Chapter 6

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HE WOKE UP early to cook some breakfast while Bible is still sleeping. He didn't know what time they'll go to the airport but he had no plans of waking his boss because he knew he is tired and need to recharge his energy.

He just cook a simple breakfast for them fried eggs, bacon, hotdogs, fried rice and he reheat the remaining food last night. When he's done cooking, he clean the kitchen also the living room while waiting for Bible to woke up. He is watering the plants when his boss called him to go inside, so he put down the watering can and went to him.

Bible is in the door waiting for him, he's obviously came from a long sleep because his messy hair and puffy eyes are the proof for that. He smile as he approached him and fix his messy hair.

"Baiben don't hug me I'm sweating" he didn't listen to me instead he sniffed my neck and face

"Still smells good apple" he smile and kiss my cheeks

"Good morning my apple, you're beautiful today" I smile and looked away from him because my cheeks are burning with his flirtatious lines, I wondered if he is one of Zeus relatives because they're too flirt.

"What time we're going to the airport Baiben?" I asked the man who's busy sniffing my neck

"Later, 11 am" we still have a time to do our morning routines, I nodded to him and we went to the kitchen he help me preparing the table and we eat together.

Around 11:30 we arrived at the airport, while waiting I notice that Baiben is pacing back n forth he seems disturbed and nervous

"Baib, are you okay?" he just nodded to he so I handed him a water bottle, whoever this person we're fetching he/she must be important for him.

"Don't worry apple I'm okay, I'm just nervous and excited" he assured me with his smile and I smile in return

After a minutes of waiting, there is a tall and handsome man around twenties. He is cute especially his eyes, he is smiley, have a bright presence and an adorable smile. They hug each other and began to cry. I distant myself so I can give them a privacy

"Phi, I miss you so much" this cute man said to Baiben

Phi? So they're brothers

Maybe that's why Baiben was nervous and excited, so adorable

"Phi miss you too, kiddo" Bible pulled away from the hug and messed the hair of his little brother, at last he can breath freely because his brother is now on his side, after a long battle in the court with Ta's biological parents it made him tired and drained from the process but now everything's fade and only happiness remains

"Kiddo, this is Build Jakapan my apple" I put my hands over Biu's shoulder and introduce him to Ta

Ta looked at Biu carefully, I don't know if he recognized Build. I often told him before that there's a man in the library that I find beautiful. And I said Build's name but maybe he can't remember that.

"Oh you're that person. Hi Phi Biu I'm Ta, Bible's younger brother" his apple smile and introduce himself too and they began to talk about many things as we walk to the car and cast me out

My two sunshines!

We decided to eat outside to celebrate Ta's arrival he really insisted to brought him to the traditional restaurant where his favorite spicy rice pork is, also it's my apple's favorite too

"Phi Biu, do you have a brother" Ta said and cling into my apple's hand, we're waiting for our orders and they seat together again

Should I be jealous?

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