A New Face

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I have been waiting for this for a long time and here I am. Roger Calais has been taking me out for a while and now I am no longer worried about my safety and my family's safety for so long and I no longer need to. Roger has asked me to marry him and enjoy our lives together finally. I had hoped that Ray was still alive as well, but I found out he passed away and it was on good authority that he did.

Roger Calais
I am marrying a beautiful woman with grand children and baggage of all kinds. I am very happy to have her in my life. Ray was one lucky man. I hope to be her next lucky man. I pull out the engagement ring and wedding bands. I get on one knee the squeaky one of course. I ask her to marry me. At first she hesitates and then agrees to marry me. I breathe a sigh of relief. I have been waiting for this for a long time. I want a Vegas wedding.

I can't believe he wants to get a Vegas wedding at a chapel that has an Elvis minister. I laugh as I think it's hilarious and fast. No huge deal. We head to the airport and get on his jet and then off we go. In less than 24 hours we are mrs and mrs Calais. I know who he is and what his background is and he has been instrumental in helping rid society of some pretty bad people. I don't know what my children will think, but I have known Roger for a long time. He has always been my friend and always will be and now he's a lot more. He is different than Ray in the fact he is more outgoing. The one thing that makes him like Ray is his ability to protect and save people. He was in black ops as well. I don't ask him questions anymore because I don't want to know.

Mom got married in Vegas and the guy is nice, Jason even approves of her choice. Barney is amazed at her choice to replace Ray and he seems to recognize the guys name. He won't elaborate, but he says that he is an excellent addition to our family. I trust them both and accept their word on Roger Calais. He seems to know Asia and Joseph already. He is great with the children. Everyone likes him. He has a strange sounding job though. International Solutions Projects.

The guy is definitely personable and he is charming. I doubt his enemies would say the same thing about him. I think he's the kind that would protect his family at all costs. I hope I am right. Jason assures me that he will do just that, so I relax. Carla seems more relaxed now than before.

I have definitely seen this guy before and he visited Ray. He is very knowledgeable about things and he knows what is happening in certain places prior to the news reports. I think he makes his money by knowing. He goes shooting a lot and he likes to go alone. I definitely don't ask questions about that. Because I know the answer. We never did find out who the snipers were that took out the group at the courthouse. No one knows who took out the group that attacked at Mia's grand opening. That building was turned into something else entirely and they moved her company elsewhere. Both are thriving and the building was used to benefit the less fortunate. It has expanded into a two block area of buildings and all have apartments, medical, childcare, education centers and other public services for those in need. I can't think of a better way to use that area.

I am amazed by how quickly Carla married Roger until we find out she has known him for a long time. I didn't think about dating until James asked about taking Rose on a date. I thought she was older than James. I guess I was wrong though. She is their oldest. James was born two days before the date on Roses birth certificate they couldn't confirm it because she was born while Asia was in captivity. Jason thinks they can go out on a date as long as James asks Christian and Anastasia for permission to take her out. Next Teddy will want to date our daughter. We weren't too far off the mark about Teddy and Tia. Two years later he gave her a promise ring. He asked Jason and I if he could take her to junior prom.

I am walking my baby girl down the aisle to Teddy Grey, I never thought that my two children would end up married to two of my bosses children. But here I am after Christian walked Rose down the aisle to James a year ago. I am stunned. A lot of women crying into their handkerchiefs. We now have two grandsons. Connor Edward and Craig Elliott Taylor. They are two months old now. Gail, Anastasia and Christian are so proud. Carla is thrilled about being a great grandmother.

I am sitting here watching the wedding and I am looking at the nieces, nephews and wondering where all the time has gone. Anastasia and I are semi retired and our children are all running our companies. Each have college degrees. Mia and Barney were blessed with two more sets of twins. Kate and Elliott stopped after the shooting and they now have one grandchild. Barney has four IT geniuses to follow in his footsteps. He is retired and has his own manufacturing company. Elliott has no little construction workers in his clan, but Ethan and Cheryl has four of them. All four young ladies. They definitely do not look like construction workers.

I have crew ready just in case the latest threats on my family turn out to be real. I hear the shot and get the message that one down three to go. The shot was the assassin being taken out. I get the message after the fireworks go off that the last of the threats have been terminated and they were the ones behind the threats. I call sour grapes, they hired the people to take out their enemies. I don't see them as enemies at all, they mismanaged their companies and were bought out by Grey Steele company and gave them better than they deserved. If they had to file bankruptcy they would get pennies on the dollar.

Did they get eliminated? He nods yes and kisses my lips and says safe again. I always feel safe with Roger.

The end hope you enjoyed it.

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