Chapter 47

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Surgery took several more hours, but when the doctors were finally sure that the bleeding had stopped and they'd stitched together everything that had been torn apart by the bullet, they put Bucky in a recovery room.

Any normal person wouldn't have woken up at all, or if they had they'd never walk again. But everyone knew with the serum, his body would likely heal itself. He just needed time and he needed to wake up.

So far, he hadn't woken up. It had been two days and he was still unconscious. But he was breathing on his own, so they were confident he would wake up when he was ready. Victoria, however, was a nervous wreck. Her and Steve both slept in the room the entire time. Steve would get Victoria on the small couch and stroke her stomach until she'd fall asleep. He'd tell her how good she was doing and make sure she wasn't stressing too much. He couldn't survive another death like they'd dealt with years ago. He wouldn't. So, he was doing everything in his power to keep Victoria rested and fed.

Steve had just gotten Victoria asleep, his hand laid under his shirt while he stroked the smooth skin of her stomach. He heard a shift in the bed, followed by a pained grunt. He shot up from the floor to see Bucky waking up and rushed to his side. "Hey, Buck. It's about time you woke up, you scared the shit out of Vic." He said quietly.

Bucky put his hand on his stomach, feeling the almost endless row of healing staples down his chisled torso and groaned again. "Is Vic okay?" He asked.

Steve rolled his eyes, but he smiled and nodded. "Yes, she's fine. Her and the baby both are. But she's sleeping right now." He said happily.

Bucky perked up at that, forcing himself to ignore the pain that radiated through his entire body. He sat up and admired Victoria, asleep in a ball on the couch with her shirt pulled up and her tan, toned stomach showing. "Baby?" He asked, feeling his eyes welling up with tears.

Steve put his hand on Bucky's shoulder, nodding his head happily. "She won't let us see or hear it yet. But the doctor is estimating she's almost 6 weeks along." He bragged happily. He worried at first that he'd be filled with worry or jealousy that he has no clear way of knowing who's baby is growing in her belly. But honestly, he didn't care. He knew no matter who got her pregnant, it was all of theirs baby. He knew he was the dad no matter what and so was Bucky.

Bucky sighed in relief that Victoria was okay, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. They were having a baby. He wished he could wake her up and kiss her, but he refused to disturb her. "I can't wait to see our baby." He admitted.

Steve smiled, squeezing Bucky's shoulder. "Me neither. Now that you're awake, she'll actually let us." He said quietly with a laugh. Both were being cautious not to wake their girl, but Steve knew she'd be upset if she wasn't woken up when Bucky woke up. He knew she'd been terrified since surgery that he'd never wake up. "How long was I out?" Bucky asked.

Steve sighed, looking back to Victoria before focusing on Bucky. "It's been 2 days since surgery but almost 4 since you both got shot." He said. Bucky felt his chest ache at that. He scared Victoria for 4 days. She had to sit around and wonder if he'd ever wake up. He knew that couldn't have been good for her or the baby. Even from here, he could tell she was tired.

Steve approached Victoria, a hand stroking her stomach while the other held onto her face. "Vic, hey. Wake up for a minute." He insisted quietly. She groaned but she sleepily opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Hey, doll." Bucky said quietly as soon as he'd seen her eyes open.

Victoria shot up on the couch, almost headbutting Steve on the way up. Thankfully, he moved just in time. She rushed to Bucky's side, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking his hand into hers. "You're awake! How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Are you comfortable?" She started to ramble, but Bucky cut her off. He grabbed onto the back of her neck and pulled her in until their lips met for a heated kiss that took both of their breaths away. "I'm fine." He promised.

Victoria put her hands on Bucky's face, just staring at him in absolute awe that he woke up and he was alive.

Bucky patted the spot beside him in bed. "Climb in here, mama." He insisted, making Victoria look at him a little nervously. She didn't want him to hurt himself and she was even more afraid of hurting him. "Buck.. You're healing." She said quietly.

Bucky grunted in pain as he scooted to one side of the bed, leaving a decent spot for Victoria beside him. "Yes I am, and I want you next to me." He insisted. Victoria hesitated for a minute, but Bucky wasn't giving up. "Who's in charge here?" He asked sternly.

Victoria blushed at that, a small smile creeping up on her face. "You and Steve." She answered quietly.

Bucky squeezed the sides of her neck, drawing her attention back to him. "That's right. Now do as I say and climb in here beside me before I ask Steve to beat your ass red." He teased to her.

Steve couldn't even hold the laugh at that. He didn't blame Bucky either. If he was hurt, he'd want to spend every second with Victoria as well. Victoria stood up, staring down at Bucky like she wasn't sure if she should listen, she didn't want to hurt him. "Bed." Steve said sternly, smacking her ass hard.

Victoria let out a squeal, rubbing her sore ass with her hand and glaring at Steve. But she did crawl up in the hospital bed with Bucky. As carefully as she could, she maneuvered until she was curled up against his side and he had his left arm around her. "That's it, mama." He cooed. He couldn't stop himself, knowing their baby was growing in her had him feeling all kinds of new emotions. It had him realizing that he loved her even more than he ever realized he could love anyone.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep like that, surrounded by the warmth and safety of Bucky after being so scared that she'd never see his smile again. The only thing she wanted right then was for Steve to be able to join them, to lay beside her and hold her from behind. But she knew the bed was too small.

Steve pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, his hand on her hip just to feel her close to him. He already couldn't wait for them to go home so they could both have their girl in their arms again.

The Grey - Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now