Chapter 29

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Bible and Build are on their way to the airport. They will have a two days of trip to Phuket. It's just him and Bible because his granny it still not allowed to travel or to get exhaust. Ta also had a camping with his friends.

"Baib have you been to Phuket before?" Build asked inside the plane

"Yeah with my whole family but that was years ago" Bible replied while leaning in his shoulder

"It'll my first time there" Build said

"You will enjoy there apple" Bible kissed his boyfriend's shoulder

They reached their destination. They will spend two days and three nights here in Phuket Old Town.

The town stunned Build, he loved the ambiance and the vibes of this town. It had a mix influence here especially Chinese and Portuguese. The guesthouse that they are staying had a best view. In the street across them is the aromatic cafe and boutique. He can see people walking around. Unlike in Bangkok, the people here are fond of walking because of the fantastic view that can't be miss.

The guesthouse is a bungalow, a house that good for two. Bible is now sleeping topless in the bed. Build went outside to visit the cafe nearby. He sip his coffee while appreciating the ambiance.

Build taking glances to the people entering the cafe. He really like the vibes it very minimalist, chill and warm. He bought a take out for his boyfriend.

"Wake up Baib, you need to eat" he kissed Bible's naked back

Build closed the curtains in the window to blocked the sunlight. It's already one in the afternoon and the sun is in rage. The bungalow design is simple but suits his liking. It's like divided into two the upper part is the bedroom a small bedroom that only bed and bedside table can fit. In the lower is the open kitchen and the living room.

He really like this kind of house. It's very simple. He doesn't need to open many doors or to use stairs just to see his companion, because the space of this bungalow is just enough for the two of them.

Bible must chose this in the thought that Build would like this place.

"Let's go outside later when the sun is already down" Bible said while sipping his cafe

A cafe in the afternoon. In this scorching heat. This is his first meal today so he chose to have something warm for his stomach.

Bible cuddled Build in the bed while waiting for the clock to strike at five o'clock.

"Apple let's make love tonight until dawn" Bible suddenly said

"Until dawn? You that will kill me and also our neighbors might hear us" he softly said

Bible chuckles before kissing his face.

"I'm just joking apple"

The bed became warm as they cuddled the rest of the day. When the sun already down, Bible and Build walk in the narrow street while holding each others hand. It's five in the afternoon and the sunset is beautifully painting in the sky.

There are museums that are open til nine in the evening. Build brought his favorite camera with him and capture those beautiful masterpiece.

"Whoa it's beautiful" Build is very  amazed by those meaningful strokes of brush

Just like a book that tells many stories. They stayed for almost thirty minutes of seeing and capturing paintings. Exactly when they exited from the museum the sunset is perfectly made in the sky. Everything looks illuminated by the sunset.

They stroll the old town as they captured every moment with their heart and by the lense.

After their little escapades for tonight, Build and Bible found themselves in the bed soaking with lust and pleasure. Build bit his lips to stopped himself from moaning too loud.

In the next day they visit Mom Tri's Kitchen. Probably the most romantic place to dine in Phuket. Also they went to Green Elephant Sanctuary Park. The two days of their short vacation was totally a great experience for Build since it was his first time there and also for Bible who are watching his apple's happy face.

They went back to Bangkok because Build already wanted to see his grandma. Bible went back to his work and Build is preparing for his application to Chulalongkorn University. He also fixed Bible's documents in school because this coming school year he will take the last year of his course.

"Are you nervous apple?" Bible asked while kissing his palms

"Slight, but I'm sure I can ace my interview" Build said with confidence

"That's my apple, so fierce and brave"

Bible sends him to the school and give him a goodluck kiss. Build took a deep breath before entering the room. New faces that looks intimidating are looking at him. If Build wasn't used to Bible's cold and intimidating behavior before, he would be definitely scared now while answering them. Thanks to his boyfriend, he's not easy to intimidate by anyone.

"Why should we hired you instead the last applicant" the old woman asked

"I won't make any comparison Maam because I knew all of us had our own passion and skills but I would focus to myself because I knew more of me than anyone. I've been living all my life with my grandma and she give me a good life, now that she's old I wanted to give her the same life. I want to teach because I have learnings. This knowledge in me would be wasted if I won't share and teach it to other people. It can be my knowledge from books or my life lessons. I would gladly answer every questions of the students even if I don't know the answer I would search and seek just to make them understand" Build said in long sentence

After the interview, he went home victorious because he passed the interview.

His family was ecstatic when he said the good new, especially his grandma and his boyfriend. Bible immediately called Mile and Apo to have a drink with them. Also he told Ta to invite his friends. Bible throw a sudden party for his boyfriend. The poolside filled with tables and people. The house was silent not until Ta's friend arrived. They are talking side by side.

Bible was out with Mile to buy some foods and alcohols. Build and Apo left to prepare the party. Ta's squad also helped them.

The preparation of the tables, foods and sounds are finally done. Ta's friends are talking in the table while waiting go the party to start.

"What the fuck Ohm? Why did you change our GC's name again?" Fort asked

"It'll will be a new era for us" Ohm widely grin

Ta checked their group chat and chuckles when he read the name of it.

From Lady's Choice to His Into Him

"Don't argue Fort, you're the first one who bended to us" Perth said

"Of course not, Ohm fell to Nanon first before I fell to Peat" Fort denied

The other nodded in approval while Ohm had a sour face. Ohm and Fort bicker again but stiffened in their chair when Bible and Mile arrived.

Just like a storm, all of them felt the cold wind.

"All of you, grilled the meat" Bible command

All of them immediately rose from their chair to do what Bible said. The party is a not a literal party, it's just an alcohol party. A getting wasted session.

When everyone was tipsy. Bible took over the microphone to congratulate his apple. Ta hugged Code that's sitting in his lap as they all listening to Bible.

"I was very happy when I saw you again and It was all thanks to my idiot cousin. Congratulations apple, I'm always be proud of you. In every thing you will do you have us behind your back. Please stay with me til our lifetime is over"

"Apple........will you marry me?"

Everyone was surprised in Bible's question, especially Build. His heart is racing as he heard the crowd shouting YES.

And just like the crowd's scream.

He said yes.


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