The Scheme

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Inside the hut they all do fight
About the coming test of might
What group their warriors forth would yield
And risk their lives to die in field

While fighting foes who come to thieve
And all yet gathered seek to grieve.
So many hours come and go
Inside the great disjointed bode.

When up does Kelan rise from seat
And go about the night to meet.
And Varik quick behind him flies
A question laid in elders eyes

Who left escaping crowded room
Where men did fight on coming dome.
And Varik up beside him stands
To ask the man of coming plans.

"Yet many goodly men are gained
And still your face is very pained
Now speak my friend and tell me hurt
So elder man can start his work

And lift from shoulders all the weight
That man does bear as warring fate."

And Kelan spoke and told concern
That many nights of work had earned
When building walls around the keep
And trying ways of war to teach

To village men who never raised
An arm in all the martial ways.

"Yet even with folk we gained
And thing for which I'm very fain
We're still to short to keep the hold
From men in ways of war yet bold."

Then Verik's eyes did glimmer bright
Enough to see inside the night
That spoke of ages man had lived
And plan at current moment give

Informed by all those days yet past
Not vain into this time he's cast.

"The hunter men have caught on path
When first we set to lend our wrath
To peasant folk inside this place
In hopes their homes they long could grace

Without the threat of death or theft
That sure would leave the whole bereft
I've watched from day he first was caught
And down to village hasty brought.

I've learned his folkish ways and lore
And way his folk do wage their chores.
Of men yet gone to distant age
And final debt of death have paid

These men do fear respecting well
The power men have thought they held.
A plan I have if liege would hear
A way to use their daunting fear."

And Kelan saw the glimmer held
That deep in Varik's eyes now held
And drew himself yet near to task
To see what thing his ally asked.

The Eight Jedi (Annotated by Chief Archivist Jedi Master Ashram Dreyus)Where stories live. Discover now