The Water?

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I am thinking about the old joke about women drinking water and a baby boom started. Gail and Jason had their son James Jason Taylor. The Cheryl had her twins Ashleigh Jennifer and Aubrey Jean Kavanagh and finally Ava Grace and Elliott Grey Jr. Enid might not be the mother, but she loved babies and she was there for Cheryl and Kate. It was like Ashleigh and Aubrey were her grand babies. I am not sure how that happened but I am sure there is something that I don't know. Enid finally told me the whole story and that is how her and Kate ended up ousting Eamon from Kavanagh Media. The finally bought him out. Cheryl still works there but owns a quarter of the place now. Eamon had to pay child support for his daughters now. He never misses a payment according to Enid. He bought a publishing company and is trying his hand at that at this point. He decided to take Kate's deals to publish on line books and other media. It took a few weeks to get it on line, but it is flourishing and he has learned to keep it in his pants at work now. He changed the name to E K Media Group. His child support payments were increased by the courts after he filed his tax returns. He definitely is paying for his transgressions in spades.

We get the news that Anastasia might not be able to have children due to her beatings by the Morton's and Lincoln's. Both her and Christian are a bit sad, but chose to adopt like we did and decided to take the time and fill out adoption papers even at their young age. Grace and I didn't want to rain on the only light they have of being parents so we decided just to stand by them cheering them on in the best way we can. Grace cried that night after everyone left. Cried for our lost babies and now for Anastasia and her never ending suffering even after her tormentors are gone from this earth. They left her with a permanent memory of how much they took from the poor child. I held her until she cried herself to sleep. I then went to cry in my office for the losses Grace and I had suffered and now Anastasia and Christian's losses.

I wake up and Carrick is gone so I go look for him, I see him in his office and tears are flowing down his face and he reaches for his handkerchief. I slip back to our bedroom. He needs to cry alone and I knew that the first time we lost our first baby. He plays the strong man in front of everyone, including me but alone he lets it all out. I give that to him. It is something he needs to do alone. I go back to our bedroom and get under the covers. Everything will be okay if we have anything to do with it. I will keep aware of any potential waifs in need of a mommy and daddy and hope that a child in need is placed with Anastasia and Christian.

I just had a checkup with dr Greene and it doesn't look good as far as having my own babies. From what I'm told the beatings took a toll on me and my reproductive organs and I might not be able to have babies. Christian was with me for this appointment and he was very supportive and loving, but I feel like I have let him down. He tells me it isn't my fault at all but the people who hurt me. We go home very saddened by the news we received today and we held each other and fell asleep. There are babies born everyday to women who don't want them. The stories are terrible and getting worse every day. Christian himself had a bad experience, and he won't go into any of it because it is too painful.

Anastasia and I could give a child a wonderful life and plenty of love. I look into adoption and see what the procedures are to apply to adopt a baby, toddler or older child. I call mom and she tells me she can see what it will take to adopt and ask dad about the laws regarding them at this point. I want to have all the facts when I present the idea to her. We both apparently were thinking alike and researched our chances f adopting. We had paperwork and we both laughed at how our thought processes worked out. Both of us have our degrees and we can run our companies from our offices but we are now merged into one company. We have expanded into various fields and stay away from becoming a monopoly. Barney has created products that we invested in and put on the market. We are working on expanding our manufacturing processes and creating new products. I wished we had a contract insisting on any of his work done on Steele property became the intellectual property of Steele company. I then found out he did it on his own time and in a building that Elliott had a hand in building for him. So we couldn't have the ideas. But he did offer us the rights to manufacture and sell all his creations first. Well Anastasia first. We are very lucky to still have him working for us. His locality is based on how updated all his equipment is. It is updated prior to everyone else's updates. He has found an in for the newest and greatest before they release it. Plus he really likes Anastasia and so does his parents. He just turned 18 and thinking of getting married. First he has to find someone suitable. He had a crush on Mia, but he didn't know how to approach her. I have seen Barney and other than being and dressing like a nerd he could model for GQ magazine given the right makeover. I decide to play matchmaker.

Christian and I sign the papers to be put on the list to adopt. Then he asks me if I thought Barney might like to meet Mia? I laughed and said he has had a crush on her for a long time, but afraid to meet her. He would definitely need a makeover. I think he has some ideas in mind and I let him go with what he is planning because he knows his sister better than me. I just hope he knows to handle the situation with care. They are close in age, but he has degrees in a lot of fields. He stays busy all the time.

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