Since its initial discovery in the abandoned levels of Coruscant, the tale of "The Eight Jedi" has met with mixed critical reception. On the one hand it demonstrates the figure that Jedi have cut in the various storytelling traditions of the galaxy. On the other it shows exactly the kind of misconceptions that led the Jedi to actively avoid media representation.
Here it is my goal to analyze this work and dissemble the text. In this way we might better understand why the romantic view of the Jedi embraced in such works, while entertaining, are ultimately counterproductive to their mission.
I hope that you, young probationer, will actively participate. It is always a pleasure of mine to see what thoughts our future archivists might hold on such matters.
The Eight Jedi (Annotated by Chief Archivist Jedi Master Ashram Dreyus)
PoetryBefore the dawn of the Galactic Republic a group of eight Jedi from distinct walks of life are forced to set aside their differences and work together to protect a peasant village from an oncoming bandit raid.