Stomach Flu?

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I am suffering from the stomach flu or something. I am not the only one though. Kate has it as well we have been here a month and my stepmom has been told that I am sick and she said I should ride it out. The camp director is not happy with that and has been very vocal about my stepmom's lack of concern for my well being. Kate's mother has been told that she is ill as well. I am unsure if it will stop. Kate and I end up in the hospital with three other girls from the camp. Soon the camp has been closed down because they don't want to have us all sick.

This might not be the stomach flu. We might both be pregnant. But we aren't the only ones. Albert was a busy little beaver, we he has been beaver hunting and it isn't the animal kind, more like the female human kind. They allowed him to stay and the girl he visited as well. She is sick as well. Elliott has called me regularly and I told him that I am sick and he knows it could possibly be that I am pregnant but it could be him or Albert. Albert would be the last person I would want to be father to a baby. Anastasia panicked when I mentioned possibly morning sickness. Christian hasn't had any contact with her at all. Elliott says he is working hard on his business plans and earning money to build his company. He hasn't been the same since his grandparents died. He also misses Anastasia and cries out to her in his sleep. Elliott has heard him.

I and Kate were taken to the hospital and checked out along with the other girls. I am scared they will find that we are all pregnant. Only Christian could be the father of the baby is there is one. Elena the bitch could care less about me. As soon as I turn sixteen I am getting emancipated from her grips. I have inheritance that she can't get her hands on and the money that supports me has to be approved by an attorney before she gets a dime. She has tried to use it for an expensive car, but that was stopped. The house we live in is mine. She tried to sell it, but couldn't because her name wasn't on the deed. She tried to sell my company as well. They won't let her in the front doors of the company anymore. I can't even kick her out of my home until I become free of her.

We all breathe a huge sigh of relief when we got the negative pregnancy test, but we found out it was food poisoning from a bad batch of food that someone thought would be funny to change out at the girls camp. I wouldn't put it past Albert to have done this, but he was innocent. Stupid but innocent. The owner of the boys camp was found guilty of stealing the good food from our pantry and replacing it with outdated cans. Anastasia has set her sights on kicking her stepmom out if her life for good when she turns 16. Elena is holding her back, she has her high school diploma and is attending college in the fall. Her fees are already paid and she's working on getting emancipated from Elena.

I decide to get hold of my dads attorney and get the ball rolling on this and he has to keep quiet about it or lose his license. I don't think I will have any problems since I will have income and can support myself and I am starting the eviction process against her and her husband and their brats. It will take time to get them out. I am going to get another guardian appointed, one that can be trusted. Gail Jones was a recommended as not only a guardian but also a live in housekeeper. I am advised to hire security as well. My dads attorney said he was going to recommend my emancipation soon, but Elena said that he needed to talk to her about my situation before talking to me. He decided to investigate a few things and it turns out Ray was never legally married to her because she had never divorced any of her other husbands. He looked at the guardianship papers and Ray had never signed them. Kate said that her mother and father were too busy working and socializing that they forgot they had two children. Her brother is becoming a psychiatrist and she is going into the family business as a journalist and working her way up to her dad's position as CEO of Kavanagh Media from the ground floor up. No nepotism for her. She has written a few articles and they were in magazines.

Lisa Douglas
I have cameras in the main office and the kitchen to catch thieves and I caught director Lawson switching the cans out. The police have fingerprinted everything and watched the videos. It wasn't his first time and the parents are suing him instead of me. He is also going to jail for doing this. The girls could have all died. Luckily sone didn't like the taste of the food and spit it out. The more polite ones just ate what they could and that was enough to make them ill.

I just can't get over the guilty feeling I have about why Christian left without a word and I finally tell Anastasia that Elliott and Christian's grandparents died in a car wreck and it had devastated him. He got the news by text from his parents just before they went out of the window. So he is still not over the loss. I apologize for not telling her as she is dragged out by her evil stepmom and her husband. Her husband was a real creepy guy. The doctor reminded her to take her antibiotics and the side affects and that her birth control would be useless now and she should abstain from sex until after she gets well. They told me the same thing. I see the anger on the guts face as he drags them both from the room, I hope she is alright. I gave her my number again just in case. Something is wrong with this picture.

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