Missing Persons

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We find out that the FBI has been trying to locate the guy who looks like Eamon for some time now. They took over the case. They arrested Eamon Kavanagh as well. We can't find out anything else after the FBI took over the investigations. It is like they came in and took them and disappeared off the face of the earth. No one knows the agents who retrieved both Eamons. I tried my sources. Christian tried his, Barney is somewhat quiet about what he found out. He finally told us the day he became a father. He told us in my office and swore us to secrecy. Jason apparently knows more than he could tell us and now he can tell us what he knows. Barney is that good at ferreting out things. I had no idea. Anastasia said that Barney could find out anything given the right motivation killing his wife and unborn children would be the exact reason for him to nail your ass to the cross. So when everything went down he put his friends on the tail and that trail was quite illuminating. We found out that Ray hadn't died when his death certificate stated. Elena hid him away in a nursing home. Jason got him and placed him in a place he was taken care of until he took his last breath. Elena had tried to kill him, but unsuccessfully. Apparently black ops has been trying to protect Anastasia since the day they found out about her still being alive and was beaten outside the hospital. This conversation can't be repeated. It never happened and I don't want to know. I tell them I get the picture and it gives no further. I will not look into this further is basically what I am being told. We never found out where the Eamons were taken to. Nor did anyone ask again.

I told Barney thank you for helping to get the message through and he just nodded his head at me. He assures me that things are being handled and there won't be another attack like this again. All the pregnant women are safe now. Two are past due. Gail is getting grouchy. Mia is about to burst as she puts it. Kate is mad about being in the hospital.

Arron Smith Steele
I am looking at the two who tried to kill my stepfathers biological daughter. Ray was married to my mother during her worst days of her life. He adopted me. I am 15 years older than Anastasia. Mom was 15 years older than Ray. He gave us a great life right before mom passed away if stage four liver cancer. He made sure I was well educated and I decided to go to the military school and trained to be special forces. Anastasia was aware of me, but she wasn't allowed to write to me. I tried reaching out to her, but Ray told me that she would be safer if I didn't write to her. I discovered what he meant after Carla was killed and then we found out Elena had hidden Ray in a nursing home after she tried to kill him. A death certificate showed up for him, but they never expected there to be wills filed by three attorneys two which superseded the one Elena presented. I owe Ray a lot, but in his mind I owe him nothing but to have a great life. He left me half his estate and one of his two companies. I have half of his properties. I knew that the black ops had plans to get rid of the Lincoln's and the Morton's and they did very publicly. This time they are quietly removing the dangers to our family. I walk in and see Eamon sr and jr tied to the chairs. I allow Caroline Acton to watch as her rapists are tortured and she can't take any more. We grabbed her from where Eamon Jr took her and got her treated and then found her a new job and made sure her family knew she was alive, but as far as they were concerned she is still missing. I married her after she was finally able to trust me. We are raising her twins from being raped by the Eamons. She couldn't abort them. We definitely had them tested for any mental issues. So far so good, but we keep an eye on any odd behaviors. It gets curtailed immediately. Jason knows how to get hold of me. Now Barney does as well. We leave and let the others deal with them. We go home to our four children and play with them and enjoy our beautiful family. Ray is right family is everything. Blood relative or not love is what really binds us together.

Caroline Acton Smith Steele
I look at the twin daughters of Eamons and then Arron and my sons it is oh so sweet to picture this loving scene. I know Eamon Jr was planning on selling me off and had went to find me clothing for that purpose, since he ripped my clothing off my body to prevent my escape. Plus he repeatedly had sex with me until he was exhausted. The first time he couldn't quite perform. He then he strapped me down and spread my legs out like a split. My legs were at the edge of the table and he just stood there pounding away at my insides including anal penetrations. Had Aaron not arrived when he did I would have bled out. He definitely saved my life but the lives of our daughters. He put his name on the birth certificate. We married before the births of the girls. Luckily they look like me. Arron tells me I don't need to see the Eamon's ever again and will never see them again. He told me to forget they existed as they forgot I existed. It is amazing how right he is about that.
No missing persons reports were ever filed about Eamon Sr or Eamon Jr. I am told there never will be a missing persons report filed or at least not one that would be checked into.

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