Chapter 20

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Minutes later of sitting in the table, Bible took them upstairs. It's a room that is soundproof on the inside. He cannot hear any sounds from the party. Later on, the door opened and Mile entered together with three people behind him.

"Hey man" the cousins hugged each other

Mile introduce his companion, the old lady Nympha the mother of Mile's boyfriend, his boyfriend Apo and his little brother Barcode. He shake hands with Apo who have the same age as him. Build and Apo immediately clicked together, they talked about many things. Nanny Chari and Aunty Nympha also talked in their own table. Build took a gaze to his boyfriend who is talking with someone in his phone.

"How many years did you know that bastard?" Apo asked

"I met him when I was in third year college but he disappeared in fourth year and we met again months ago" he answered

Apo is kind of intimidating person but have a funny personality. He is savage too.

"Aw that's good, how about Mile did you met him before?" He nodded his head

"Yes, he offered me this job as Bible helper"

Build started to narrate the story behind his job and his relationship with Bible. He's comfortable with Apo. It seems like he found a friend.

Ta entered the room and went to his brother.

"Phi I'm here" he called his brother's attention

"Ow you're here little Ta" Mile hugged his cousin and mess his hair

"Awh Phi don't mess my hair I just did it awhile ago" he whined to Mile that made the man laugh

"By the way, bring my little brother with you and look after him" Mile called his little brother, his name made Ta's eyes widened.

"Yes Phi?" The boy look shocked upon seeing him

"This is my cousin and he's partying with his friends downstairs, you can join them but don't drink too much and don't stay away from Ta, understood?" Mile strictly said

Barcode nodded in respond. Same to him, Ta was shocked too. The world is indeed small. It took him by surprise knowing that Barcode is the little brother of his cousin's boyfriend.

"Just stick with me" he tightly held Code's wrist as they walked in the crowded floor.

It was a first time for Code to come here, If he didn't forced his brother to allowed him, he won't be here. Good thing he always had his Phi Mile's back. His mother also joined them to make sure he won't get drunk.

It's so crowded and the light are dancing with the sound. He felt an amount of fear seeing drunk people that's why he hugged the arm that is holding him.

"Hey it's okay I'm here coconut, don't be scared" Ta said while hiding him in his back. His broad back covered Code.

They continued walking until they reached the bunch of noisy people. There are ten or more people on the table talking and drinking. Ta introduced him to them but never bother to introduce his friends.

"Hi baby boy, how old are you?" Asked by the man who had a big body like Ta

"I'm 18" he said but still hiding in Ta's back.

"Hey don't be scared to us, we're friendly" the man that is leaning on the man earlier talked

"Ohm don't call him baby boy or else I'll sew your mouth" everyone went oww as they heard Ta

"Our Ta is now a lover boy huh" said the man with many freckles

"Shut up Felix" Ta exclaimed

His friend started to tease him. Ta raised his middle finger to them. They slowly introduce themselves one by one. The time passed as Code became comfortable with them. They're not that bad like his first impression.

Some of them are now dancing, Code wanted to taste the alcohol but Ta never let go of his hand. The man just seated with him and even drinking the glass of rum.

Code is busy laughing at Ta's friends because they're dancing like an idiot. After a minutes of burning on the floor, the squad went back to their table and begin to took their clothes off.

"What the fuck man?" Ta shouted to his friends

Fort, Ohm and Perth are now topless. Flaunting their body. Ta immediately covered Barcode's eyes but the boy slap his hand.

"Whoa you have a great body Ohm, you too Fort and Perth" he give them a thumbs up

Ta stared at Code with his unbelievable face he wanted to smacked his friends right now if Code is not just here.

"Sorry man it's so hot here" Fort said while resting his head to the headrest.

They're back to drinking session again and started bickering with each other. Ta joined them this time. Code keep asking Ta if he can have alcohol and after a few persuasions Ta finally agreed. He give him a beer.

His face crumpled as he tasted the beer for the first time but he keep sipping it and he began to like it. He slowly gulped it so he won't get drunk. He is busy listening to Ta's friends when Phi Bible suddenly came like a storm that made the people around him stiffened. The table became silent. No one dared to touch their glass or to move an inch. Nanon and Dunk pretended to sleep on the table while Ohm, Fort and Tutor became one with their chair. The others are sitting politely in their chair.

Code wanted to get his camera and took them a picture. Their faces are visible with fears and avoiding Bible's eyes.

"Ta take Code with you in our house if you'll going home. We go first because Nanny Chari and Apple are already sleepy. Don't worry about Apo and Mile they already knew about it" he nodded his head

"Got it Phi" he replied

"Drive safely and don't get drunk. Apo will have your head if something happens to his brother" Bible added

"Thank you Phi" Code smiled at Bible and the man just messed his hair

"I'm going now, enjoy your night" Ta saw his friends breath again when his brother turned his back but stopped breathing again when his Phi faced them again

"And you all......" everyone swallowed hard except for the two pretender

"Don't get too drunk so you can go home safe" all of them nodded in unison just like a robot, only head are moving while their bodies are stiff

Bible walked out and Ta saw his friends poorly turned jelly in their seat.

"Bud I think I'm sober now" Chimon said

"Yeah I think we need to go home" Soobin added

The rest of them nodded in approval. They all exited the bar after minutes that Bible left them and went to their separated ways. Ta didn't go home yet but instead he brought Code in an open restaurant to have a soup. He saw the boy's face getting red and his eyes are almost dropping. It could be the effects of beer or he's just sleepy.

When they're done eating something hot. Code felt he's being alive again. His eyes are now wide open.

They arrived at the mansion. It look so huge just like his Phi Mile's house but it had different style. It's so beautiful and stunning. The lights are beautifully placed. The whole mansion is like a city full of lights.

"Wow your house is so huge Phi" he exclaimed in admiration

"Yeah" one word reply from Ta

If he was awed by the outside view, he became more amazed by the beauty of the house inside. His eyes roamed at every corner and it never fails to amaze him.

He's busy appreciating the house with his beautiful smile in his face, but his excitement and happiness were replaced with nervousness as he heard what Ta said.

"You're sleeping in my room tonight"

Six words that made him nailed on the floor.


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