... he asked me if I knew anything, and he held me to the honestly thing. How is he gonna forgive me if I lied to him?"

Riki sighed. "You have a point, but you said he's happy about it? You told him in line?" He seemed confused and a little shocked. But he smiled. "It's okay. I don't mind, as long as he's okay with it then there's nothing wrong. I understand why you did it."

I let go of the breath I was nervously holding, and we cleared it up just in time because Sunoo came waddling over again like some cute ass penguin. I smiled, but he scoffed. "Are you seriously not even started yet?" He scolded. I felt my cheeks flush, but he sat down on his knees in front of me. "Give me one, and put on the other one," he demanded.

"O-okay," I obeyed. I could see Riki and Heesung snickering out the corner of my eye and I felt so embarrassed. We both put on one skate each like he said, and tied them. When we finished, I got up and held my hand out to him. He kind of stared at it and I smiled. "Come on," I urged him. He took my hand and I helped him stand up.

But he wasn't balanced and fell right into my chest. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed himself upright, still sliding a little. He smiled, his cheeks all red. "There we go! See? I'm great at this~"

Riki rolled his eyes, and Heesung wrapped an arm around him. "Yeah, that's a lie," he told me. "Have fun with babysitting my Hyung~" he teased us both and went off with Heesung.

Sunoo looked at me a little awkwardly. "I know you're like really good on skates or whatever, but I'm not that bad," he insisted. He looks so serious about it, and seeing how his attitude changed so suddenly towards me again was a bit strange. He was so against even seeing my face yesterday, but now he's acting like none of it ever happened. Is he giving me another chance? "I mean it."

I gave him a warm smile and grabbed his hand. "Sure, I'll believe you when you show me," I teased him a little and dragged him out to the rink. It's not that busy today which is nice, and honestly, I could forget about the whole reason behind our meeting because it feels so much like a date.

"Hyung!" He yelled at me as he stumbled. Boy is he hopeless. He clung to my shirt like it would save his life, and I held onto him.

"Now why would you pick this place if you can't even skate? Are you trying to seduce me or something?" I was half joking with him, but he looked up at me, still clinging to me.

His eyes shifted and he looked so innocent in that moment. It caught me off guard. "I picked it because you like skating... and ice skating would be too hard for me," he spoke so softly. Is he embarrassed? Either way, his thoughtfulness made me realize how stupid I've been this entire time. This whole thing is all my fault, but all I can think about is kissing him.

I smiled softly. "How thoughtful," I complimented. "What about I teach you as a token of my gratitude?" I have to keep it friendly...ish. I would feel guilty trying anything before we've even talked.

He nodded frantically. "I didn't think it would be this hard..." he mumbled. He is embarrassed.

"Well, you have the best teacher you're gonna get," I said proudly. He giggled and lightly hit my chest. "You'll have it in no time."

I wish we could stay like this forever.


it's definitely a date.

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