Chapter 30: EPILOGUE

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"Uncle where are my helicopter?" a thin voice scream

"Me too, where are my guns?" a tiny voice said

Ta immediately chuckles at his adorable nephews. They welcomed him with a questions as soon as he entered the house. He carried then in his two hands and bringing them to the sofa.

"Good afternoon Phi Biu" He greeted to his brother-in-law

"Tata why you didn't called us to fetch you" Build pouted to him

Ta scratch his nape because he forgot that, he promised to them that they will fetch him. He put the two down and hugged his Phi.

"Sorry Phi, I forgot" he apologized

"It's okay as long as you're safe" Build mess his hair.

Ta went back to play with his cousins. It feels good to be back home after a months of his stay in Rome for his work.

He roamed his eyes to the house. Many things changed after three years. His brother is now happily married with two adorable sons. Mino and Grey are twins. They are adopted since they are three years old and now they are turning six. The house also changed in appearance, the garden that used to be Build's place turned into playground, he can still remember how he cried as his precious garden was destroyed.

Bible spent days to comfort him and he made a new garden on the other side of the mansion at the backyard. It's more bigger and Build smiled again as he saw it.

For the past three years, it's not just their relationship that bloom and grew but also their businesses. Bible's company still doing good, he manage to make it wide and well-known on his own blood and sweats. Two years ago, Bible graduated in his course business administration major in marketing. He took courage from Build and Ta. He graduated with Ta, it was a double celebration for the family.

Bible married him in Spain before he continued his study. Build is now a professor in Chulalongkorn University. He is a teacher in school and a father and husband in the house. He's happy with his life. He felt fulfilled with the things he had right now. His family, his friends, and his work.

"Good morning son" Biu smile at the older man descending in the stairs

"Good morning Dad, do you want coffee" he asked

"Thanks son but I'll go jog first" Rowel said

Build nodded his head before staring at the man's back. It's been a year that he released from the prison. It took years for Bible to forgive his father unlike Ta who often visiting his father in the prison and was the one who convinced his brother to help his father.

After Ta graduated, he manage the remaining business of his father and with Bible's help they manage to build it again. Bible paid all his father's debt and the investors withdraw the lawsuit. Build can say that the man is really sincere to win back his sons.

Now they're okay and complete. Rowel is guiding his sons to manage the businesses. Ta manage to revive the company hus company and Rowel was beyond proud to his sons. He chose to take care of his grandsons if Build and Bible are working. Nanny's Chari is still in the mansion and granny Sabeth is now living healthy in her age of 81.

The mansion became a home for them. A home that they will find at the end of the day. A home that will welcome them despite of the failures and mistakes. A home that they are cherishing.

"Nanny don't cook for tonight, we're going to eat outside" Biu said

Ta invited them to eat at his favorite cuisine. The one that Ta is now co-owner. Build can say no words how proud he is for Ta. The boy that struggling with anxiety and battling with his traumatic past is now a business magnate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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