Chapter 11

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Bible walk towards Build and lean his head on his shoulder. Bible's breath went rapid as he smell the sweet smell of Build. He gently wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and hide his face in his neck.

"B-boss" he stuttered as he felt the heat from Bible's hug

"Apple why you're ignoring me? I'm sorry if I got drunk last night" Bible said in a soft tone while tightening his embrace

His heart is twisting upon hearing the voice of Bible. Build knew he don't have any right to be mad or to be jealous.

"I-im not ignoring you boss, I'm just a little bit tired today. I'm sorry"


That was way far from his true reason because he is intentionally ignoring the boss.

"If you're not ignoring me then talk to me and call me Baiben again" Bible pulled away from the hug and turn Build's body to him

His both hand cupped the small face of Biu and caught his eyes.

"Are you mad at me?" Bible said

Build became silent for a seconds and answer truthfully. He nodded his head contradicting his answer awhile ago to Bible.

"I'm sorry" Bible's eyes looks tired

"It's okay boss, I'm just mad because I'm so worried for you last night for not coming home early, just because of that" Build trying to lift up the conversation

He smiled and embrace his boss. It's not Bible's fault to enjoy his life and he had no right to against about it. Because of the hug, Bible felt relief in his heart. All the heaviness were gone. He don't need Advil for his headache he just need his apple's hug and attention.

In the afternoon, Bible finally wearing his sweet smile. His hangover faded like a magic. Everything went back to normal. The boss went to his company for a meeting. Build together with Ta and Nanny Chari, the three of them left in the house. Ta is watching TV with his Nanny Chari while Build was making some snacks for them.

One visitor came that they never expected.

It was Kara.

The three of them became silent and uncomfortable with the woman's presence. Kara crossed his legs as she seated on the sofa like a senorita.

Build served the snack in the living room table, he also put a separate cupcakes for Kara. The living room became uncomfortable instantly.

"Where is Bible?" She raised her eyebrow to Build

"Off to work" He remained casual to her even though he's struggling inside

"What? Why you didn't tell me earlier? I should've arrive in his office by this hour...useless people you wasted my time" the woman quickly rose from the sofa

Ta doing funny faces as he's mocking the woman. Nanny Chari chuckles at him that made Kara shoot her a glare.

"Kara may I remind you that no pets are allowed in our company" said the boy without removing his eyes at the TV

Kara halted and roll her eyes to the boy. She never once like Ta in her life. She always wanted to pinch him even before that he was still a child.

"Don't worry about that because if I'll marry Bible one day, no outsiders will also be allowed in our family. Just like you" she rebutted

The word outsider didn't sit right with Ta. He muted the TV and walked to face the woman. Build immediately walk in behind of Ta, when he saw the darkness in his aura. Even Nanny Chari stood up.

"What did you just said Kara?" Ta asked in a dangerous tone

He looked like, he transformed from being child to adult. Build can sense danger at this moment. He can see Bible in Ta, they have the same madness.

Kara swallowed hard and collect her posture to face the boy. Ta clacked his tongue before staring at the woman.

"I said no outsider like you and that boy behind you will be allowed in Bible's life once we are married" Kara held her chin up

"Do you think Hia will marry you? You're not even his girlfriend. FYFI and that's for your fucking information I'm not an outsider in this family, I legally bringing the Wichapas surname and this man behind me is the lover of my brother. He won't very like it if you insult Phi Biu, hia is just being casual with you because you're his pity friend not a girlfriend. So go out from your imagination it's not good there" Ta said in paragraph

Kara creased his forehead, while staring at Build. She ignored all words from Ta, she's too focus in Bible's lover.

She smirk after examined Build head to toe.

"No way.....Bible won't stoop down in that level. I mean look at him.... he's just a boy" Kara grinned to Build while raising his eyebrow

"And I am a woman, you can't win over me" the woman exclaimed before he walked out

Stuck in his place, Build comprehend the words of Kara. His heart pounded abnormally before he bowed down his head. He's ashame for himself. Kara was right.

He just nothing....

"Phi Biu" Ta called his name but he went straight to his room

His tears streamed as he turned his back. Every steps he made became too heavy to made. Build seated on the floor of his room as he sobs. Every words of Kara hits different. It's piercing his heart. Wounded his ego and dignity.

He should've distance himself to Bible from the start, he shouldn't fell in his warm embrace and comfy stares. He should've stopped himself from loving him.

He is his boss and he's just a helper.

He should remind himself about his place. The place that he crossed the lines multiple times. He locked the door and never come out. With his swollen eyes Build fell asleep in his folded knees. Feeling the pain of humility and the pain of reality.

The hours passed slowly, like the clock wanted Build to indulge every pain in his heart. His tears never let his eyes dried. He felt so small. All of his confidence faded. His self-esteem was gone.

His heart twisted double time as he recall the words he heard from Kara. He never felt humiliated like this before. He needed to endure this for his grandmother. Build sleeps with his grandmother's image on his mind.

Build sleeps never knowing the bad news awaits for him to wake up.


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