Chapter 7

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Steve practically dragged Bucky away and to his apartment after Victoria headed back into the theater to hang out with Peter. He didn't want Peter to hear anything and knows he has impeccable hearing.

"So you're telling me you hooked up with Victoria?" Bucky asked after Steve vaguely explained their first sexual encounter.

"Yes." Steve admitted.

"How did you let her end up with Noah?" Bucky asked, he sighed and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.

"She didn't exactly ask my opinion, not until it was too late." Steve said with a shrug.

"But she asked your opinion?" Bucky asked.

"Yes. And she asked me last night if she made a mistake marrying him." Steve admitted.

"And what did you tell her?" Bucky asked. Steve sighed and kicked his feet up on the coffee table as well. "That she wouldn't like my answer." Steve said.

"How is she so comfortable talking to you about everything if you two were together?" Bucky asked, he tightly crossed his arms across his chest.

"We're still friends. It's complicated, but.." Steve started. But he cut himself off with a sigh, resting his head on the back of the couch.

"But what?" Bucky asked.

"I loved her, love her. A lot of things happened, I screwed it up..." Steve said with a sigh, he felt like if he hadn't screwed up, Victoria wouldn't be dealing with Noah right now.

"So in the shower last night, that wasn't actually nothing, was it?" Bucky asked, Steve rolled his eyes and glared at him. "It was nothing, and I took the couch after I got her in bed." Steve defended.

"We haven't been together since before we got everyone back 3 years ago." Steve admitted.

"And when did she meet Noah?" Bucky asked, Steve sighed and rolled his eyes. "A couple of months after we got everyone back. He was great at first, now he's just..he's terrible." Steve said.

"Maybe you should take one for the team and fuck her again?" Bucky suggested, Steve glared at him. "Take one for the team?" He said. "I would definitely hook up with her again, but she's not going to cheat on Noah." Steve said.

"Well, we have to do something. We're not really going to just sit back and watch her suffer, are we?" Bucky asked.

"We have to." Steve said with a sigh. Steve picked his feet up off the coffee table and stood up, heading out of his apartment with Bucky quickly on his tail. The two made their way downstairs for lunch, joining the team in the dining room. Everyone but Peter.

"Where's the kid?" Tony asked when he sat down.

"In the theater with Vic." Steve told him.

"Bunny stayed? She never stays.." Tony said with a raised eyebrow.

"We convinced her to since Bucky kicked her ass this morning." Steve said with a laugh and a casual shrug.

"You weren't rough on my assistant, were you?" Tony asked, glaring at Bucky.

"Not intentionally, she's ruthless!" Bucky defended. The whole table let out a small laugh. "We know, that's why she normally only spars with Cap. I don't think she knows how to hold back." Nat confessed.

"She doesn't, I made sure of it. I don't need her throwing punches for you guys." Steve said with a proud smile.

"Parker could take it. Maybe they should spar.." Bucky suggested.

"My assistant doesn't need to learn to fight if she won't join us." Tony interrupted.

"Yes she does, if she works with us." Sam said.

The Grey - Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now