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I am very worried about Anastasia going home with those two. They literally dragged her out of the room. I see her phone is still here and I go check it and it rings. It is an attorneys office. I answer him and tell him that she was just dragged out if the hospital by her stepmom. He asked how long ago did they leave and I said five minutes ago. Suddenly cops are in the room and they are looking for something in Anastasia's things. I didn't realize her things were still here. Only her phone. The camp director walked in with Anastasia's and my suitcase from the camp. The cops go right to her case and open it up. I don't think she ever opened it up in front of me, but there was a gun hidden in the lining of the suitcase. They asked me questions and Anastasia was brought back inside the room with two huge black eyes and in a wheelchair. They questioned us both. Dad arrived and mom followed him. Dad was called and asked to bring an attorney who had since hung up on me. They arrested Elena and her current husband for allegedly shooting and killing Raymond Steele. The gun was evidence that Anastasia had stolen and hid from them. She was going to use it to get her freedom from them, she had no idea they had killed anyone with it. Much less her father.

I knew as soon as I saw Elena I was in deep doodoo. Then the doctor telling them about how the antibiotics would affect my birth control and I had to abstain from having sex until I was well and I was dragged from the room. I couldn't let anything happen to Kate and that's why I didn't tell her how bad my life really is. She would have gotten involved and she could've been hurt seriously and I can't let that happen. The didn't even get to the car before Stephen punched me in the face until I fell on the ground he then started kicking me relentlessly and demanding the gun and the money the attorney just gave me. Someone saw me getting beaten and got the cops involved. I was carried back into the hospital while Elena and Stephan were being arrested. She was holding me so he could kick me in my stomach. They take me back to my room where cops are searching my suitcase and they now have the gun. An older couple who resemble Kate are being questioned along with Kate. My attorney walks in and stands beside me while I am answering questions. They were going to kill me and I know that for sure. They must have got wind of my wanting to be emancipated. It was getting closer and I think they were given a heads up and I am determined to find out who gave them that heads up.

Policewoman Alice Gunn
I have seen miss Steele a lot and each time her stepmom and that husband of hers somehow get away with abusing the poor girl. This time they are on video and live witnesses to their actions. I get her statement quickly and let the doctors get her treated for whatever they did to her this time. The guy was trying to sell her and he didn't get away with it. When I got the call I had no idea what I was going to see. I immediately knew that I had to be involved in this case and make sure they introduce all this young ladies medical records. I tell the doctors to look into her medical history because there are a lot of these kind of attacks. I was called out on several occasions and interviewed Anastasia and she wanted help and was going to testify against them but they somehow got away with it each time. The gun was the last straw, she found the gun that Stephen had hidden from the cops when they had investigated him for her fathers death. We couldn't do anything to him because he had an alibi and reported the gun stolen. But here we have the gun in a suitcase belonged by him. His initials are on the suitcase and we found it inside the foam area in the lid. Apparently Anastasia was not aware of this until she was dragged out of the hospital.

Dr Greene
I check Anastasia over and see that her female organs are okay, the other doctors were concerned about her as hard as the kicks looked and we were right to be concerned about her. The breaks are healed but the fact that that stepmom and her husband did all these injuries to her since her father passed away. Well was shot and killed.

Dr Charles Brown
I check her eyes and her x rays and no new breaks and she's not bleeding internally thank God. The attorney has an order of eviction against Elena's two children Elsa and Colin Lincoln. Both are adults and should be on their own anyway. Two security officers introduce themselves to her as her CPO's her attorney hired them. They hand her their documents and the NDA they signed. She will be going home to throw the trash out on the street and have all the locks and codes changed along with Elena and Stephan's things moved out. I am sitting here and they hand me an NDA to sign as well. I sign it.

Attorney David Griffin
I write up the restraining orders against the Lincoln's and the Morton's. They can't contact her in anyway at all. I rescind the guardianship and start the emergency emancipation and find that Gail Jones her her choice of being a new guardian until she gets emancipated. We need to move quickly on getting everything in her name soon. Elena is trying to get money for bail by way of her unscrupulous attorney. We have her on bigamy charges and assault charges. Murder we are trying for that as well. I think they both killed Ray Steele. They might have even killed Carla Steele.

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