A Wedding Bell Cracked

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It is sad when your own father refuses to walk you down the aisle. What an ass. Plus he doesn't want anything to do with Cheryl's baby. Well too bad he is the baby's father, they did an amniocentesis because of genetics in the mothers family and got the DNA testing done as well. Twins of all things. They are luckily or unluckily girls. I got my half of everything which is how it should be. Now Cheryl has half of what Eamon has left. He won't be doing anymore sexual harassing at work, because he can't afford to. Kate and I have been helping Cheryl after hearing how she was treated by Eamon. He is lucky she didn't have him arrested and still could. She has been encouraged to press charges.

Ethan walked me down the aisle and our wedding was great. I will never forgive my dad for this. He wanted to spoil my day, but Ethan stepped up. Carrick also said he would do it. Anastasia is my matron of honor and Mia a bridesmaid. Christian was the best man and Jason stood in as a groomsman. We finally got him to smile for the wedding pictures. It didn't hurt Gail was encouraging him by making certain whispered promises. I really didn't want to think about what she was promising but it put a huge smile on his face. That was good enough for us.

Kate's father is a huge dickwad. Christian told me about Albert knowing that Kate was with him the night before I was. I got checked out for STD's shortly after being with Kate knowing she was with Albert the night before. She was lucky enough not to contract anything. When they took her and Anastasia in for food poisoning they ran testing on them for STD's since they had been having issues with the camp having patients with STD's amongst the teens there. Mom told me to get checked out. I was soon told why by Kate herself. Christian was glad that Kate was honest about it and because of that he fell for her more. Enid actually invited Cheryl to the wedding. I think Ethan has a thing for her, that definitely would be strange if they got married. I think it is a matter of him stepping up to care for the mother of his sibling or siblings in this case. Mia still has a crush on him, she has just turned 16 and he thinks of her as a child. I am a happy husband and soon to be father, so I can see why Ethan might want to step up to his fathers victim and look out for her and his twin sisters. Enid and Kate have stood beside her as well. He took advantage of a desperate young woman who needed her job desperately to care for her parents and grandparents. I have to say she wasn't what I expected when we met. He definitely is scum the poor girl and I mean girl was scared to death she would lose her family's only income. She's not worried as much now.

I am so glad that two of my children are married, I just wished that Christian and Anastasia had a nicer wedding. Plus invited us to it. But they needed to start merging their companies and once their marriage was out in the open it could cause some business losses. They needed to wait and slowly merge the companies. Carrick said they did the smart thing. They are still getting grief for being so young according to Carrick and both Anastasia and Christian. They have to take a hard stance against the older generation who they deal with in a regular basis. Apparently they are treated like they should be seen and not heard.

Elliott getting married and having a baby, this is a miracle. He said he was never doing either of these things and yet here he is. They have even bought a home that needs major work, but Elliott can handle that as well. His company is well known for it's exceptional work and has been growing. He has another office in one of Anastasia's buildings. One of the perks of being her brother in law you get prime office space.

I can't believe what Gail promised me to get me to smile and it did. The photos turned out great and we ordered photos of our own. Gail is a hoot, she had people thinking she promised me a sexual favor. She promised me more than that. It involved food, I think I said too much or thought it. The huge smile is back on my face.

I knew just what would get him to smile from ear to ear. Back off ladies he is all mine. The photos were great. The wedding was perfect and well done. I knew that Kate was sad because her father, but it was his loss not hers. Elliott was livid and told Eamon to go take a long walk off a short pier where he could visit his own kind sharks with no feelings towards anyone or anything. I laughed when I heard that story.

The wedding was great and the wedding cake was delicious. Mia helped with everything and was trying to get in good with Kate in hopes Ethan would take notice of her. I think ten years older than her is a bit much. Everyone else including Ethan himself think that she needs to date someone more her age. I don't think she is ready to date. I am glad Albert isn't coming around her.it turns out that Alberts brain was pretty much disease ridden and he fell into a coma not long after they put him in the sanitarium. They kept him separated from the other patients. His parents tried suing the camp for his contracting the STD, but they didn't have a leg to stand on. Proving he got it from anyone there was hard to establish. Plus Anastasia owns the place now and Lisa is running both the girls and boys camps with an iron fist.

I helped Kate get through all this wedding kerfuffle and Mia was a great help and I decided to put her talents to good use as long as her grades improve. They definitely improved and I gave her a job as an events person. It will help out a lot and Gail can watch over Mia and assure her education is not ignored. I have Gail hire two more assistants to help with this as well. She has a lot of hats to wear and her being pregnant means she needs to take things easy. Christian and I had the same idea. We gave Gail and Jason time off to get ready for their baby.

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