Chapter 25

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Dark and indifferent face. Bible walked closer to the place where Kian and Him are talking while his grandma and Phi Lara are sitting on the bench.

Bible shoot a glare to Kian and quickly encircled his arm in Build's waist.

"Uhm Kian this is Bible---" he's not yet done but his boyfriend butt in

"The boyfriend" Bible extended his hand to Kian but still wearing a dark aura.

Kian also introduced himself and do a handshake with Bible. Build swallowed hard as he can sense the tension between the two. He immediately pulled Bible, who doesn't have any intention to let go of Kian's hand.

Inside the car, Build fidgeting his fingers because Bible is quiet. After they left Kian and settled on the car, Bible never look at him. He can feel coldness from him.

"Build, I'll bring granny in her room" Phi Lara said

"Okay Phi, thank you" he kissed his granny

He went to the kitchen, as his usual place. He take a look for their foods if there are expired. He separated the food that will get expire in this month or month later, he put it in the table so it can be used first. Then arranged the others that still new.

While he's busy arranging the products, Ta entered the kitchen. The boy smiled at him and he do the same. Ta slumped on the chair and rested his face on the table.

"Phi Biu, how do you know that you're in love?"

Build halted from what he's doing and stared the boy. A warm smile appeared in his lips as he understand the situation.

"Are you in love Tata?" he asked teasingly

The boy just pouted and nodded his head.

"Maybe, I don't know.... I'm confused Phi" Ta replied while messing his own hair

Build stood up and seated beside Ta. He tapped his back and began to explain him what is love base on his perspective. Since he's not an expert but also he's not naive about that.

"As for Tata, I can say I love your brother because I care for him that's different from how I cared to other people, he can make my heart race and my world turn turn in slow motion. He can make me comfortable, he can ease my pain and worries in just a small smile or hug. It's different from every person but for me you're inlove with that person when you deeply and sincerely care for him. You can't afford to see him hurting and crying. You can't leave him. All you just want is to be with him with all your time" he explained

"My definition might be different from your feelings but in the right time you will learn on your own what is love" he added.

Unbeknownst to Build, there is someone listening to him. Leaning in the door frame. Bible blushed as he heard Build's words. His heart lightened and calmed because of it. He slowly approached to them and seated next to his brother. Build is surprised upon seeing Bible.

"Ta being inlove doesn't have a right explanation. It doesn't have words to say it. It's just coming out naturally. You can say I love that person without thinking about the reasons. Just let yourself grow in love. Love is a wonderful feeling Ta" he said

"Do you like Barcode?" Bible added that made Ta's ears red

"Of course not" he exclaimed before running back to his room.

Bible chuckles how cute his brother is. He cleared his throat before move to sit in the chair that Ta seated earlier.

"Apple I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier. I just calming myself and not to burst to you. I hated that man even before when you were college" Bible explained

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