"Forbear" the ghost in ghostly ways
To gathered crowd began to say
"Forbear and live and lend your aid
To try and stave away the graveAnd bring an end to warring men
Who steal from others forselves to fend"
And all the host no murmured loud
Before their ghostly liege now humble cowedBut still in darker mood they felt
And fear of bandit wrath still dwelt
Inside their hearts and froze their veins
For fear of earning not but pain.But men this thing by lore did know
That men were bid to guard abode
By dint of ancient laws adept
That bid their forbears will be kept.So down the weapons down the guns
And down the will of men to shun
Yet any thought of making war
They knew the way their fate was scored.Then all the ghost from ground dispersed
Now left to go fulfilling curse
That Varik placed on those who came
And sought yet any war to deign.On village made for warring will
In hopes to end the right to steal
That all the bandits come do deign
And hearts of all were very fain.
The Eight Jedi (Annotated by Chief Archivist Jedi Master Ashram Dreyus)
PuisiBefore the dawn of the Galactic Republic a group of eight Jedi from distinct walks of life are forced to set aside their differences and work together to protect a peasant village from an oncoming bandit raid.