Chapter 2

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TRUTH to Mile's words yesterday the helper he was saying actually come today, and the person in front of him right now, holding a big black bag and wearing a simple blue shirt and grey short, with his mullet hair and cute smile.

This person is the last thing in his mind to come as his helper, the person he finds beautiful before, for some reason he really like seeing this person's face when he was in school. He saw him first at the library as a cleaner and keeper, he likes to sleep at the library because of the silence but when he saw him he was captivated by the man's beauty. His smiles that can brighten someone's day as you speak to him. That's why library become his sanctuary because the apple of his eyes is there but when his life become complicated and problematic he forgot to went to the library until the day he drop out from school, and now that this man is in his front like a big surprise from Mile his oxygen fucking escape from his lungs.

Is it a gift or what?

He was about to speak with the boy when his phone rang, and again the fucker is calling

"Do you like my present?" Mile said while grinning from ear to ear, he knows that Bible would love to see his apple again and beside he know that today Bible is in his right mind, since Ta called him yesterday. So a big surprise would be his reward.

"Fuck you Mile, how did you--?" before he can finished his words Mile interrupt

"I just called to ask if my present is well delivered but base on your tone I guess you received it already, so no more asking, that's it! I'm a busy person, enjoy my gift I work hard to find him and to negotiate with him. So enjoy my dear cousin bye!"

That's it?

The bastard ended the call and leaving him confused and conscious.

Good thing that he took a shower and cleaned himself and do shaving his  whiskers yesterday before facing the visitor because if he didn't surely this person would be shocked and frightened.

He tried to be calmed and indifferent but he knows inside him there is something that's stirring him to smirk and grin because finally, God is in his side now. First, his little brother called him and now his apple is inside his house.

Who wouldn't be happy for that?

"What's your name?" he asked the boy who is now fidgeting his fingers while looking at the floor

"Ahm my name is Build Jakapan sir, but just Biu for short"

I'm amuse upon hearing his voice, the demons inside me are partying as they heard that sweet voice again, even if he's nervous talking to me but he manage to answer fluently

"Let's sit at the sofa and tell me your background, I'm lazy to read your documents"

So they went to the living room and they seated face to face in the sofa.

Biu don't know where to find courage and strength to talk because this man or his boss is looking at him weirdly, the man is sitting comfortably in the sofa while resting his two hands at the backrest.

"I came from Chiang Mai but I'm working at the grades school here in Bangkok as a teacher until sir Mile offered me this job"

I said without looking in his eyes, his aura is too powerful, from his stares, to his posture, everything screams dominance. His raven hair, brown eyes, chiseled jaw and pointed nose. His face is handsome. He is a perfect epitome of Adonis.

"So you left your work as a teacher for me?" I asked Biu teasingly knowing that he was checking my face making me thrilled and amuse.

He avoided my gaze and answer me looking at the floor

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