[05] Issues

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"...I know I'd do whatever you say..."



Dance class rolled around quick. I haven't talked to Sunghoon since the incident the other day so I was nervous, but Riki was beyond excited to go. Heesung Hyung has really grown on him. He practically ran into the room and right into our Hyung's arms. His smile could light up the entire solar system, the sun better be scared for its career as long as Riki is with Heesung Hyung.

I felt awkward approaching the 3 of them—well, just the one. Sunghoon. He was staring so hard it made me shift, and my heart started racing. I sat on the other side of Riki, opposite of Sunghoon. He continued to stare for a moment until he got up and sat next to me.

"What's the issue?" He asked as soon as he sat down. I couldn't look into his piercing eyes for more than a few seconds, so I looked down to my lap. It's not fair to avoid him.

I flashed a smile and shook my head, hugging my knees to my chest. "There's no issue Hyung," I didn't fully lie. There isn't an issue between us, but there is one on my end. I don't wanna feel like this around him, but I can't help it. I sighed.

He continued watching me. I guess he was trying to read me, and I can't really blame him. "If it's about the other day, Sunny, just forget about it and I will too. Tell me what you want." He sounded like he was begging and I started to feel bad. I don't have a reason to be acting standoffish.

I turned to him again and mustered up the most convincing eye smile I could. "Hyung, it's okay," I assured you. I thought I needed time, and that it was an issue I should figure out on my own. "You don't have to worry. I promise."

He gulped. He held onto my arm gently and gave me serious eyes. There's so much depth to those dark orbs, I grew curious about what's hidden inside of them. "Alright then, but remember that I'm always here for anything. Do you understand?"

The last part made my heart flutter and I nodded quickly. My cheeks flushed as I played your voice over and over in my head. "I understand." I wish he knew how much of me belongs to him, I wish I could tell him. It's embarrassing really. "I'm here too, y'know. I'm a year younger, but I can take care of you too."

I watched his cheeks flush, and I teasingly nudged his arm. He nodded. "I know you can, but you're the one always in some sort of situation." He started teasing, which means he's let up a little. It made me happy.

I scoffed and folded my arms. "I am not," I argued. His face brightened like he was so happy about it. "I can very well take care of myself."

He shrugged, still smirking. He's adorable. "I believe you, Sunny. I mean, who would mess with you anyway?" He looked over at me again, but his eyes had a different feeling to them. It made my heart flutter and my cheeks flush. "You're a feisty little man," he said with a smirk. "I know I'd do whatever you say."

I snorted, trying not to giggle. He made my heart flutter—I mean, why would he say that? "What are you talking about?" I asked him and nudged his arm. He grabbed my wrist, and I froze. My cheeks flushed. "Uh..."

He leaned closer and pulled me towards him at the same time. My heart and mind were on overload. I could blown up. "I'm being serious," he said in a deep tone. It wasn't harsh, but very very serious. He was gentle with my wrist though, that made me smile to myself on the inside. We stared at each other like that. It was like everyone had vanished and we were alone in our own little world—until I heard that voice.

"Sunghoon?" There was a slight off to the way he said the name, and we both slowly looked at him. I've never seen him before. He has a rugged handsomeness to him, and his eyes looked like they were watery. I glanced over to see Sunghoon's reaction, and he looked like a deer in headlights. He was pale, tears forming in his eyes too.

"Jakey?" His voice was so timid, and he struggled to his feet. I saw Heesung's confused expression, and Riki's wide eyes. The two of them trapped each other in an embrace and the tears started rolling. "What are you doing here? I thought you were gone forever!" He cried.

The new guy—Jake I'm assuming—started giggling. He ran his hand over Sunghoon's hair and comforted him. "Ay, you make it sound like I died. I told you I'd find you, Hoonie. Did I not?"

Sunghoon only nodded, burying himself deeper into Jake's chest. I looked down, but I caught Riki's eye as I did. Great. I thought I was getting somewhere with him, but seeing him act like that with someone else, someone else I've never seen before... it's discouraging. Maybe I was stupid to have hope from the start.

Should I start to move on?


Heyyyy! I wanted to tell you guys about the other story I'm working on! It's called Chaos of Concepts, it's a WooSan story.

Heyyyy! I wanted to tell you guys about the other story I'm working on! It's called Chaos of Concepts, it's a WooSan story

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Making a deal with the Devil must be tempting, even if everyone knows it's never what you think it is. Whatever you do it for; money, fame, power... does it really matter? It's always temptation that gets you the weakest, and that's what Satan is good for, isn't it? So, wouldn't his son be the same?

Choi San, the Devil's son. With his irresistible eyes and perfect body, he could get anyone to do anything. Everything about him is made from the King of Sin himself, and it shows by the way every human can't help but fall for it. Every human except for Jung Wooyoung, who couldn't give any less of a shit about San.

Will San be able to continue as a stable heir to the hell throne, or will he get too distracted by the one person who can't even spare him a passing glance? Love makes you strong, but it also makes you weak, even where there's no room for weakness.

Check it out if you want, or if you also stan ATEEZ. I'm excited about their comeback ^^

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