Grey Miller Events

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I smile as I see my new building being completed. Barney kisses me and rubs my baby bump and our families are here for the grand opening. It turns out Barney has some pretty potent fluids and we got pregnant very quickly even with me on my shot. I am pretty happy that I said yes to him on eloping. It was the best choice I have ever made. His parents and grandparents especially loved me when they found out about the baby. They thought he would never marry. I have had to hire extra security to keep women off my man. He unfortunately was caught in a photograph that made front page news and I was getting calls from people from school asking to meet him. Yeah right. I informed them that he is my husband, but that didn't stop some of them. But Barney put a stop to their efforts in one way. He explained that he could expose their deepest secrets to the world if they continued harassing us. I laughed because they knew I had knowledge they didn't want exposed.

I am very proud of my wonderful wife and her accomplishments. This took a lot of work getting to this point. She had to slow down and she had to be put on bed rest, but we set her up to run things from her computer. I hired a nurse and assistants for her. She is only allowed four hours a day to take care of the company. Everyone helped out behind the scenes of course. We can't wait until Mia is back in full mode and takes charge of her company. I watch as Theodore toddles over to Mia and rubs her bump and says baby. He is so cute, still tiny but he's getting there. Twins are outnumbering the single children here. All the Greys are adopted except Kate and Elliott's twins. Apparently Ethan married Cheryl even though her children are his sisters. No one will have to know that information unless it is important to know. They call him Ethan and not dad. It's a good thing he is a psychiatrist. I heard Albert succumbed to his STD recently. Very sad with everything they have out there to cure it before it gets that bad.

I am watching my families all of them. I see Rose Grace holding Anastasia's hand and smile. The three year old girl looks like Anastasia and could easily be mistaken for her natural child. They adopted her when she was two years old. She was found at a homeless shelter with a note giving her up for adoption. She was 16 months old and it took a while to get her adopted because she had nightmares all the time. Anastasia heard about her and started visiting her after the caseworker finally let her. It took time, but Anastasia finally got to bring her home as a foster child. Theodore took to Rose right away, we think it was because she looks like Anastasia so much. Christian and Anastasia finally were allowed to adopt her a month ago. They are still on the waiting list to adopt more children. She was an only child. So she wants more children. They have the love, the time and the money. Mia is so happy and Barney is the reason. Ethan really stepped up after his deadbeat dad turned his back on his younger sisters. The support payments stopped and Eamon gave up his legal rights to the girls. I think he loved Cheryl and his sisters. He decided to adopt them after he discussed it with everyone it would effect. Everyone thought adoption would be good, but at some point they will need to know the truth. Enid was glad that Cheryl is truly family now.

It takes a big hearted man to adopt his fathers daughters and raise them as his own. I see why Mia had a crush on him for so long. I am however glad she chose Barney even if they married on their first date. They are hilarious together and I had heard that Barney might be a nerd but he is a genius amongst geniuses in the IT world. Christian tried to steal him from Anastasia and he wouldn't budge. Anastasia and Christian decided to introduce them, after they got him a through makeover. I watch as Christian and Anastasia hold their little ones. It brings a tear of happiness for them seeing them holding their precious family. Adopted or not the love is always there for them. There might be a third child about to join our family. Besides Mia's and Kate's.

I look at my children and my wife as we cut the ribbon to open Mia's company building. We of course have an office in this building as well. Grey construction is in the tristate area now and expanding further soon. I go stand by my very pregnant wife. I am proud to say we are having triplets and all boys. Identical boys. She wanted to be here today, but she should be resting. Our driver is going to take her home and I am watching the girls so she can rest once she gets home.

Carrying triplets is harder than twins and I just wished I had stayed home and sent my congratulations to Mia. I waddle to the car with the help of my driver.Christian and Anastasia insists we have security at all times now. Plus I have staff that Gail hired for us as well. All kinds of security measures were put in place after the bomb scare at GEH. Mia has gotten used to it, but I haven't yet.

I watch everything and have security check out a few things that are making me nervous. Gail is standing with me and pregnant with our last baby. Sawyer is my second in command. He has called in a bogie and has stopped whoever it was from gaining entrance to the area. It turns out that they lost their way and turned around. I immediately sent back up to Sawyer and my instinct were right. Gun fire started and luckily everyone had headed to the building and behind bulletproof glass. I sent all a text to get inside the building. I see Elliott asking if Kate had gotten away from the place before the shooting?

I see Elliott's face go pale as he hears the gun shots and I don't see Kate anywhere at all. He is running towards Jason. Asking if Kate got away from the area before the gun shots. We get the all clear signal from Sawyer and hear sirens. He asks for Jason and dr Grey along with Elliott. Suddenly I feel very ill. Ryan catches me and carries me inside the building while I watch everyone run tiaras me and then see Jason, Elliott and Dr Grey with her bag head towards where the shots were fired.

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