Chapter 24

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Bible arrived in the house welcomed by his Apple's hugs. There's no other place like home indeed. After he changed his suit he went down to the kitchen and embrace Build's back.

"Where's Ta, apple?" he sniffed Build's neck

Biu kissed his boyfriend's face before answering. He's preparing their dinner but this man behind him became clingy again.

"He's eating outside with Code" he replied

Bible chuckles as he heard it. His little brother is really a grown-up man now.

"They're dating huh?" he shook his heap while smiling

Build slightly pinch him and chuckles too.

"He said it's just a dinner Baib" Biu put the utensils on the table

"Apo will really have his head" Bible chuckles

He's happy for Ta tho, Code is an adorable boy. Bible remained clingy even even they're eating. His hours of facing a piles of papers and sitting for hours. Everything was gone in just one hugged of Build.

In the restaurant, Code is eating heartily. He likes the adobo and Letchon. He also conversed with his new acquaintance. The five man invited them for their concert coming this week. They are kind and approachable, funny also.

"You should try the Kinilaw next time, it's also delicious" Ken said the man with a deep voice and intimidating face

"Sure, we will come here in time I'll bring my family here" Ta replied

In just an hour of talking to each other, Ta found them as good people.

"Have you been in the Philippines before?" Stell asked the handsome guy with a clean voice

"No we're not, but we will add it in our list" Code answered

He emptied two bowl of rice because the Adobo is very tasty. He likes a blend of the soy sauce and the sugar. It's fantastic. He will bring his brother here next time.

After they eat they bade a goodbye to the five men, also exchange social media accounts. Code really enjoyed the cuisine and his friends from the Philippines.

When he got home, he prepared the Adobo and Biko that he take out from the restaurant. Good thing that his mother is still awake and his Phi is already home. They also love the food and his mother said to visit the place again.

Natta Dicoco:

Not yet, why?


atta Dicoco:
                             I'm considering to attend the concert

His eyes widened as he also think about it. He's excited to experience the concert and to support their new friends.

Me too, I want to attend but I have class and I don't know if my brother will allow me

Natta Dicoco:
                        Don't worry, I'll try to convince him

Really? Thank you,
if he agree then buy me a ticket *-*


a only sigh, as he read the last part of the message. He is Daddy Dicoco indeed.


It's already bed time, Bible and Build are now talking about their day. As usual, Biu is lying on his arm. Build is thinking about Bible's suggestions to take master's degree. He wanted to teach again if grandma fully recovered. His small house before that he Build with his salary in teaching, P'Lara rented there with her children.

It's closer to the mansion so she can come and go much easier.

Bible increased her salary, Build is paying her too.

"How about you Baib, do you want to finish your course?" he asked

Bible snuggled on his neck and planted a small kisses on his skin.

"I'll think about it. I can't leave the company but we'll see apple" he replied

"It's only one year Baib, days are faster than we thought" Biu caressed his hair

He also thought about that. He van manage the company and his studies for one year, right?

"I'll support you in every decision you'll make Baib" he smiled at him

Bible gained a courage from that bright smile, he claimed those red lips. His tongue slowly invade Build's mouth and he dominate it's like his own territory.

The boy immediately move his hand to remove his boyfriend's shirt. His hand expertly caressed the eight pack abs flaunted. Bible brought his lips, licking and sucking the skin of his apple. His tongue can taste something euphoric that made his senses awake and alive. He hardly bite the upper skin of Build's collarbone and kick it after that made the boy writhing.

"Uhmm Baib" chanted by Build

The fire dances inside the room that burns everything it can touch. From the atmosphere to their body, everything is burning. Bible went down and open the buttons in Build's pajamas. His mouth salivates as he saw the pinkish beads of Build.

His mouth immediately taste it and played it according to his desire. Moan after moan came out from Build's mouth. He nearly scream when his boyfriend touch his hardened member. His body is burning with too much lust and pleasure as he felt something warm down there.

His mouth agape when Bible started bobbing his head while sucking his member.

Build's legs shaken in too much sensation, in just few movement of Bible's mouth his cum shoot everywhere in the bed. He just went down from the heaven but his boyfriend started fondling and stimulating his body again.

The whole night Build became mess in bed. His voice went hoarse as he keep moaning his boyfriend's name in too much pleasure.

In the morning, he can felt sore but unlike the first time it's now bearable. Today is the check up of granny. He prepared her first, prepare her clothes while Phi Lara bathing her. After his grandma took a shower, he brush her hair.

Her white hair is the sign of his aging but still beautiful like before. For Build his grandma is the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Grandma you're beautiful in your white hair, I wonder if I look the same if I got older" He looked at her reflection in the mirror

"You're beautiful too little Build" she kissed her grandson's temple

Her precious grandson. She wish to be with Build as he grew older but in her age he knew she only had a few more years. In her second life, she will pampered his grandsons with love and care. Bible and Ta became his own grandson, she's fond to them. Like Build, the two also lacked in parental love.

In the hospital, Build is smiling while talking with the doctor because he's happy to heard some positive results. It's a good news to him. Lara also happy for the good result. Before they go home, he bring them in the restaurant. He's back to beginning again because almost of his savings were spent for the surgery, nevertheless he's very happy that finally he can go out with his grandma again.

Bible also helped in some bills but he declined when he offered to pay everything. He ordered food that is allowed to his grandma and also ordered for him and for Lara.

After they finished their food, together they take a minutes of walk to digest their foods and also a light exercise for his grandma.

In the plaza he bumped with someone that he just met a months ago. He wasn't expecting to met Kian in the plaza and the worst is.......

Bible arrived to fetch them


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