Chapter 9

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That's what I realized when I'm in the mission, everytime I saw children with a health problem and lack of support I told myself that I'm still lucky and blessed, I'm still thankful for the life that I had I might not be born in wealth and  old money but at least I grew up having my grandma to provide my needs and I'm so grateful for that.

In my seven days of doing my mission I learned a lot and it changed my views and perspective in life. I took a lesson in life that I can't learn in reading books and listening to our teachers. It's true that when you see the actual situations of life in others point of view, your views will change too. You're going to be more reasonable to live your life and face life seriously. The most important thing that I learned is HUMANITY which is we often forget, we lost our humanity because we don't understand what it's meaning and value and also I knew how to socialize and to interact with other people.

Overall everything was beautiful and amazing experienced!

We are now celebrating the success of our field mission, today is the last day and the staff of CCO gave us a money to celebrate it, the senior decided to have a beer and a chicken. I don't like alcohol but my colleagues are very persistent.

"Biu, you want more beer" Kian asked me but I shook my head to him

"No, I'm good. I don't want to drink too much my grandma would be mad if I went home drunk"

He nodded to my answer and pulled his chair closer to mine, after an hour of drinking and eating I notice that Kian start being touchy to me. He would touch my thighs, my back and even put his shoulder around my frame.

It's uncomfortable!

I could smell the alcohol in his breath, and his hands are caressing my back sensually.


I excused myself to the  comfort room and Kian insist to accompany me but I declined because he really made me uncomfortable even back in the volunteer's house we're staying he always approached me, It's not that I don't like him to be my friend or what, but my nerve can't stand him, and also he is boasting about his fancy car and money. Like I would care!

I just peed and take my time washing my hands so that I can't go back to them quickly. So I stayed in the CR for a couple of minutes until someone entered and drag me to the toilet

"Hey, l-et me go" I tried to resist from his hold but he's so strong that in just one hand he can dragged me.

I'm scared to death!

I tried to shout but no one heard me. This guy in black tattered pants, jacket, mask and a black hat. Everything is black! He must be a killer.

Thinking of that made my tears fall, I don't want to die being killed nor rape. So I shout and shout for help until he aggressively covered my mouth and pinned me in the door.I look at him nervously with a tears in my eyes

"Shh don't cry, I'm not gonna hurt you"

His warm hand is now caressing my face and wiping my tears, he take off his mask and reveal his face.

I am mesmerized by this man's beauty, he is someone that felt familiar to me.

The handsome stranger!

I can clearly remember this face, a chiseled jaw, brown eyes, pointed nose, red lips and a very manly scent. He's that person!

The person who called me idiot and late comer!

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