Chapter 16

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He's not interested anymore. He will admit that he's bias today. There's only performance he wanted to see. Ta walked back to the comfort room hoping that he can see that boy there and he's not wrong. The boy is still there, leaning on the sink while playing with his necklace.

He looked tensed and nervous.

"Hey little boy, why you're still here?" the boy raised his head to look at him

"Hey Phi you're back" he cutely smiled

"You're nervous?" Ta asked while slowly walking closer to him

The boy avoided his eyes and lowered his head then play with his necklace again.

"Yes, I'm nervous because this performance will be our final grade and I'm afraid to make a mistake on stage" the boy said

Ta went silent and just leaned his body next to the boy. He can understand him. There's are always moment in our life that we don't have enough reasons to trust and believe in ourself especially after we saw how we commit series of mistakes. Being confident is very hard.

"I'm Nattakun Wichapas, you can call me Ta" he extended his hand

The boy stared at his hand before smile to accept it.

"I'm Barcode, just call me Code" they do a handshake

They're not strangers anymore.
Code felt a small relief in his heart.

"Don't be nervous I will cheer on you" he promised

"Really?" Code cupped his face

Ta swallowed hard as he stared at the boy in his front. He wondered if the boy is aware of his actions.

"Y-eah of course I-i will" he stuttered

He can felt his face is burning. He left a fighting gesture to Code before leaving. Ta touch his face and blinked as he processed what just happened.

The performance of Code started after minutes he came back from his seat. Ta make sure that the boy can spot him in the crowd. He smiled when Code finally found him. He raised his fist and gesture a fighting again. Unlike earlier, the boy seemed composed and enjoying the stage.

After all the performance was good. Ta felt something pride in his heart. He exited from the auditorium after the performances and dropped his vote on the box. Of course, he voted for Barcode. Not because he like the boy but because he did well.

In the hospital, Build visited his grandma. It's been a week since his last visit. He hired P'Lara his kind neighbor to look and take care of his grandma while he's busy with his work.

His grandma looks good. The doctor said next week will be her operation. It was a good news for him because he really wanted to be with her again.

"Good afternoon grandma" he kissed her cheeks

"My l-ittle Biu...h--ow are you?" she asked slowly

Build's heart felt euphoria as he heard his grandma's voice again. Last time she had difficulties talking but now she can talk slowly. Seeing his grandma smiling at him fading his worries and fears.

"Grandma after your operation I'm going to introduce my boyfriend to you" he proudly said

"Oh m-y li-ttle Biu.... alre-ady had a boy--friend" he nodded and kissed his grandma's hand

"grand-ma is ve-ry ha-ppy for yo-u" a lone tear fell from his grandma's eyes

It also brought tears in his eyes. He embraced his grandma while telling her how he met Bible and how handsome he is.

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