Law Firm Folds

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Seattle News
Long time law firm of Abernathy, Hayes and Stewart have closed their doors after being charged with various crimes involving fraud, embezzlement and human trafficking. According to sources close to them they had no idea that they were doing these types of things. We are not sure what evidence they have yet, but sources say they are being sued civilly by an heir of their major client. Due to the ongoing trial and civil suit we are not allowed to mention names.

I was hoping that the news would not get out like this, but I guess it was going to happen anyway. We have gotten all the assets back from the Abernathy group, but they still have to pay a third back. Then we go after all their assets. Griffin is part of the civil suit as well. Abernathy has pleaded to keep his license. He is facing criminal charges along with his partners. I am just watching and waiting to hear a number from them in settlement. Their insurance company is fighting an uphill battle. A hundred million dollars is not enough for what they helped do to Anastasia and her parents. But they owe her more than that from her inheritance. Plus the fact they knew she was being beaten and did not try to help her is another thing. Then they embezzled money from her company. It turns out that the camps were owned by Abernathy and the missing girls and boys were taken away by the director of the boys camp. Lisa was not involved in any of this at all. They had cleared her of any wrongdoings at all. The camp was closed down and miss Douglas had to find other work. Anastasia found her other work after she was emancipated she hired her to set up child care for her employees with families. She would oversee hiring and running it. It would be a 24/7 care facility. Christian and her finally had a long talk which she did most of the talking or yelling that is. Afterward he hugged her and said he was so sorry and he missed her terribly. We luckily got the marriage license rescinded because it was a forgery. The real will never mentioned Elena at all. The marriage certificate to Raymond Steele was a fake. There was no seal on it. There was no judge by the name signed as the officiant. No one by that name existed in the world. Christian introduced Anastasia to his mother and sister. If I didn't notice before I think he is in love with the girl. Anastasia made a deal for the camp and got it dirt cheap. Abernathy needed the money, but it went to pay Anastasia the money he still owes her estate.

I am being hauled into court yet again and more charges are being filed, this time murder charges and human trafficking, child pornography as well. I was found guilty of the abuse and fraud embezzlement and a lot more. I am in here for life and now they are asking for life without parole. I plead not guilty and they start the trial. I watch as they bring witness after witness to testify against me. Even Stephen and my children are testifying against me. All three in prison garb like mine.

I am going to make sure she goes down for murder too. She threw me under the bus so I am taking her to hell with me along with her lazy brats. Richard is lucky to have escaped their clutches when he did. He sold everything off and ran off with his bride after finding out about Elena's infatuation with teenage boys and girls. I guess he found her with a lover and he just left her and had all his things packed up and shipped to him at his home on the east coast. He soon divorced her leaving her with nothing but the hone she lived in. He married soon after his final decree and he is still married to her today. They showed the photos on our computers and we were nailed to the wall. The missing girls photos were there. We also forgot about the gun that Anastasia accidentally took to camp. That was the nail that closed our coffins for good. Because of the number of deaths attached to it. I tried to implicate Anastasia but she had alibis for every time, like not being born.

Stephen Morton Jr
I am watching that son of an asshole testifying against the woman who shot and killed my mother and I want blood. But mom wouldn't want me to be like him or the woman who killed her. I kiss my wife and take her hand and we leave quietly as we arrived. I rub her baby bump and promise her that I will never be like him. She smiles and tells me she had no doubts about me and that she loves me dearly and we will make sure our baby knows it is very much loved. We walk out and smile at the driver and our security team and have us taken home. Dana was there when my mother was rushed to the operating table with gun shot wounds. Her father was being looked at and was in stage four cancer and was told this might be his last night on earth. We both got the news of our loved ones death at the same moment. I was in shock and wearing my mom's blood and being taken to a room to get cleaned up and get my clothing as evidence. The cops gave me some old clothing to put on as well as shoes and socks. They questioned me about what happened and asked me what I recalled and I told them who shot and killed my mother. Dana Shepherd came inside and brought a doctor and an attorney and stopped the cops from haranguing me to repeat the same answers over and over again. I fell in love with her right there and then. She protected me like someone who cared for another human being. My mother protected me from my dad because he was abusive. I was left my mothers estate and Stephen tried to overturn the will but failed. Elena had disappeared and finally found in Seattle. We couldn't get evidence on her other than my statement. Now I know why.

I am glad he finally got closure, it took a long time but he got it. Our child has the best chance now. His father is nothing like his grandfather and his mother is why. Nina hid Stephen jr from his father all his life. They were married, but never divorced. He had no idea she had a child so he figured he would get her estate since legally she was still his wife. Too bad they didn't know there was an heir named in her will. I was my dad's only heir as well. We had the funerals at the same place and in the same cemetery. We were all alone in the world now. Both now owning our family businesses. Soon we were married and had a beautiful wedding and honeymoon. My Stephen is a kind gentle soul who loves me very deeply. When we saw this trial we had to come to Seattle. As we leave the area we hear a gunshot ring out. Our driver gets us out if the area immediately. Soon we arrive at our destination and are escorted into the safety of Escala by security and are taken to our penthouse to relax. Our housekeeper comes and brings us a snack and a drink. She is the best person we have working for us. Stephan sits me down and hands me my blanket and takes off my shoes. He hands me a drink and a snack and says he will be right back. He brings me an old ring box and in it is his grandmothers ring and he wanted to give it to me once we saw his mothers murderer brought to justice.

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