A Life Lost

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Charles Gordon
I am new to this job and I am protecting a very pregnant woman from death threats made against all the Grey, Steele, Kavanagh and Miller families. I am one of a huge group protecting all these people after a bomb threat at GEH that turned out to be very real. Luckily it was disarmed. I got mrs Elliott Grey buckled in her seat and as I was driving out the gunshots rang out. We are luckily in a bulletproof car, well unless it is armor piercing. I don't have time for this right now sonI notify Sawyer and tell him they have armor piercing bullets and one hit me. I haven't looked at my charge yet but I know that they created an extra shield that comes up in case they need it, it is up now. I hear gun fired being returned and it us coming from the back seat.

As soon as I heard the gunfire and saw the bullets penetrate I hit the panic button and get all shields up even around the driver. Who was hit. I am glad Anastasia talked me into learning to shoot who knew it would come in handy so soon. I hit three of the four shooters and Charles has alerted our security team and I watch as they come running towards us after disarming the assailants and cuffing them. Grace is heading to the car with bag in hand. I lower the shields and she checks on us both. She insists we both go to the hospital in case we are in shock. She looks for bullet wounds on both of us. I hadn't notice the bullet wound on my arm yet. She puts a tourniquet around it and the ambulance is here. Charles hasn't said a word or maybe I haven't heard him yet. Only one of the assailants are left alive is all I heard. Grace hands security the gun from my hand. I am in shock. I can't think straight.

They get me on the gurney and they have tied the artery off and they get me out if there very quickly. I don't see Mrs Kate Grey anywhere at all. I should have gotten us away from there before the car showed up. There wasn't supposed to be anyone allowed in at that entrance. This had to be an inside job. I finally am the hospital. They knock me out and take me to surgery immediately. I hear, he might lose the leg and that's all I hear at that point.

Kate's arm is bleeding badly I get the tourniquet around her arm and it stops the bleeding for now. I then get to Charles and it is very bad. I have help now and they get him on a gurney and tie the leg off and I doubt it us going to be saved. We get Kate in an ambulance and I tell Elliott it is bad, so he can't ride in the ambulance so I go with Kate. I call dr Greene and a few of the best doctors to come in and do their best to save both Kate and Charles. Save the triplets as well. I don't think Kate knew how badly they were hurt. It's going to be a long night and police will be questioning everyone about everything and nothing. Carrick said he would talk to the cops and he is making sure that everyone is safely away from the scene. Mia's grand opening is not a happy affair.

I watch as the police contain the areas and get everyone's name that attended todays grand opening. I don't want the children to be exposed to this and I want the the pregnant ones taken home. Christian is going into take charge mode along with Anastasia it is like they work as a team even when they don't speak to each other. Mia has been taken out of here along with Gail. Kate has been taken by ambulance to the hospital her driver is as well both were apparently shot by armor piercing bullets. We lost one security person sadly. Only one of the assailants survived. We don't know everything yet, but we will know soon. I don't know the difference between Sawyer and Reynolds.

I am drove by someone to the hospital, I just don't know who it is or how I got into the car. I just know I need to be with Kate. I look up and it is Christian driving me. I'm reminded of the first time I took him and Anastasia to my apartment along with Kate. That was some weekend. I think we both fell in love with our girls that weekend. We knew they were the ones for us. We get there and he lets me out. He goes to park the car and I see the security move with me to the door, Christian is told to go with his security and they take the keys from him and drive away. Everyone comes and goes and mom finally arrives in bloody clothing. I have to sit down and pray everyone is okay.

I wake up with a baby monitor on me and my arm all wrapped up blood is being replaced and IV's are hanging as well. I hear three little heartbeats sounding amongst the other beeps. My arm throbs and is in and odd position. Grace comes in and asks if I am ready to see Elliott?
I just cry and nod and she lets him inside. I break down finally and he holds me in his wonderful arms. Arms I thought I would never have around me again.

Dr Greene
I go in and check on my patients and see that mother is doing better, the babies are still alive and they will stay that way if it is up to me. We stopped the labor for now. We are hoping for be more month of baking. I am ordering her to stay until the triplets arrive. She's not going to like it.

We get the news that Charles leg was saved for now, but it will never be the same again. I tell them to do the best they can and see what else they can do for him no matter the costs. Anastasia and I will pay for whatever he might need to heal.

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