[06] Lingering Memory

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"...Him talking to Sunoo like that, I mean. I didn't like it..."



Okay, well, Jake is here. In my dance class. I couldn't focus on anything other than his face—he looks so different... has it really been that long? And where did he come from? It's so sudden. While I was lost in thought, I wasn't paying real attention to what we were doing, and I fell.

"Ouch..." I mumbled out. Pain shot through my ankle and I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt 2 hands touch me. One on my waist, and the other on my shoulder. I slowly peeked open my eyes, still in pain. It was Jake on my shoulder and Sunoo on my waist. They glared at one another.

"You okay, mate?" Jake asked first. He shoved Sunoo to the side and studied my body. "That was one nasty fall."

Sunoo was flustered. His cheeks flushed red and he kind of sat there. "I can take him home—"

"Nah, you look like you need a little more practice anyway," he interrupted. Was he always so... rude? It made me upset. Him talking to Sunoo like that, I mean. I didn't like it.

I forced myself up and stared into those eyes of his. His skins not soft like it used to be, it's tough—wow, he looks so rugged. I didn't even realize. "It's okay Jake," I mumbled out. My voice was strained. "Sunoo goes that way anyways, he can handle it."

Jake didn't seem to like that very much, but Sunoo sure as hell did. He pushed Jake to the side instantly and held my hand. I smiled. "Is it your ankle, Hyung?" He asked gently. I nodded. "Hm, well I can't carry you so... maybe..." he glanced at Jake, then shook his head. Is he fighting with himself? "Maybe I can, here."

He turned his back to me, changing his position to a low crouch instead of sitting. I moved closer to him and wrapped my legs around his waist. It hurt my ankle, but I managed and put my arms around him. He struggled to stand at first, but he was determined. He did it.

"Fell better Sunghoon!" Ms. Shin called out. She sounded worried, and everyone looked it as they waved me off. Everyone but Jake. He just looked mad, so I buried my face in Sunoo's neck.

So embarrassing...

When we got outside of school, he sat me down on a bench while we waited for a cab. He sat with me and stared me down. It made me so timid, I don't know why. I couldn't look him in the eyes and I was scared of what he would say.

"So, who's that rugged boy with the accent?" He asked. My heart dropped for some reason and my hands shook.

"Uh," I fidgeted. "I guess you could say a childhood friend, but... I haven't seen him since grade school before I moved. He went to Australia when we were in 2nd grade, and I never heard from him again."

"Until now," he added. He nodded and seemed relieved. I can't help but wonder if he was feeling jealous. Maybe he does like me back, or maybe he's looking out like you do with friends.

I looked down. "Yeah, until now..." it bothered me a bit, the way he showed up out of nowhere. He lingered in my memories of course, but I could barely recognize him. We were so young then, and our parents didn't really know each other to be in contact. I lost him, but it's weird seeing him now. Thinking about what we could've been if he never left, it was screwing with my head.

I guess he noticed. He put his hand on my arm gently and gave me a questioning look. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asked me. He's curious.

I shrugged, glancing at his cute little face. He wore such a worried but alert expression, one I couldn't look at for that long. "Eh, nothing really," I slightly smiled and gained the courage to look at him for real this time. He smiled back. "Just everything."

He nodded. "Understandable—oh, the taxi is here!" He quickly stood up and waved. The car stopped. He helped me to my feet and over to the taxi. He opened the door and made sure I got in okay. "You good?" He asked once I was sitting down.

I gave him a smile and a thumbs up. "I'm good!" I told him happily. Honestly, just really wanna go home.

He went to the other side and got in next to me, then I told the driver my address since he's never been to my place before. I doubt he knew it until I did. It was a short ride of course, but I could feel Sunoo gently and timidly touching my hand. I felt like my heart would explode, and I'm sure it would've if the ride was any longer.

When we arrived, Sunoo paid the driver and crouched in front of the door for me to get on his back. We thanked the driver and he took me into the building. I told him which room it was, and he pushed his way to the elevator, down the hall, then in front of the door while I unlocked it. He took me inside and let me down on the couch, collapsing next to me.

"Jesus," he breathed out, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He fixed his hair. "You're so lanky but so heavy," he whined. "Are you all muscle or something?"

I nodded, slightly smirking by how cute he is. "Well of course, I do sports."

He shook his head, still trying to catch his breath. "I don't believe you, you're so slim!" He groaned and sat up some. His back is bothering him.

That made me frown. Not what he said, but the fact that he was in pain. "You can rest, Sunny. Thank you for bringing me back."

He chuckled and got up, cracking his back. "Uh, no? I'm not done yet. Where's your first aid supplies?"

I felt my cheeks flush. "The bathroom, you'll see it on the shelf. It's the 2nd door on the left down the hall."

You winked at me and shot me finger guns. "Doctor Sunoo will be right with you, Mr. Park~" he sang out and scurried off.

What am I gonna do with him?


heyyy guys! i really want to say thank you for your support so far. i love reading your little comments and seeing you're enjoying it so far ^^ it makes me happy and gives me something to look forward to

see ya next chapter :3

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