Chapter 15

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The two of them cuddle in the bed while Build is still narrating about his past that seems to be comfortable to do for him. He don't feel any pain while recalling the past. Maybe because he's with Bible. His eyes are sleepy but he's still talking. Bible who's leaning on the bedframe with Biu in his chest, he listened to every details that his apple was saying.

He found another reason to be more better. He will had an appointment this month and his brother too. The two of them were still consulting a psychiatrist and he already can see the best result. He doesn't have any suicidal thoughts or nightmares anymore. He can sleep peacefully except if he had a misunderstanding with Build. After all, he's happy and content for what he had right now. This will be the best gift he ever had. Having his little brother back to him and having his apple.

He's worried about Ta. He wasn't sure if the consultations helped his brother. Ta is the person who doesn't like showing his emotions, he likes faking them.

Bible snapped out from his thoughts when he noticed that no one is talking, he looked at his apple and he smile at the sleeping beauty in his arms. His heartbeat stay the same. Loud and pounding. He kissed Build's temple before closing his eyes.

In the other room, Ta quickly seated on his bed and gripping his chest while sucking for air. Another nightmare. He thought he's doing okay because for past few days he can sleep without being hunted by his nightmares. He tried so hard to cooperate with his psychiatrist so he can be better. He wanted those voices fades in his ears that feel like a tinnitus. He's been battling with himself since his father left them.

He had series of bad dreams and got a trauma with his biological parents. It was hell for him. He wanted to be better for his Hia and for himself but why it's so hard?

He rose from his bed to get a bottle of water from the fridge inside his room. It's already one in the morning, he decided to review his notes because he knew he can't sleep anymore. He's been doing good not until Kara told him those words of insult. He took it so seriously and his heart tightened everytime he can recall those. That word outsider echoed in his ears.

As much as he wanted to move one step from his trauma he still find it hard to do. Especially if there's something that can triggered you.

He never knew when he will be better. When he will move on. It won't be easy but he will try.

"Stay alive so you have use to us" said his mother

"If you're not just bringing money to us, I will definitely beat you to death" his father exclaimed

"Useless person" his aunt called him

"we brought you back from that family so we can used you to get money from them" his father kick him

"You're not going to eat you piece of shit" his father locked the door leaving him in a darkness

Ta stood up from his chair catching his breath. The sunlight immediately greet him a god morning but for him it won't be good anymore. Waking up from his nightmare always ruining his day. The clock stopped at seven o'clock in the morning, Ta quickly took a shower and get dressed before descending downstairs to have his breakfast.

"Good morning Phi Biu and Nanny Chari" he greeted

He received a sweet smile and sweet good morning from the two.

"Enjoy your meal Ta, your brother will come down in any minute" Biu softly said

Ta heartily eat his food. Bible entered the kitchen in the middle of his eating. Ta immediately greeted his brother and Bible kissed his cheek before greeting Nanny Chari. Ta's eyes followed his brother's torso and smirked as he saw his brother embraced Build with a full smile on his face.

Hia had a good sleep last night.

He finished his food and bade goodbye to them before leaving to school. Ta parked his car and greeted the guard like he always do. It makes him feel good as he starts his day with some greetings of good morning and  good day. It helped him to lightens his heart.

"Class I need your attention, the Grade 12 students have a presentation today in the auditorium you need to attend and vote for the best presenter. That will be your attendance for today" prof Mark said

The hallway filled with students going to the auditorium. Ta walked alone in the other side. He's not in the mood to have fun today. His friends are walking ahead of him, bickering and joking in the hallway.

"Ta where are you going? That's not the way to auditorium" Dunk called him

"I'm going to pee, I'll catch up with you guys" his friends nodded and walked to the entrance of the auditorium while he turned to the comfort room.

He quickly washed his face as he entered the CR, he looked at the mirror. His face the same as before. Dull and miserable. Ta closed his eyes before wiping his face. He was about to go out but one boy suddenly bumped him.

"My gosh, I'm very sorry I should've be careful" the boy apologized to him

He became speechless, he just looked at the boy in front of him. He had a small face, long eyelashes and cute cupid lips. He's inches taller than the boy.

"It's okay no harm done" he said

"You're a college student?" the boy said while looking at his ID

"Yeah" he replied

"Whoa that means you're one of our audience today?" the boy exclaimed while clapping his hand

Ta smirked as he find the boy adorable. He's so cute clapping his both hands while his eyes are twinkling with delight.

"Yes little boy, so break a leg" he gently tapped the boy's cheek before exiting.

"Hey Phi what's your name?" he smiled upon hearing the boy's shout

He went inside the auditorium and find somewhere vacant. He saw his friends sitting on the front row, so he just seated on the back.

After minutes the roleplay started. Many groups performed their story but none of it catch his liking. His eyes are roaming on every performer hoping for the boy.

He's getting sleepy and bored but he still can't find the boy on the stage.

Where is he?

There are more performance to come and he's sure the boy is one of them.

🗝️: Guys, I'll say sorry in advance if the other chapters are not in order, I'm too lazy to edit it again, I finished this story in just three days straight. So yeah, enjoy reading 😁


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