Chapter 17

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Ta was about to enter his car when someone blocked his arms on the door.

"Hey Phi" Code smiling at him

He sighed and closed the door then face the boy.

"Why did you left the auditorium earlier? you should've saw us receiving our trophy" the boy pouted his lips

Ta restrained himself from smiling. The boy is sulking at him like they've known each other for a long time. The boy seemed comfortable with him even though they just met a couple of hours ago. And he felt the same. The boy is too cute just like his brother-in-law. He considered Build as his in law because he knew about his relationship with Bible and he's very happy for them. Knowing that his Hia finally found someone he love.

"I'm bored, by the way congratulations you did well" the boy smile at his complement

"Thank you Phi and thank you too for encouraging me. Are we friends now?" The boy asked

He stared at the boy's face. He's happy and had a beautiful smile in his face.

He will surely be sad if I refused.

"Yeah sure" he agreed

Barcode throw his body to Ta as he became ecstatic for having a cool friend.

"Yes, don't ever take it back. Now that we're friends you will treat me a burger and coconut juice"

Before Ta can react the boy already entered the car. Ta shook his head because of the boy.

On the road, Barcode keep talking to Ta about his RC car collections. The older just listened to him and replied if being asked. Even for a day of knowing Code he already felt comfortable with him. The boy is too hyper and adorable that he can't resist.

They are now eating in the plaza. The boy is so happy as soon as he saw the coconut juice. He immediately ran towards the vendor stall and order his precious coconut juice. Ta just smile as he followed the boy around. They also bought some skewers.

"Whoa it's so good. Their coconut juice here is very delicious" Code exclaimed in happiness

Isn't the coconut juice taste the same?

"Phi do you want some coconut juice? I can give you because we're friends" he offered

I bought it tho....

"Thanks but I don't like coconut juice" Barcode pouted but stuck his tongue out afterwards

"It's your loss then, coconut juice are the best in the world" he said in not so kind manner

Ta always find the boy adorable in his personality. He's childish and cute. He pinched Barcode's cheek.

"Finish your food so we can go home" his fingers melted on the smooth face of Code

Being Code's friend is not only mean he will treat the boy his favorite food but also to send him home because the boy doesn't want to commute. In the red gate, Ta pull over his car.

This is his house.

A two storey house, architecturally made. It's not too big it's just enough for a small family. The second floor made of glasses. The roof is black and the yard full of blooming flowers.

"Come inside Phi, have some drinks and I'm going to introduce you to my mother" the boy dragged him inside

Ta was awed by the view of the house. It very neat, clean and organize. It had a swimming pool area beside the house.

"It's just me, my mother and my brother who lived here" Code said

They also had many fruits like mango tree, grapes and other plants on their yard. It reminded him for his mother. His mom always loved planting. Their house was barren when she died and alive again when Phi Biu came.

"Codey" a mid-forty woman called the boy

She's elegant and graceful. Her appearance screams bright. As the way she smile, Ta can say that she's a good mother.

"Who we have here son?" She asked

Barcode introduced him to his mother and later on Ta found himself eating some cookies and cupcakes in the living room while waiting for Barcode who change his uniform upstairs.

"Thank you for being good to my son, Ta" Nympha placed another plate of cookies on the table

"Barcode is an adorable person Aunty, it's not hard to like him" he replied

They talked about the boy in a lot of topics before Code come down. In just a day of his life he met amazing people. Ta called his brother that he will be late. Aunt Nympha invited him to have a dinner in their house because she's so happy that her extrovert son already have a friend.

Barcode doesn't like talking or communicating with other people because he always finding it hard to interact with them but he was amazed of himself because he approached Ta just like that.

"Next time you should bring me to your house Phi" Code said while munching his food

They are having a peaceful dinner together not until when Barcode's brother came. Ta swallowed hard when the man stared at him like he's examining his soul. The new comer glared at him when he saw that he's sitting beside Code.

"Phi this is my friend Ta, he helped me with my presentation today he encouraged me" Barcode said without noticing the coldness of his brother's gaze towards Ta.

They continued eating dinner, the four of them. Ta cannot eat his food properly because of the fierce eyes glaring at him. He drove home after he bade a goodbye to the old lady and to Code. He shivers when Apo the brother of Code whispered on his ears. Just like a ghost wind, it gives him chills.

I'm only allowing FRIEND not a BOYFRIEND. Don't try to disobey what I said or I will hang your head in our gate.

He felt dizzy all of the sudden. He sighed as he feel goosebumps all over his body.

From Coconut Juice;
Hi Phi, thank you for today. I really had a great day with you. Looking forward to spend another days with you Mr. Natta Dicoco

A sweet smile carved in his lips as he read the message. Code will always be am adorable kid for him.

Natta Dicoco huh?

Are we that close?

His Phi Biu immediately greeted him. He is sitting on the couch with his Phi Bible. The two waited for him.

It feel so goo to have someone waiting for him.

🗝️: Natta Dicoco came from Nata Di Coco the gelatine food. I don't know if you're familiar to it but it's a food used to make desserts.


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