An Unexpected Gift

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Caseworker Collins
I have been instructed to keep the whereabouts of the triplet boys under wraps and for the life of me I have no clue where they are at. The case was taken away from me. The attorney for the young boy said that he has found a good home for them. I tell them it is too late they have been placed with an out of state couple. I was removed from the case so I no longer have access to those records. The man seems insistent on my finding out. This is very suspicious and now I want the guys name number and address. He hangs up immediately. This is far from being good news. Something is rotten in Denmark.

We were called at 4 am and asked to speak to us and have security meet them at the gate along with us and drive our car to the gates. It was an odd request but we do as asked but wear bullet proof vests. We drive down to the gates with our security watching everything. We get to the gates and a dark minivan is waiting for us. The security opens the door and out comes a young girl handing us the boys one at a time in car seats. Security puts them in the back seats. She has us look over the adoption papers and I see that her rights and the boys rights are all signed away. She has to leave now, but she knew Rose was going to be a great sister to her brothers. I look at her and she is a younger version of Anastasia. Apparently Carla didn't die from a gun shot wound. She was used as a broodmare by the same man who fathered this girl and her twin brother who was the one who demanded money for her sons. They arrested him and the father of Rose and the triplets. Asia Leigh Lincoln is turning 18 and is finally free of the treachery that is the human trafficking ring finally.  Because we called the police we saved her and a few others from her captors. Caseworker Collins knew that we would help by calling the cops. Now Joseph her brother is free as well. These two were Carla's children she gave birth to right before she bled out. Elena made sure both the children were hidden away or Ray would have killed Elena on the spot. I am adopting my nephews and adopted my niece. I am sure Caseworker Collins knew somehow.

Do you need anything? Ask about Joseph and she tells me it was all a ruse to bring the attorneys to justice along with her captors.

I am just amazed at how much we all look alike. We need to leave though and I hand her our mother's locket the one with her and my parents real photos. Carla has more children out there, but Ray isn't their father. Who knows where they are at this point. One day we might know, but for now we can't have any contact. I thank both of them for setting us free of our captors by getting the authorities involved. I take a few photos and get back into the van with caseworker Collins. .

Two policemen are moving to the second seat and they have us drive back to the house before they leave. The gold locket is the only thing I recall of my mothers and the photo inside of all three of us. Be safe Asia and Joseph wherever you go. I am happy and sad at the same time. We get back to the house and get the boys settled in. I have gained and lost yet again. But my blessing have multiplied. I get a phone call that is quite odd. Be safe my darling girl and one day you will be able to see me again. The phone goes dead and it was like there was no call at all.

I got one call and I made it. I was cryptic and didn't realize I was crying again. Joseph and Asia are going to be living with me now. Hiding in plain sight works best for me. I was held prisoner for way too long. I drive past the Grey estate and follow my daughter to our new home. They let me listen to Anastasia's voice and then let me call her on the device her genius IT guy sold to the government for megabucks. Smartest hire she ever made for Steele company. Ray would be so proud of her. I look up to heaven as my driver follows the minivan through to our very secluded home heavily protected from everyone. It is a smart home that Barney created after he discovered that I was still alive and a few other things. He definitely is the genius of of the genius of all IT people. I head up the stairs and the door recognizes me and Asia and Joseph is waiting for us. We hug each other and watch the videos we have of Anastasia and Christian taking the boys from Asia. All of us shed tears and think of how cruel the world truly is.

Sawyer you were right about the other car, she followed the minivan and drove into the old house in the woods. My instinct were right and the strange phone call confirmed it. I doubt that Ray knew that Carla was still alive. He would have moved heaven and earth to find her just like I would for Anastasia. Now we have five children under six years old. One more won't hurt. We got great news from dr Greene today. We are expecting our first biological child. Anastasia has to be very careful and I will assure she is and have others do the same. God really has a sense of humor. We are very truly grateful for everything that we have and that we have more than enough love to spare for all our family members.

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