Blessings In Disguise (sex)

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Mr Grey has asked to meet with me privately and I am a bit nervous. That is until he tells me what it is about and I become frantic. He wants to introduce me to his family including Mia. He wants to get me a full makeover and I finally agree to do it. It is after all something that I want to do. Meet Mia. Mr Grey has me go with him to a stylist and I have to admit the results were fantastic. The women and some men were looking at me like I was Christian Grey. He does the same thing. He buys me a whole wardrobe of clothing shoes and my fingernails and toenails are perfect. My hair is cut short and I have been shaved and left with a well trimmed beard and mustache. I get the cards from the manicurist and barber to keep this look up. I guess Christian needs to present an image and he does. Anastasia goes to these people as well, but she doesn't need as much done to keep her looks up.

I can't believe how Barney looks. I hope it doesn't go to his head though. I get Anastasia to get Mia to meet us for dinner. She somehow talks her into coming for dinner. She doesn't tell Mia we are bringing Barney with us. Barney and I look over the newest creations that he is sending to get a patent on. I look at one and I told him to fast track the testing and if it works we will get it to the patent office quickly and then implement it is our latest technology. We are so into our discussions we don't realize Mia and Anastasia have been waiting for us to notice they are here already.

I see Christian sitting with a very gorgeous man looking over documents of sone kind. Anastasia tells me that is her infamous Barney Miller. IT genius. I get closer and OMG he is not real and he doesn't look like a nerd. He looks like a supermodel. He and Christian stand when they realize that we are standing by the table. His manners are perfect. I can barely talk.

I grin as I introduce myself to Mia. I can't help it but I ask her to dance because my favorite song is on. She accepts and I lead her to the dance floor. I am so attracted to her. I hold her close and dance with her. Glad I learned to dance now. We are swept up in dancing with each other we didn't realize we had been dancing for a while. About a half an hour. We go back to the table and order our food, we get the same dishes. She tells me that she wants to become a chef and and event planner as well. She is going to school for it now and working as an event planner part time. Soon Christian and Anastasia leave for home and pay for our meals, which they both insisted on. The driver will assure we get home safely. I ask Mia to go out with me again. I am surprised when she says yes. She then invites me to her family's Sunday dinner. I accept.

I can't invite him to my place because I am still living with my parents. He invites me to see his place and I find out it is where he creates and he pretty much lives there as well. I decide to go there with him. Now I am sure that we are compatible. His lab can only be accessed with his fingerprint, voice recognition and scan of his eyes. He shows me a highly organized work area and a few items that will be patented soon. We go back to the apartment part of the building. It is beautiful and it is self sufficient and little robot cleaners ready to go out to vacuum. Then he shows me how the apartment works. I love it and he turns on music and the fireplace. We sit and talk in the sofa pit.

I ask Mia if I can kiss her and she leans over and kisses me. I'm am a little awkward at first, but soon we are making out and she has removed my suit jacket. I need to remain a gentleman because I want her to be mrs Miller. I just hope I don't ask her right this moment though. I know I have an erection but it is not happening tonight. Well maybe with my hand. I tell her we should stop making out because I don't want it to go further even though I am attracted to her, she is a lady and I want to respect that. Soon I am hugged and she is kissing me like she can't get enough of me. I am a sucker and I fall into her arms and we fall into the sofa pit and she keeps kidding me. I feel her hands unbuttoning my shirt. I can't think straight as she takes it off me. The last girl who did this to me was 15 and so was I. She had a bet that I was built like the man of Steel under my clothes and she won the bet. We were being watched by her friends. I didn't find out until after we had sex. All I can say is that I got that down from the internet quickly and before charges were pressed against the guy who posted it. It was considered child pornography. I allow Mia to take the lead on this, but I ask her if she has protection and if she is on birth control. I let her know that I am clean of STD's especially after the Albert situation.

I chuckle and tell Barney I am clean of STD's and on birth control and carry condoms with me. I kiss him and feel his muscular body. His erection tells me he wants me just as much as I want him. I pull on his zipper and then undo his belt and pants. I hear his shoes drop and I push his pants and underwear down until they fall on the floor. I kick my shoes off too. I take off my blouse and my bra and finally he makes a move and starts massaging my breast as he kisses me and then goes to my breast sucking on every part of them. I can't stop myself. I pull my skirt up and rub against his penis. He lifts me up and strips my skirt and thong off. He picks me up and we head toward his huge bedroom. I am soon on his bed and he is straddling me and asking me if I am sure about this. I pull him down and move in top of him and grab a condom from his drawer and place it on him. I kiss him and I move him in position and slide up and down on him. He slows my pace and tells me we have all night. He sent my driver home already. I might have started this, but he took lead and I was glad he did.

I don't know how but I got Mia to fly to Vegas with me to get married. We spent a week there and mostly in bed getting to know each other. My parents and hers think we were stupid for getting married in such a manner, but they changed their minds when they saw how happy we are together. She has became a chef and working hard to be a caterer. We bought a home and she decorated it the way she wanted to. She had no idea how wealthy I had become and she was shocked, Anastasia and Christian knew my wealth and knew Mia would like me no matter what my bank account was. It was better that she not know though. She was surprised that I can fly commercial airplanes and most anything with wings or rotors.

Barney took a week off and told me why, I was shocked at first, but I think it will definitely work out, just like when we got the call about a newborn baby boy that needed a family. He was three months early. Christian told me to remember about his life expectancy and I did. We hired more people to help while we were there for Theodore Raymond Grey. We were there touching his little fingers and talking to him. We did the skin to skin thing. He finally started thriving and gaining weight. We were able to hold him without the tubes and the rest of it after three weeks. We paid all the bills and he was placed in the regular nursery. Security was placed to assure he wasn't kidnapped.

After two months we are taking Theodore home with us, he got pneumonia and had to be put back in the NICU. Mom was very supportive and we need to have a monitor on him to assure he keeps breathing. Our staff watch him like a hawk. We do as well, but no one can be awake and alert 24/7. I wasn't thrilled that Mia and Barney eloped on their first date. But I found out that he had bought their wedding rings and the engagement ring after Albert showed him a photo of Mia. He was hoping to meet her and it finally happened. She didn't marry him for his money, I think it was his body and his great looks. He is a great influence on her. His family have finally decided to like her. They are now thrilled to have her in the family. Theodore started using his spoon to eat with today. At five months old we are doting parents.

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