Lincoln's Arrested

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I really didn't need the drama that the Lincoln's caused when they were evicted from my home by the cops just prior to the locks and cod3s being changed. But the security team in place called the cops when they tried to drive off with my cars. They were prevented from taking them out of the new gates. Security was armed and ready for them and it was a good thing they were because the Lincoln's were both carrying weapons, drugs and things that belonged to my parents. They are now in jail and they can't access their accounts either. They had been getting money from Griffin as well. For what we don't know. Background checks were done and they kept printing off when it came to criminal activity.

We went through everything the Lincoln's and Morton's had in the house and found some very interesting things. A marriage application and permission slip for Anastasia to marry Stephen Morton. I looked through all the documents and the marriage license was there and signed. She couldn't have signed this because she was at camp on that day. We got this to Carrick right away along with the rest of what we found in their files. Including a will leaving everything to Stephen Morton should she die. We decide to hand this over to Carrick and let him sort it out. A judge signed the marriage certificate. The same judge who threw out the cases of assault charges brought against both the Morton's and the Lincoln's. We also found blackmail materials for more than the judge. Griffin was being blackmailed along with Abernathy. The computers they left belonged to Anastasia because they used her money to buy them. None of them seemed to work, but seemed to have money at all times. We definitely need to get that will and the marriage certificate voided. We found a hacker that could gain access to all the files on the devices we found. What was most disturbing is that Morton had nude photos of Anastasia in her shower at a very young age. We went and found the cameras and got them taken down. She was scared he posted them on line. I would as well, just having those on his computer is enough to get more charges against him. We need to find out how to handle this situation. Carrick Grey can give us some ideas. I don't know what to say to calm her down, but we need to get the police involved at some point. Because there are other files on there as well. We can show them the cameras and where they were located and see if they can go through everything. First we need to get advice from Carrick on all of this. Well all I can say is this poor girl has been through hell and back. I am even wondering if Ray was even married to Elena ever.

I am still in shock and I can't believe that someone would do what they did and we just got to the recent events that have happened. I know it is wrong, but I need to go through everything. I mean everything. It is in my house and everything is fair game after those nude videos of me at the age of six. I want to know how those were taken because mom and dad were still alive back then. I recall they updated all the security and added cameras, but they wouldn't add cameras in there. So whoever did the work was behind these cameras. We just need to find out who it was. I have an inkling, but I need to have concrete evidence before it goes to the police. Dad kept records, but I don't know where he hid them. I don't think they are easily found. If they were they could fall into Elena's hands. She would have changed the will, but the will was on file at the courthouse and I had two copies of it myself. Carrick has solved several issues and easily. We found out that Stephen Morton and Elena's son Arthur were working with her and her daughter in human trafficking. I still don't understand how dad was involved if he was involved at all. That time was a blur, like I was drugged or something. I started refusing to take anything offered by anyone in the house. I started cooking my own food and watched it like a hawk and I started being more focused. Carrick found something that makes him think they kept me drugged for a while. He thinks that Elena was never married to my father at all and probably kept him drugged as well. He probably found out and they shot and killed him.This is our theory as well and we need to keep it to ourselves.

The things I found out were very distressing and I turned it over to the FBI. They took over from there while I took care of the fake marriage licenses for both Anastasia and her father.Unfortunately I saw a bill of sale for human beings from the descriptions and one of them was Anastasia. What bothers me most was the camp director of the boys camp was involved with the Morton's and the Lincoln's. We had no idea that children were missing from the camps. Lisa told us that she was informed that each parent had decided not to send their daughter to her camp and she had letters from them only to find out they had not even boarded the bus to the camp. Unfortunately Daniel Lawson said he never saw them and a few of his boys never showed. Why would he be at the pick up site for both camps? He wouldn't be. We checked and we found out that he was rarely around the camp except for some exchanging bad food for good food stuffs with the girls camp. Security at the girls camp was far better than at the boys camp. We found out about Christian sneaking out to see Anastasia three times. They got caught the first time by Lisa doing a bed check. The next times she was busy trying to catch a thief.

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