Chapter 3

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That was his observation this past three days since he came here, because his boss always treated him better than he's expecting. For those days he stayed in this house he realized that his job is not that hard, after he cook and do some cleaning then all done, he's free like a bird to spend the rest of his day doing what he like but he always asks his boss if there's more work for him to do because he's ashamed of doing nothing but boss Bible would only say watch a movie, sleep or do what you want.

Like yesterday he was shocked because there are ten people in uniform they're looks like a cleaner and guess what?


So I wanted to ask them if I can help but his boss told him not to help, so instead he cooked some snacks for them. Bible said to him that he don't need to clean the house all he need to do is to cook for him and to wash his clothes.


I mean my salary is big but my work is only that? I'm not complaining I'm just shocked because I'm used in job that is high payment but requires a lot of effort and hardships. That you need to use all your strength, to pour your sweat and drained yourself.

I just finished ironing the clothes of my boss, because recently he went out often maybe for business. And sometimes his boss would go home grumpy that made him nervous everytime. Baiben is a very serious person, he likes silent and a quiet place. Not even a tic toc from the clock he allowed to be heard when he's doing something. Every night he spend his time reading some documents and books.

Baiben looks hot when he's reading especially if he's wearing a specs. He decided to called him Baiben it's like a nickname he made for him. So that even if he dropped the honorifics there's still a respect.

This past three days I'm calling him Baiben my nickname and I guess he likes it because he smile everytime I called him that.

Bible having hard time to get his brother back here in Thailand since they're talking about suitable guardian for Ta. He already filed a case and send summon to those bitches but no reply from them, he's getting tired of waiting. As much as he want this to end early so he can have his brother but he need to do the legal process even he can chose the violent one. Besides they can't run away from their sin to him for maltreating his little brother.

He talked with Mile and they decided to do the legal process then he can have his way to the couple after that. He's eager to punch Ta's idiot father and to slap his mother. Thinking of them is making him soaking with madness. Thankfully that his anxiety didn't attack for a days from the day Ta called him and his apple come to his house.

His life is fixing.

Speaking of his apple he need to see him so he can calm himself.

I texted Biu to go up here in my office, only him can make my anxiety away just by looking at him, watching him doing something and inhaling his scent that smell like a flower.

The door opened and my apple appeared, wearing his cute smile as always. I gesture him to come to me. When he's in front of me I pulled him to seat in my lap sideways, and hug his sexy waist. Shock was written all over his face, and mouth gape in my action.

I rested my head on his shoulder and sniffed his scent to fade my anger.

"S-sir Baiben" he arched his back as I keep on caressing his waist.

"I told you apple don't call me sir" I said looking in his eyes and his lips.

It's red, wet, soft and delectable. He gasp as I touch his lips with my finger and trace it's shaped. I caress it while looking at him intently.

As the days passed that I'm with him in my house I restrained myself not to touch him and to take him.

"Bai--ben" he stuttered in my touch, i felt so hot right now, and his tender eyes looking at me is a big temptation.

I slammed my lips to his and kiss him fervently. Fuck I've waited for this for too long and now it's happening. I'm dreaming of touching him and to kiss him like this.

I don't care if it's too soon or if I'm rushing everything.

His body froze as I kiss him nonstop, it felt so good that I can't let myself stop.

It must be a new for Build to kissed by a man because he'd never been intimate with anyone either a girl or boy, he had no time for relationship and flirting. Feeling Bible's lips against his is an actual heaven, he likes it. He realized that kissing feels good and amazing.

His boss really caught his eyes maybe lot of women and even men are swoon over his boss, everything about him is good especially his face, his handsome face.

Bible's lips is taking his sanity away and made him succumb to his kisses. Later on he mimick the moves of Bible's lips and put his hands in his neck to support himself from falling because the kiss is too good that it fades all his strength.


Biu moan as I bit and suck his lips, it was so soft that I want to chew it. Hearing his apple moan it stirred me more.

He stand up and carried Biu to the table and settled in between of his legs, as they continue kissing each other. It's obviously the first time of his apple to kiss someone because his lips move carelessly that he bite me sometime but instead of hurting it turns me on.

I hold his legs and put it in my waist to pressed him closer to me, I pushed my tongue inside his mouth and dig some of his treasures.

"Hmmn ahhmm" he constantly arched his back as I nibble and suck his lips and tongue.

His right hand on my nape begun squeezing my arms and the other cupped the side of my face. Feeling the warmth of his palms sends me to the peak of my restraint.

I caressed his legs with my right hand and slipped the other one inside his shirt.

"hmm ahh Baiben" he slightly pushed me to catch his breath

I smirk because he looks so hot right now to the point that I want to swallow him whole. While he is catching his breath I started kissing his neck. His soft and delicate skin that smells addicting.

I lick the length of his neck and lick his earlobe

"hmn Baib--" i bit his neck and suck it leaving some marks on it.

He scratched my neck and he whined that it's hurt, since I want more I keep and keep on marking him until he pushed me away from him and rest both of his hands in the table while gasping for air.

I smirk at him and caress his face gently, trying to catch his eyes but he always looked away, so I hold his face with my both hands and made him look at me.

"Do you feel okay now, apple?" he nodded at me, I smile at him and touch our foreheads together

"B-aiben why did you kiss me?" i stared at him for a minute before I answered.

"I can't count my reasons to kiss you apple but the sure thing is that I like you, I cared for you, I desire you and I want you to be mine, only mine. Ever since you caught my eyes I already marked you as mine. That even if I died no one will owned you"

He's body stiffened upon hearing my words. I'm just starting my apple, it's just a starting phase for us.

I hid a lot of  shits and secrets under my sleeves, no one knows the real me nor saw the face behind my mask.


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