Chapter 21

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Barcode silently laid on the bed while Ta is sleeping on the floor. He can't sleep because he can smell his scent everywhere in the room. It invaded his senses and making him insane. His heartbeat became louder. He's tapping his chest because he can't explain his emotions.

"Phi, already sleeping?" He kicked the duvet then laid on his stomach to face Ta.

His body is laying horizontally on the bed.

"Not yet" Ta said in his closed eyes.

His two hands are on his head, as his pillow. Barcode gathered all his courage to talk to him again.

"Phi can you sleep beside me, I can't sleep without hugging someone" he softly said

Ta immediately rose from the floor. He messed his hair and looked at the boy giving him a puppy eyes. He sigh in defeat.

"Having you in my room is already a suffering for me and now your asking me too much again?" He said out of frustrations

Barcode nodded his head and hide his body in the duvet. His eyes are burning, he was hurt. He's giving Ta suffering.

He don't want me here.

Ta quickly raised his hand to touch Barcode but the boy already hid his body.

Damn you Ta! you made him sad

I'll sew your mouth for sure

He slowly laid beside the boy and inserted his body under the duvet. He felt the heat from the inside that gave him a goosebumps.

Calm down Ta, if you don't want Apo to have your head

He gently hugged Barcode's back.

"I'm sorry coconut, I'm just not used to have someone inside my room" he apologized

Barcode remained silent for a minutes before turning his back and embrace him back. Ta stiffened and swallowed hard because he can feel the heat from the boy's body.

He looked down at the boy who is sleeping in his arms. It's his first time seeing Code this close. His ears heated as he stared at the beautiful face of Code. His heart throbbing inside. He can feel the heat all over his body from the palms of Code that is hugging him. Ta sigh because he already knew that he can't sleep peacefully tonight.

It's either because of nightmares or because of this boy in my arms.


In the other room, moans and groans filled the room. Build's soft voice echoed in Bible's ears. He wanted to be aggressive but those sweet voices made him gentle. He's drunk not by alcohol but with lust.

The moment that he closed the door of their room. Build immediately clung on his neck and claimed his mouth. He was thankful for bringing him to the bar. It might be a small thing for Bible but for Build it was a huge thing. He's very grateful for his boyfriend.

Bible never thought he can be this hunger all of his life. He's like an animal devouring his food. A selfish predator who only listens to his hunger.

"Ugh Baib ahh" Build's moans grew louder when Bible pound faster inside him

This feeling was new to him but it was so good. It was mix of pain and pleasure. The two battled in his body but pleasure won. The preparation wasn't easy it's all about pain but the way Bible took him gently was enough for him to trust.

Build surrendered everything he had to the man he love. He is now moaning and writhing beneath his boyfriend.

"Fuck apple you feel so good" Bible groaned

In every thrust he did, Build felt the highest heaven. The way Bible romancing his body while taking him hardly is too much for Build.

"Ahh Ugh Baiben....i-inside me... It's w-eird" Build said between his moans

Bible's pace became more aggressive as he heard Build. He kneel on the bed and encircled Build's legs in his waist then thrust aggressively.

"Ahh fuck" he moaned as he can feel the tightness around him

He stared at his boyfriend moaning beneath him. His lust increasing as he witness how Build's face painted with too much lust and needs. He let go all of his restraints and holding back. He gave everything to his desire.

In just few thrust of Bible, Build shoot his cum in his tummy while Bible followed suit. 

Bible embraced the weak body of Build and caress his beautiful face.

"Thank you apple. Your gift means a lot to me" he kissed his forehead before going to the bathroom to get towel and warm water.

He cleaned his boyfriend's body and fix the bed, so Build can have his good sleep. He cleaned the floor where clothes, bottle of lubricant and tissues are scattered.

Bible slowly laid on the bed beside Build and cuddle the boy in his arms.

"I love you apple. Dream of me"

In the morning, Build felt pain all over his body and he's sore back there. He looked at the sleeping person beside him. He smiled as he recall what happened last night. He had three first time experienced last night. It was his first time entering the bar, it's his first time to have a friend well Apo insisted that they are best friends now, and lastly he had his first time make love with Bible. It was indeed a beautiful night for him.

Also unforgettable one.

Last night, he talked with Apo for many hours that made Bible sulked but Apo just rolled his eyes at him and glare to Mile, his boyfriend. The two man don't have any choice but to let them talk. That's why he seems knew all events about Apo's life especially his sex life with Mile. It was an awkward topic for Build because he can't relate but Apo was unstoppable.

He can remember how funny was Apo's face when he found out that he's still a virgin. His both eyes are wide and his mouth is open.

At first, he was intimidated by Apo's presence because his aura screams antagonist but he's so warm and cool person. Not until when he narrated all of his sex escapades with Mile. Build wanted to covered his ears but Apo won't let him because the man said he needed to strengthen his stamina and stained his innocence.

He was not drunk last night, he only took one shot of wine then settle with water.

It was a good experience but he realized one thing after that night.

Clubbing and bar hopping are not his thing.


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