Chapter 1

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HE GET UP from the cold floor then as he stand he felt dizziness and his eyesight is blurry. So he slowly walk to his bed while holding his head and rest there to calm himself. When he is not dizzy anymore he went down to his kitchen to cook some food to ease his hunger.

He's not healthy anymore, of course he knew that. He rarely eat and drink water also don't do exercise anymore plus the wounds he got that sheds his blood many times.

He started to heat instant rice and cook ham and fried some chicken. He is famished that's why he cook quickly so he can fill his stomach. As he eats his phone at the counter ringing, so he pick it up and answer the call. It is Mile, his fucking cousin.

He touch the answer button and loudspeaker. Then continue to eat his food

"Hey man! Good morning" Mile said brightly

He just snorted because clearly this bastard know that his morning wasn't that good but he always greeted him a good morning but anyways he appreciates it and somehow it helps him to overcome his day.

"Nothing's new and definitely it's not a good morning for me" he replied as he stuffed food to his mouth

"Well, that's good to hear your voice knowing that you're still alive"

Mike really knows how to annoy him and how to keep him talk in a conversation.

His cousin Mile is the only person who persuade him despite of him being so cold and distant, he didn't fails to show him care and concern. Sometimes he is irritating because Mile treated him as a toddler but he always appreciated his cousin.

The reason why he still eating food today is because of that man, who keep on sending groceries and foods in front of his house.

"By the way, my dear cousin I'll send someone who will accompany you in your house to clean your house and to cook for you, I know It's abrupt but I'm really worried of you Bible. I don't want a day to come for me to set up and prepare for your funeral, so keep on living for me buddy okay? I'm sorry if I decided alone but this person is trustworthy and I already told him the do's and dont's"

I just sighed in what I heard, I know I'm not gonna win in this discussion so I didn't dare to argue. After all he knows my weakness and he always blackmailed me for that. I just nodded as if he can see me.

"Okay, just make sure that the man you're sending here in my house is not nosy" i said

I can clearly visualize his smirk and smile right now, because he's my cousin if I'm cold and arrogant well that bastard is a cunning man.

"Yeah of course he won't be nosy, thanks for not cursing me to death for my decision my dear cousin, but you know I did everything for your good" he said seriously and I can really sense his concern and care towards me, the reason why I can't make him stay away from me because he's the only person who can tolerate my attitude and can see my suffering.

That's why I'll be grateful to him until I die nor even I already died.

We spoke many things some are about his business and my business that he's handling right now, and his relationship with Apo. Also his sick jokes and deadly pick up lines.

After I eat, I washed the dishes and then my phone ring again. Thought it is Mile again who's calling

"What again Mile? You're not done yet with your lame jokes?" I said annoyingly because I know this man is just messing with me again because he's bored

"Phi....." the other line said

I was startled at the voice I heard, it was two years ago as I last heard it. Because of my shock I dropped the plates on the floor, splinters are cutting my skin but I couldn't care. All I care is the person who's calling me on the phone

"Phi are you there? What's that sound? Are you okay?" Ta said in worried voice

He can't help himself from crying, he asked God many times that his younger brother would go back to him but when years past and  nothing, so he gave up  to that idea and settled to the thoughts of only hearing his voice again.

Many things happened that made them separated and he regretted those days that he didn't fight.

He compose himself and force himself to talk to Ta, afraid of he ended the call.

"I'm still here and the sounds it's nothing, I'm doing fine like before" he said in a lively tone so that his brother won't suspect anything.

"It's good to hear that you're okay Phi! I miss you so much I really want to go home to you but they won't let me, I want to see you again"

Ta begun to cry and whine to his older brother, telling him that he want to go home and he wants to be with Bible. As he heard his baby brother crying his heart shattered and broken, it looks like throughout the years of his suffering his brother suffers too.

"Phi I promise I'll do anything to go home in Thailand. I don't want to be here, I want to be with you kuya. Please I want to go home"

For Bible when his mother died his life only remained in Ta and when his brother went to America with his biological parents, he felt that his life is not with him anymore. But now hearing his brother crying and asking for help, he instantly came back to his right mind and sanity.

"Why you didn't called me for two years Ta?" He asked bitterly

He waited many days for Ta to call nor even a small update of his life in America but nothing came! One of the reason why he's bitter in his life.

"Phi sorry I didn't, I'm not allowed to call anyone in Thailand especially from our family, when I called you before your number can't be reach, I don't have a phone they took it luckily one of our neighbors here is Thai and I'm friends with him so I asked him if I can call my brother then I asked your number from P'Mile"

He don't know what he supposed to feel right now, he is happy because Ta already called him but now hearing those words made him furious, if he know that his brother won't have a good life with his parents he didn't agreed of sending him back to them.

And now he feels nothing but a sorry for his brother and an anger to his biological parents.

"Don't worry Phi will do anything to bring you back here in Thailand, For now just do what they want and wait for me to get you there"

We talked so long that he told me all his heartaches and hardships in America, he discovered that Mile gave a million bucks to Ta's parents for them to take care of Ta but they didn't and they're using him to milk some money from Mile that he didn't know a thing about it for two years already. He can't blame Mile for not telling him instead he want to thank him a lot and blame himself for what happened to his brother.

After they talked and after he knew his brother's situation, he became more motivated to stay alive and to get back his brother. When his sanity back to him he decided to start fixing his life for his brother, now that he had a reason for living he already don't want death but he want a big revenge to those fuckers who hurt his brother.

His sanity is back in his body accompanied by a demon.


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