[29] How Could I Ever?

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"...I'm not proposing; yet..."



It's been a good 2 months since Riki and Heesung finally got together. We formed a really close group with them, Jay, Jake, and Jungwon. Even Yeji joins in from time to time, but she's just as busy as Sunghoon with it skating season coming up soon. It's been hard to see him lately, so I kind of tag along with Heesung and Riki. But it gets lonely given the fact that we live together now; we switched Riki with Sunghoon.

I know he means nothing bad by it, and it's not his fault. I'm not upset with him, I just miss him. That's okay, isn't it? I want him to chase his dreams and everything, of course I do. I'm just scared that I'll lose him, or he'll get too distant and not want me anymore. What would I do? He practices every single day, even on days it's not required. We haven't eaten together in weeks and I miss him.

"Ay, love," Jake called out to me as I walked with Heesung and Riki. Again. He jogged over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders with a smile. "Is Sunghoon not making it tonight?" He asked curiously.

I sighed. My mood was already whatever, but now it's completely dropped. "Nah," I responded without much emotion. "He's practicing with Yeji tonight."

Jake frowned. I guess he could see how upset it made me, because he held my shoulder firmly. "Oh... well, if you don't wanna come out with us you don't have to. I get it," he assured. "But we'd love to have you."

I shrugged. "I'll go. There's no point of just moping until bae comes home." I acted like I was just being reasonable, but I tried to convince myself more than anything. I've been discouraged lately, but I can't let it get too bad. "Where are we going?"

Jake smiled gently. "Just out to eat, then probably karaoke after. Sound good?" He checked with me, which I found adorable.

I hummed. "It's fine Hyung, you know I don't mind," I assured. I definitely get princess treatment from all 6 of them, but even more lately probably because Sunghoon has been absolutely ditching my ass. They all treat me so kindly and like I'm just the cutest thing in the world, as Jay calls me. "Being with you guys is enough for me."

Jake giggled and ruffled my hair. "How cheesy. Sunghoon doesn't know what he's missing, because he'd love to hear that," he joked. It made me chuckle since I know it's true. "But are you ready to head there guys?"

Riki turned around slightly and flashed a smile. "I'm always ready to eat!" He exclaimed. "Isn't that right baby?" He turned to Heesung and clung to his arm more than he already had been. If that was even possible.

Heesung rolled his eyes but slightly grinned anyway. "Yes, you're gonna drive me into bankruptcy," he complained. "We're gonna end up homeless because of you!"

Riki giggled. "I guess paying you with my body isn't enough." He sighed dramatically and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What will I ever do now?"

Heesung stared at him with a red face and wide eyes. That's some kinky shit. "It's more than enough," he mumbled and huffed. He's gone so soft because of Riki and it's so cute. He's such an adorable specimen now. "They didn't need to know that though."

Riki shrugged. "You make the money, I make you happy. Simple trade." He said it like it's nothing, but honestly if Sunghoon ever asked me to pay rent with his body I wouldn't hesitate to make him a housewife. But, that's not relevant. "They'll forget anyway."

Jake chuckled, and we walked into the restaurant. I'm feeling pretty bummed that Sunghoon—my beloved baby angel of a perfect angel—isn't here, but I'll manage. I think. We saw Jungwon waving us over immediately, so Heesung paid for himself and Riki, which earned him a whisper in the ear that made him blush like crazy. Riki probably said something diabolical.

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