Chapter 26

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Bible is busy signing the documents in his table when his secretary entered.

"Sir there's a man outside that forcing to talk to you" he sigh as he stood from the chair

"It's okay Chin, I'll talk to him" Chin went out and he fix his white polo

He's not wearing his coat as he went outside to face the man that made a commotion outside his office.

Bible stuck in his place when his eyes landed on the man sitting on the chair. His knuckles folded and his face became firm.

"Follow me" he casually said

They entered his office and Bible loosened his tie before facing his father. Former Father. Not anymore

"What are you doing here?" he firmly said

"Is that how you welcome your father?" Rowel said

Bible chuckled at him. He rested his back at the backrest of his chair before confidently looked at the man.

"As I can remember, you already resigned from that responsibility. Don't make this long I'm busy....what do you want?" He asked

"Well, I'll just want to check if you're doing good"

He burst in airy laugh as he heard his reply.

"Check me? Seriously? Is that your real reason or you're here to asked money from me? I heard your company is not doing good.....well you can't get even one Bhat from me. Tou left and pleased disappear forever.... don't ever show your face to us or else I will show you how devil I become when you left us.....Fuck you to the core, get out from my company while I'm still calm" he command him

The man's eyes widened as he's not expecting this from Bible, his son was once a kind and good person but the man in front of him is not his son anymore. He's very far from the son he abandoned.

Rowel nodded his head and stood up before placing something on the table.

"This will be my last gift to you and to your little brother, I've worked so hard for this so use it in good" he said before exiting the room.

On the hallway, a warm tears streamed in Rowel's eyes as he's so proud for his son. He failed to be a father but Bible still grew up as a good and firm man. Like he wanted him to be.

His heart tightened as he accept his defeat, the jail and his imprisonment will be his karma. He knew he can't run away from the bankruptcy and he wanted to see his sons before he will face his case.

He wiped his tears as he saw his youngest son, walking with his friends. Looking handsome in his uniform. Rowel, tapped his chest as his whole system eaten by conscience. His Ta had been through a lots of pain and he was supposed to be the one who's protecting them. But he is an asshole. A useless father. Rowel maneuvered the car and drove to the police station to surrender himself.

With only picture of his sons that he took in hidden, he entered the cold and lonely jail. He's ready to pay for his sins and mistakes.

In his office, Bible staring at the USB drive that his father left. He is hesitating to take it or to throw it. His hand is shaking as he hold it. The corner of his eyes burning as he finally let go of his emotions. He stood up from his chair and put the USB in his pocket before leaving his office.

I need my apple now.

In just a minutes, he reached his house and immediately find his apple. In the garden he saw him watering the flowers. Bible quickly hugged the boy that made the latter startled.

"Ap-ple I saw him again" Bible said in between his sobs

Build let go of the thing in his hand then hugged his boyfriend. He knew who he's pertaining to. He petted his back and kissing his head.

"Just cry Baib, I'm just here"

The garden filled with Bibles heavy cries. Build's eyes also wet with tears. His heart twisted in every sobs of Bible.

"Just cry, everything's will be okay"

Build can feel his neck wet with Bible's tears. His hands are petting his back and caressing his hair.

After a minutes of sobbing, they're now inside their room cuddling in their bed. Build hugged Bible in his arms as he can see how weak his boyfriend is.

"He gave me this apple" his eyes fixed in the USB that's in Bible's palm

He took it and get his laptops on the bedside table.

"Do you want to see what's inside Baib?" His boyfriend shook his head

"Can you see it for me" he said

"Of course" Biu replied

He connect the USB to the laptop and see what's inside. There is two files one video a two minutes long and a document. He clicked first the video and it showed a man that looked like Bible.

His father.

The video played and the man smiled at the camera but still silent for a seconds.

Hi sons, I-i don't know how to start this but, Uhm I wanted to say I love you so much. You and your brother....

The man begin to wipe his tears, and his eyes avoided the camera

I won't tell why I ended up like this because that are my problems and I don't want to drag you in my life anymore. Please live happily, find someone that will love you and don't be like me. I really love you and Ta also your mother but I fucked up...

This time he let his tears flowed in his face.

I admit my sins and I will pay for that. Son I'm sorry for giving you all of my responsibilities but please do anything to give your brother a happy life..... I'm very sorry.....I love you my sons...I love you two so much...please live happily

The video ended and Build sobs in the bed, he hugged Bible tightly who is also listening in the video. The two of them shared a tears and pain. Bible cannot deny that his father still had a huge effect in his life especially in his heart. He can't helped but to be broken for what happened to him

Bible is thinking if it's good to let his brother see the video or not. It can trigger him. He don't know what to do but it was Ta's right to know about the video.

In his room, Ta is playing games in his computer when his brother entered his room.

"Hi Phi" he greeted

Bible messed his hair and joined him. After a few match they stopped.

"Ta, can you still recall our father's face?" He asked

"Yes, very well...why?" Ta asked curiously

Bible put the USB in Ta's palm before caressing his hair.

"He gave this to me last yesterday, I know you need to see this. He is in jail right now because his investors filed a case against him and he gave it to me before he detained himself. Please tell me if this video triggered you or what... I'll be in my room" he said before kissing his brother's head and left the room

Ta watched the video and in the whole duration of the video, his eyes never dried. His heart still missing his father. Seeing how his father's face changed from being handsome and cleaned face is now thin and beard face. His eyes are dark and he looks stress. Ta ran to his brother's room after the video he trow himself to Bible's arms and cry.

Build also caressed his little brother's back when he cried so hard. Bible might be the daddy's boy before but Ta was daddy's baby.

He had a soft spot for his father. For Ta his father will be always his father despite of the fact that he left them.

Family is like a puzzle, it can be broken but every pieces can be put back in it's original frame, the other frame can welcomed you but you won't belong there.


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