What Was Hidden

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Who we thought was our security guard wasn't our security. He was the one who allowed the assailants onto the property. He had killed the actual security guard and took his place. Because of his looks he passed for the real guy. Charles apparently recognized him as an imposter. But it was too late Sawyer got a few shots off and realized that the security guard was shooting at one of our bulletproof cars himself and the bullets were penetrating the outer doors. What we didn't let people know is that we had shields inside that stopped the bullets by using magnets to stop them. But we had slots that allowed shots to be fired back at the shooters. Bullets hit both Kate and Charles. Charles finally woke up and asked if Kate was okay and the triplets. I told him she will be staying in the hospital until the babies are born. She is alive and asking if he was alive and awake.

I visit Kate and make sure she is okay. Her twins are visiting with family members while she is here in the hospital and we are taking turns visiting her for now. They are worried about her going into premature labor. We had Gail take time off and go with Taylor somewhere quiet. She took the time off but stayed in her home with her kids. Mia is being watched closely as well. I am worried for them. I am also worried that the caseworker might decide against us taking the triplets when they are born after the shooting. You just know it is all over the news by now. Eamon is probably having a field day getting it on the internet. He hasn't bothered to ask if Kate is alive or not. Cheryl is more concerned about her than he is.

I watch the alerts on the news regarding this and see how Eamon and his media group are having a field day about it. If I hoped for better from him I was stupid for thinking he had feelings for someone other than himself. I really don't think that he ever loved anyone but himself. Today just proved me right. I cry for his children every day. I don't know how he is like this, because his parents were very loving and caring. Well we now know it's all about Eamon to Eamon. Cheryl said he didn't even blink an eye when signed his rights to his daughters away. I am glad Kate married Elliott Grey. I really don't know why Eamon has a problem with the Grey family but he does. But that doesn't explain his attitude towards his own children. He actually tried to get their trust funds back during the divorce. But I reminded him that he had nothing to do with those trust funds. My mom told me that they were from my family and his parents and not one dime came from him. I even set up a trust for Cheryl's daughters. My parents left me wealthy and Eamon knows nothing about it. It couldn't be part of our divorce settlement since I had inherited it before marrying Eamon. I think if I had inherited afterward I don't believe he had a right to it because of the divorce. I think that it says that in the will. They hated Eamon.
The investigation showed that the security guard that was supposed to be on duty was replaced by a look a like. The real guy had been found murdered and in the morgue. He had been dead for some time. We still have no idea who shot and killed him. We think his death was at the assailants hands. We know that Kate hit two of them and Charles got one of them. But the kill shots were different, very different. Like a sniper rifle different. All hit their targets. Except one. They are questioning the one who was left alive. He couldn't get away. The cops arrived and the shooting stopped. Sawyer said it was like the guy had been unarmed for some reason. We don't know much more than that.

Unknown Snipers
Sometimes you just have a sixth sense and this time we prevented what we could. I watch as they clear the scene and there he is standing out like a sore thumb. The so called innocent victim, bullocks he has never been innocent. He was behind all of this. He and his biological father. I am betting that neither of them will ask about survivors. They don't need to ask, they get information from people who work for them. We stopped a complete massacre of everyone there. If the security wasn't there when they spotted an unauthorized vehicle driving onto the property along with one of the party leaving they would have succeeded in killing everyone. We were positioned all around the property to protect them. We did this for Ray our fallen hero. As long as there are Steele's adopted or otherwise we will be there to protect them. He will live on in spirit. We train new people all the time. Of course not everyone can do this because they don't want to. We understand that and let them leave the group. The Lincoln's and Morton's deserve what they got. They were pure evil. We definitely will be going after the unarmed and his father.

I saw him standing there and laughing as he was handcuffed and I was being put in a gurney. I knew who he was immediately and I am surprised he wasn't recording the whole thing. Our father had a hand in this and the bomb. The forgotten Kavanagh the one who does all the dirty work for his father. He couldn't get to Cheryl because security was tight. Apparently this time they found a look a like for at least one security guard. What goes on in my fathers mind to do all this. If Sawyer hadn't been there along with us leaving they would have gotten through and killed everyone. There was no doubt. I tell mom that Eamon Jr was there unarmed and the only assailant left alive. I want them both to pay dearly for this. I ask to speak to Carrick and Christian. I don't want Elliott to go to jail over my scum brother and father. We never talk about Eamon Jr because he is nothing but trouble.

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