The Meeting

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Christian Grey
I can't believe my parents sent me to this place for the summer. They got me away from my friends because of their opinion they were bad influences and getting me into trouble. Little did they know that I was the leader of all the bad influence and they followed my lead. Or maybe they figured that out by themselves who knows. The camp has strict rules to follow and workout policies as well. Their is a girls group as well. We are kept separate from each other. Can't have fraternization between the sexes here at this summer camp. When has that ever stopped teenagers from procreation practices? At 15 I was going at it like a rabbit with Lily Johnson first, then Leila Williams and Gia Matteo an 21 year old. That was when they caught me drunk and we were in m bed naked. They are still trying to prosecute her.

Anastasia Steele
I was sent here because husband number 5 couldn't stand me and told my mother that I was trying to seduce him. I couldn't convince her otherwise and I had no choice but to come here. She paid for it from my inheritance. She is actually my stepmother who was left with me until I am 18. My mother and father both died, Carla died first and then Ray. I was left with Elena Lincoln as my guardian and she gets paid to take care of me. This is her way of taking care of me. Richard her husband left her penniless in her divorce so she latched onto Ray and I saw right through her, but he needed a mother for me and they made a deal. I had no choice in the matter. Had he known what kind of person she actually was he would have never let her become my guardian or marry her. Shall we say pedophile, I tried to find evidence on her, but she was too sneaky for me. So after my dad passed away she sent me to this camp to get me out of her way while she had fun with number 5 and her boy toys. I really should say pets or slaves who knows what she calls them, but she sure does hurt them.

Camp Director Girls Camp Lisa Douglas
Two of my girls have escaped to meet up with boys from the boys camp. I found them after a lights out bed inspection. The boys were skinny dipping in the lake nearby and the girls were about to join them in their antics and I caught them before they could. Nothing like a bright light shinning on a naked body together them dressed and back in beds. Nothing new about the tricks they use to meet up with the opposite sex. Silly girls end up pregnant and the boys go pollinate other flowers and never look back. Some are forced to marry each other. Don't know many marriages that have lasted long after that.

Camp Director Boys Camp Daniel Lawson
I cringe when I see Christian Grey being hauled back to camp along with Albert Jones. Both are soaking wet and in towels holding their swimming trunks in their hands, which means they went skinny dipping yet again. The girls were caught before they got in the water with these two fools. Anastasia Steele and Kate Kavanagh were the two girls. Kate is well known for her antics. I know very little about the Steele girl. Lisa is very unhappy about my boys luring her girls out to skinny dip, which leads to other things of course. She threatened to shoot their dangling parts off if they tried again. Oh lord help us if she loads her sniper rifle. No one will be safe. The girls are just giggling and the boys thinks it's hilarious and I know they are going to try this again.

I convince Anastasia to go meet Christian and Albert at the lake while everyone is asleep. Skinny dipping sounds like a great idea as hot as it is now. Anastasia agreed to come with me. We ran into the boys during a trip to find wood to make a fire to cook dinner. They helped us get the wood.

I never got to have this much fun when I was home, so I decide to go with Kate and meet Christian and Albert to go skinny dipping in the lake to cool off. We got caught just as we were about to undress. Talk about covering ourselves up. The guys couldn't make to their clothing and had to grab the towels thrown at them as they came from the water. They couldn't hide everything because their hands weren't big enough lol. The boys were taken back to their camp and the director was rudely woke up. Mr Lawson was in a bad mood and had words with Christian and Albert and sent the to the showers to take a cold one. Miss Douglas was very angry at Kate and I and we get KP duty for two weeks each. Oh goodie, Kate knows nothing about working in the kitchen. I on the other hand am a whiz in the kitchen. I think miss Douglas knows that Kate has no skills in the kitchen and she punishing her by forcing her to learn kitchen skills.

I tell miss Douglas that I don't know any kitchen skills and she says that it is a good thing that she is assuring that I learn how to work in the kitchen then. It will be handy when working fast food after getting pregnant at 15 years old. Omg I stomp off and she says 4 am ladies be there for your punishment. Anastasia keeps quiet and we head to bed and she says that she has kitchen skills and can teach me if I want her to. I chuckle and tell her we have maids and cooks at home, so I don't need to learn them. Famous last words.

Miss Douglas
I ride Kate like an unbroken horse. She keeps testing me with each task. I made sure her and Anastasia were separated. I knew Kate would have Anastasia do her work as well. Anastasia is a hard worker with a good work ethic. Something tells me her stepmom lied about why she was placing her here.

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