Graduation Day (sex)

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I decided to take the name Steele and so did Asia. It didn't take long to get it changed. Mom changed hers a long time ago, so she couldn't be found. Smith is a common last name. We are getting our diplomas today. Our college degrees are going to come in handy. We worked hard to get them. We no longer have to hide and can live our lives somewhat normally. We have security of course.

I can't believe I have my diploma and I start working for GEH Steele tomorrow and I will be working with Jose jr and sr. I am happy to be working for them both and they aren't going give me grief about being Anastasia's sister. Joseph is working with Elliot's staff starting at the bottom working his way up. His degree is what got him his job and mine got me mine. Hr hired us with strict orders to look at our grades and not our last names.

I told Kate and Mia enough to make them not want to ask me anymore. Especially about the fact that they were saved by some very protective people who were able to be there when Mia's grand opening was targeted. I said that I knew from what I was hearing that they were saved. Kate's shots didn't kill anyone, just hit them after they were shot by snipers. Eamon Jr was left alive so they could get more evidence on the whole group in Seattle. I told Kate that she was lucky that Eamon didn't come to her wedding. He had planned to come and we stopped it. He was going to end a lot of lives on her wedding day. She started crying. She should cry because her father and his namesake were horrible people. E K Media was left to his known heirs which they sold immediately after getting it. It didn't get a good price. Enid bought it and told Kate to incorporate it into Kavanagh Media. Ethan marrying Cheryl was one of the best things for them both and their twins. I hated the Eamons for a lot of reasons. They hid their compulsions very well. But the sexual harassment not so well. I watch my children get their college degrees and it is the best feeling in the world to do something so normal. I believe Kate and I came to an understanding and I told her that if she ever wants the full story there is someone who can tell her everything. I only know my own story.

I am amazed that my siblings are college grads now and have jobs with GEH and Grey Construction. I forget that they are only six years younger than I am. So Rose was born when Asia was twelve and the triplets were born when she was fifteen. She had the others taken from her. She got Rose free from them. Then she was caught. Joseph helped her get free and Carla found them and helped them hide. She used disguises to do it. I don't think I will ever want to know everything that happened with her and my siblings because I don't want to open up any painful memories for them. They see people to help with the PTSD. They are close with all our children. Teddy loves that he and his brothers outnumber us females in the house. Six all boys definitely outnumber us, but can't get around the fact that they don't rule the roost around here lol. I do. I am the last word on everything. Teddy and his little brothers decided to challenge my authority and discovered his father was not going to be manipulated by his attitude towards the females in the family because we were only two to their seven. I told them dad will explain to them what a female dictator is and why I am the dictator of this home. No male chauvinist bing raised in this house. Rosé explained what a dictator was to them and smiled at pointed at me and told her brothers that I was the dictator and my orders are to be followed or suffer the consequences. They get time outs and they have to explain back to us if they remember what they were being punished for and why they would need to be punished. Rose is older than Teddy by a year, the triplets are a year younger than Teddy. Rose loves being our only girl. Christian loves spoiling her. I remind him that she loves him, but she needs to be told no. Rose is 9, Teddy 8, Christian Jr, David and Robert are 7, Jeremy and Lawrence are 6 years old. We thought about adopting another girl but the mother changed her mind. I think if we do it will be closer to Roses age.

Elliott and I hired these two up before anyone else got a chance to. It's definitely not nepotism, it's self preservation if their talent is needed. The ceremony is over and everyone is getting tired, well the children are that is. We are going to have our own celebration in private. Seven children we have to plan for private moments or try to get them when the children are in school. Lately it was then, but now they out of school. We are letting them go to day camp this year, but security and their mannies and nanny are going with them. I think we will have a late dinner with candlelight and flowers. I watch as Anastasia walks around the table and smiles at me. I check her strapless mini dress out and enjoy the slit in the front middle. It's going to be a good night tonight. I pull her chair out and move mine next to hers. We drink a toast to the new employees. I kiss her and feed her a few bites of appetizer. Soon our meal is finished. I turn music on to dance to. I pull her up and into my arms. I dance slowly and hold her tightly and start kissing her. I dance her gently up the stairs and into our room. I am sure she has nothing under that dress. I slide the top down and start kissing and sucking her nipples. I slide my hand between her thighs and feel how wet she is and her lack of panties. I pull the dress off her and sit her on the bed and I feel her remove my shirt and then my pants and underwear. I spread her legs wide open to get a taste of her juices. I can't stop at that, I open her up and her legs are around me as I bury my face between her legs rubbing her clit and exposing her so I can get my tongue just in the right areas. She comes right away. I leave my marks on her inner thighs and her lower abdomen. I move up to my other favorite place. Her breasts and give them a lot of attention and leave marks on them. Then I start kissing as I position my penis between her legs and rub up and down until I slide inside her and we start thrusting together we get our rhythm going and soon we are kissing each other and she comes and I keep kissing her and I want her to come again and again until I can't hold back again and explode over and over inside her.

After my last orgasm I think I fainted. The man wears me out during sex. I lost count of my orgasms. We are still young and we should enjoy sex every chance we get. I fall asleep in Christian's arms.

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